?A Place to get glass pipes fixed?


Well-Known Member
i have a pipe that ive owned now for about 10 years and i just cant let it go, i used it so much it made the part you pack the bowl into brittle and where the hole is busted to about the size of a pea. so for now i have a screen in it but it sucks with a screen. i cant find another bowl like it and just wanted to know if there are people companies that do this.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what sort of screen you are using, but I assume it is a copper screen. Have you tried glass screens? You can find really big glass screens that could screen a pea sized hole and it would be glass and not all metally.


Well-Known Member
yea there star shaped screens. thats a good idea, i just wanted to see if it was possible to fix. ide rather fix it then buy a new bowl.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could take up glass blowing as a hobby with the goal to replicate your old bowl? I'm sure you could find a glass blowing class somewhere near you if you live in a major urban area.