A question for society - is this bitch too young?

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Active Member
There's a pretty simple formula for deciding if someone is too young for you. 1/2 your age + 7. It works for just about any age. As a 25 year old the youngest person you can go out with and still maintain a socially acceptable front is 19.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I know you dont like me,
Lulz. Don't be so hard onyourself Urca. I liked your cute little owl avatar, but now it's big laser blasting elephant god time. Reminds me of how I thought Britney Spears was quite a cutie 10 years ago but slowly society transformed her


Well-Known Member
lol im not trying to jack this thread, but i just got tired of the owl and wanted to show off my new tattoo


Well-Known Member
URCA I don't mean to differenciate myself from you but.....I've had sex with 30+ women. I know thats not good. I've kissed at least 100 which I know isn't many but to me - it is. Hear me when I tell you, people reach that point in their life where they change at spontaneous moments. Theres no life map, theres no one type of soul. The pain and the suffering she went through as a child, being molested by teachers, and relatives, she had a lot to think about when you were thinking about whats on TV. She didn't get the chance to grow up as a normal happy kid, and the drugs make her happy now. But shes on a destructive path with pills, and she doesnt need that to be happy. And my feelings towards her well being are strong enough to recognize that I can fix it. The secret service called me the "master craftsmen." I can fix anything and the challenge to show her happiness in life and all its beauty is appealing to me beyond my feelings for her. I guess you could say its the project of a lifetime to help out (oh god I never thought I would say these words) my soul mate. Or at least a soul that is begging for my attention. I want to at least see the best I can do for her. I dont want such a beautiful person with such a beautiful mind to suffer her entire life. I don't want that life to go away, the joy she emits spreads all over. It really is a sight to see.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be fucking with her at all lol.Shes way to young and all you need is for a fight to happen and you'll have this bitch saying you were giving her E and fucking her.She might look older but her mind is still young.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of telling you the number of girls is because I've had to understand each and every one of those girls, to know what to do right. I have studied a lot of minds and I have an eye for detail. I wish she was 5 years older and the same exact soul but thats wishful thinking and I'm a realist.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be fucking with her at all lol.Shes way to young and all you need is for a fight to happen and you'll have this bitch saying you were giving her E and fucking her.She might look older but her mind is still young.
I've been waiting for a fight. she just doesnt have it in her.


Well-Known Member
I guess during a break up you really need a time out and not to embrace with the girl of your dreams, with what seems like a typo on her birthdate.

Fuck I guess I'm close enough to WV, might as well make her my sister and go at it.


Well-Known Member
i have 3 words for thise whole damn thread: Move To Canada.

Legal age = 16 here. sweet, sweet 16 ;)

16 year olds dig 25 year old dudes.... all the rich girls have older boyfriends....

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Uh well, what do you expect from a Marylander?


Seriously man, I wouldn't mess with her. She's too young and it could end up bad for you.


Well-Known Member
lol dude, One of my friends got charged and had to go to court because he was having "sexual relations" with a girl underage. He was 19 at the time and she was 15. Her parents were the one who forced to press charges. He had to go to court and everything but the judge thought it was ridiculous and threw out the case. So just a hint of advice, stay on her parents good side. :bigjoint:
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