A couple problems, pics inside.


Been using Organocide to cure it, but not sure if it's working.

Temps range from 89-100
Using Cal Mag, Roots Excelurator, Liquid Karma, & Pure Blend Pro Grow.
Watering 200-300 ml per day in a 3 gallon pot.

These are my Vegging. My Flowering room is starting to get signs of similiar damage but the temp is always a perfect 86 degrees in there, and those I give also 200-300ml per day with Cal Mag, Roots Excel., Sensizym, liquid karma, bat guano, pirahna, sugar daddy and pure blend pro bloom at about 1500 tds @ week 4.

Any help would be very appreciated.


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Overfeeding with N, thus producing nute burn.

I'm sure you've noticed that your leaves, seem very dark green, thick, maybe even leathery and very heavy, thus producing the droopy tips. This is due to high N.

You definitly need to lower your nute concentration, maybe even flush. It seems you've stumbled upon a strain that can't handle alot of nutes.

PS: Here's a useful tip: it's not the amount of leaves or height of a plant that determines how much food it can take without being burned, it's the stem's thinckness that is a real indicator.

PPS: Don't let the temp go over 86. Some strains can't handle it.


Well-Known Member
89-100° temp?? waaayyy too hot. you should be aiming for 70-75°. 80-85° at the most i would say.


I know guys, sorry :(I started this extra room just for vegging/cloning and I dont have a good set up like my flowering room which stays steadily at 86 degrees.Alright guys thanks, I will definitely lower the TDS.Like i said the temps are from 89-100 and im surprised that these babies are surviving, so I was giving the 3gallon pots 300ml and the 1 gal pots 200 ml once every 24-36 hours since the high temps dry out the soil faster.Thanks guys, you make me feel so much better now that I know it's most likely not a pest problem.My flowering plants on the other hand I noticed 1 plant on the very top has a couple leaves that are starting to get scattered YELLOW dots. My buddies started off like this and damn near ruined the whole batch. Are those yellow dots indeed pests? I'll post pics later to clarify.Thanks guys and thank you rollitup!


Active Member
A 80 to 100 degrees...watering every day...nute burn(too much of everything)Tone it down a bit.See if you can get your temps between 70 and 80 degrees.


Well-Known Member
They don't need water every day. Looks like you're foliar feeding, too? You're drowning them =x

Let the soil dry COMPLETELY between waterings. Give them 2/3 of a cup every 2-4 days.


Happy to report that the damage has slowed down/stopped.
Yesterday i went into the vegging room and all the leafs were droppy so I knew they were ready to be watered.
Fed the 3gal pots about 180ml of pure 6.5ph water and I gave the 1gal pots probably around 120-140ml.
10 minutes later all the leafs were up and perky :)
Unfortunetely these babies will have to suffer in the 89-100 temp ranges but they are definitely still thriving and healthy.
Each one of these is about 18 inches tall with out 20 clones available per plant :)

Also, the reason the leafs were wet is because I started this new Einstein neem oil + coco wet system to prevent pest.
Also guys, my flowering room is at the beginning of week 5, is it ok to add molasses at this stage? (i heard they get the fattest at around week 6 and everyone swears by molasses).

Thanks guys, i'll keep ya updated.

BTW, I was told by the shop that this strain is Master Bubba Kush.


Wow, 2 tbs/gallon?? So 6 teaspoons per gallon?? I've read of people using 1-2 teaspoons per gallon. I have the grandmas unsulphured.

Also, so far I have watered them 2-3 times with only 6.5ph water. Maybe I should have still given them some nutrients cuz now they seem a little worse? Im thinking about starting the nutrients at half strength on their next watering which is probably tonight and introducing the molasses into it.

This is the most messed up one. This one is only in a 1 gallon pot because I tried to cram in as many as i could. This one is as tall as the ones in the 3gal pots, can this be happening because the plant is too tall for the pot ??

Then this one started acting up. You can see it's not really turning yellow, just kind of shriveling up, is this a pest problem ? :

Then there's this one:

This is pretty much my setup. Do you guys think I should trim off the bottom branches since they're not getting much light at all?? Im at week 5, is it too late ?



yeah, 2 tablespoons per gallon is ok.

That still looks like nute burn.
Cool thanks. Does it look like a flush is needed, or just give it low TDS 500-700 instead of the 1500-1700 i was giving it?Also, should i trim off the bottom branches which arent really going to produce much in hopes that the tops get fatter? Cuz as of right now, the tops dont really seem as plump as they should be. I am at day 2 of week 6 right now.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Not a bad idea to flush.

1500-1700 was alot, that's what you give one of those 6-8 feet sized ones or to really sturdy indicas like white rhino. Keep it at 1000-1200 max and it should be ok.

Cutting off 2, maybe 3 pairs of branches will make your plant grow higher and produce bigger buds, so go for it.


Well-Known Member
Blackstrap molasses is BEST, grandmaws works fine too
really you just need 1 table spoon in 1 gal of water or with nutes 1 time a week.
happy Growin