A Bagseed Journal


Well-Known Member
Alrighty..I'm not as shaded out about doing one of these, so here it goes.

I started germinating on....the 6th of January...one sprouted above soil on the 9th..one on the 11th, and one on the 12th. My soil is Miracle Grow Organic Choice...which, by the way, always has gnats in it, even after I baked it for a day and some. So I put sand on top because I hear this stops their reproduction. I'm using blood and bone meal as nutes. Umm...400w HPS only...plan to get a few cfls to flower a male elsewhere if I find the traits that I like on a plant and it turns out to be a male. That's it! I think
I'm open to comments, suggestions, criticisms..etc..

Oh yes, I like to name my plants, so we'll go with Blinky Pink Inky and Clyde..for now.

I'll be back later with pictures.


Well-Known Member
Day 12, 10, and 7 (January 21st)

I'm hoping that Blinky, my bigger one, is a female She has nice tight node spacing, is crystally, and has that nice skunk smell already, we'll see how that goes, if it's a male, I'm stealing it's pollen. Pinky's growth rate is rather slow, longer node spacing, no stank...maybe I shocked it at birth. Annnd...Inky is a mutant, but I like mutants...really, I'm pretty sure it just got microscopic toppings by clumsy fingers during planting...oops.

here's some pictures - 1&2-Blinky, 3&4-Pinky, 5-Inky



Well-Known Member
Day 16 (January 25th, today!)

Pinky and Inky are growing rather slow...I know Inky's mutant ass excuse, but Iunno about Pinky..defnitely not one I want to breed if that is it's growth rather, node spacing, etc. Blinky's truttin' along like a champ still.

Pictures! - 1,2&3-Blinky/ 4&5-Inky



Well-Known Member
Day 16 (January 25th)

Forgot about Pinky.. the sand/soil looks all nasty because when I water, the sand goes down and mixes with the soil...looks like I'ma water as little as possible.




Well-Known Member
Day 17 (January 26th)

So, we have a new sprout today...though it did not emerge from it's seed case, hopefully it does good....I will call this one Clyde.

Pictures! - 1&2-Blinky, look at them nodes!/ 3&4-Inky, also with nice spacing..though it's still super small.



Well-Known Member
Day 17 (January 26th)

Here's Pinky and the newest, Clyde...wonder if it'll strip for me or not.

1&2-Pinky, gettin' some internode growth/3&4- the best I could get of Clyde before my camera ran out of batteries.



Well-Known Member
Day 18 (January 27th)

So we have yet another new sprout today...this one will be named Zulu.
Umm...Clyde shed its shell today, so no more worries on that. And let me tell you all how sand fackin' sucks when you water your plants.

Enjoy! - 1&2-Blinky./3&4-Pinky./5&6-Inky./7-Clyde./8&9-Zulu! (I didn't realize you could put more than 5 attachments on until now)



Well-Known Member
I'll be watching too. GL.
Thank you! the more the better.

On another note, I've noticed my plants drooping a bit, and I know my pH is quite alright because my waters a blood meal tea. And I have only watered them twice in their lives. So, only one problem left...winter time, next to a window, no heater. So I want to change my photoperiod from 18/4 to 24/0...is this okay? It's the only way I can really keep the temps up..and when it's on, the temp is always 75-76, so I like that.


Well-Known Member
i got some young sprouts on 24/0 too, seems to be okay. i also noticed my young'ens didn't like it too cold so i have a small heater in the same room as them. looking good so far mp.


Well-Known Member
i got some young sprouts on 24/0 too, seems to be okay. i also noticed my young'ens didn't like it too cold so i have a small heater in the same room as them. looking good so far mp.
yeah, it does appear that the seedlings like the 24hour light..or just that they're nice and warm at ..night?..my night at least. Thank you MK.
Day 19 (January 28th)
Ummmm...I'ma just picture it. hah.

1,2&3-Blinky, Day 19, doing great as always./4,5&6-Pinky, Day 15, lookin' male as always./7&8-Inky, Day 13, doing better than at sprout, seems to me like it's shock is all done with, time to grow like a nut with that crazy topping./9&10-Clyde, Day 2, doing well./11&12-Zulu, Day 1, free of the seed. I'm really surprised I can add that many attachments..Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Day 19 (January 28th [12 hours later])

I got bored. Decided to get some practice with my camera hands.

1 - This is one of Blinkys leaves' leafletts...(wha?) but umm...for those of you who don't have such good cameras, or just don't have macro for those nice close ups, this was taken with the lenses to some convenient store-bought reading glasses. Just popped 'em out, put one on top of the other, zoomed in a little with the camera, focused, and BAM! macro quality shots..kind of.
2 - This was a very rare occurance for me..flash while under HPS lighting...odd. but neat.
3 - This one just looks like there's a bunch of plants on a wall..to me..I'm booted though.

Well, Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Day 20 (January 29th)

Here's some pictures!

1,2&3 - Blinky, lookin' wonderful as always, smellin' wonderful as always, don't be a man.
4,5&6 - Pinky, lookin' manly as always. But it is looking more bushy and less droopy, so I'm happy.
7,8&9 - Inky, defintely recovered from it's early topping. I do love the weird ones.
10&11 - Clyde, ...is that new growth I see? I do believe it is.
12 - Zulu, looks like this ones gonna be Indica, excellent.



Well-Known Member
Day 21 (January 30th)

Taking so many pictures at once kills batteries, so, untill I get some rechargables, not as many pictures..sorry guys. I'll still do it daily, though.

1&2 - Blinky - Gave them some more fans blowin' around on them, gettin' nice and perky.
3&4 - Pinky - Same as Blinky...but leggy:evil:
5&6 - Inky - If it weren't topped so early, it'd be leggy, too:-?
7 - Clyde - New growth getting more defined...gonna flower everybody in 9-10 days...hopefully Clyde'll get caught up.
8 - Zulu - Same diznit as Clyde, this one looks more Indica though, so I'm not concerned about it catching up. I think I see new growth now that I look at it. Enjoy!

