9 dynamite clones led


Active Member
yeah i was really nervous about led because its still new and kinda controversial but seems to work so far, we will see how well they flower now. fyi that is two led panels running about 500w from the wall, just like everyone else their claimed wattage is a 300w model and a 450w model, it appears to be true though they are more efficient than hid per watt. check out high times article that just came out called "why leds no longer suck" its an okay article but at the same time the only company they cover in the article are over priced stealth grow's led line awesome lights but they are making a huge profit compared to cost.


Active Member
yeah LED's will end up taking over bulbs at some point imo, lower power, lower heat, however yeah more cost at the moment but considering if you guy good quality that can last a good 4 - 5 year in fact most should have a 3 year warranty if they mean that they stuff is good. also that is the problem with high times magazine although it can be a good read its quite profit based clearly as you say trying to boost this companies rep etc.


Active Member
yup, another thing to look for is. is the warranty transferable? advanced led for example if your not the original registered owner your warranty is void. i found this out because i found one used on craigslist and the guy was claiming there was 2 years left on the warranty. i called advanced led and they told me about the warranty themselves. i did some shopping and bought a brand that had their warranty attached to the serial # of the light, and they were new too! i just wish led's foot prints were not so small. i bet if manufacturers start making slightly rounded models in stead of flat panels it could get a better spread in a tent.


Active Member
also what about adding a couple max wattage cfl's to the corners to make the core coverage of led's area a little bigger? i feel just a few areas on the edges will be just short on light once these ladies get a little bigger. the other thing i was considering buying the lowest wattage hps i could find as a little boost. the article in the "times" was claiming that was the best way. but for 1/2 the price i can put 4 cfls on the corners of the tent and i feel could be just as effective if not better. any thoughts? any one tried this yet?


Active Member
things are going well! the plants have formed flowers and take up most of the tent. better pics soon. in the begging made a castings tea and have foliar fed with purple max and snow storm ultra 2x over the last 2 weeds and fed botincare once at half strength. im begging to wonder if i have a magnesium deficiency it seems like it might be showing some faint signs. also, it seems i have a light phosphorus deficiency as well, some leave at the bottom of the plants a dying but i think a lot of that is because there is no light there. the canopy is very thick and perfectly healthy.IMG_0268.jpgIMG_0262.jpgIMG_0263.jpgIMG_0264.jpgIMG_0265.jpgIMG_0266.jpgIMG_0267.jpg


Active Member
thats a mini field going on in there. looking great though definitely grown a lot how far into 12/12? i will be flipping mine soon too


Active Member
the flowers started a week ago, 12/12 flipped about 2 weeks ago. after the switch the very next day there was the biggest growth spurt so far. the cola branches shot up over night which was a blessing i think because it allowed more penetration because everything stretched out. my lights are also raised all the way. so,e plants are around 3' above the pots. i was going to buy a light mover but my dog got a staff infection and the vet bill was $300 so now im slowly moving the lights through out the day because i just barely out grew my foot print


Active Member
so after the last few days i have been watching sweet leaf from group 2 burn where it is closest to the light, thought it was because of the purple max but now i'm not sure. problem wasn't going away on its own so i decided to flush with water at about 5.5 and ph test the run off. i swear it must have been at least 8.0!!!!!!!!! i think its due to the last feed, i was having a hard time ph testing the water because the bat guano made it so gray it was hard to get a feel for what the ph was with the 2 nutes, it seemed alkaline so i added some ph down but obviously not enough. i hope this solves some problems. i have had fan leaves from the bottom curling up and dying at the bottom of the plant (there is not enough light because the canopy takes most of it, im willing to bet this was significantly adding to the problem i flushed its healthy neighbor and found that the ph was not as high but still around 7! considering the water i was flushing with is at around 5-5.5 ph before im willing to bet the ph on these plants is through the roof!!!! im glad caught this now and before real chaos developed.


Active Member
question in my situation i used all my de-chlorinated water flushing just two, should i wait for more to de-chlorinate or just do it now???? i imagine i will have to fill my resavor a third time before all are flushed becuase i have 9-5 gallon pots. right now im flushing until about a gallon as drained from the dirt pot.


Active Member
went to eco grow's 40th anniversary sale and got a bunch of free stuff!!(pictured) fed pure blend Thursday at ten ml per gallon. today fed with .5 ml/gal sea green (microorganisms that eat salt etc.) .25ml/ gallon flora nectar and around 1ml per gallon calimagic(the first 4 plants unintentionally got a more concentrated solution but still under the recommended amount by far)IMG_0281.jpgIMG_0275.jpgIMG_0276.jpgIMG_0277.jpgIMG_0278.jpgIMG_0279.jpgIMG_0280.jpg peace!:joint:


Active Member
added a handful of earthworm castings to about a gallon and 1/2 to the left over calimag and flora nectar solution. watered the smaller center plant today because it drinks and dries slower seems like my plants might be a little light on nitro considering they get next to none. spread the left over solution across the rest of the plants. im not sure if i have a N def or enough penetration to the bottoms of the plant. it hindsight i would lolipoped 4 inches higher and removed more side branches. oh well things are going over all well and a feel like im on the home stretch as the hairs are starting to change to orange.


Active Member
added 15ml crystal burst and 15 ml snow storm ultra to the plants on the outside because they dry faster. will water the rest in the next day or 2. getting down to the last couple feeds maybe once or twice more before harvest