9/7 repub debate thread


New Member
The establishment...corporate cronnies and conmen...whomever 'they' might be...They don't want YOU to vote for Ron Paul, this is clear to me.


Well-Known Member
please explain why Paul said he is for doing away with the min wage... I can see Mississippi making it 6.00 dollars an hour


New Member
so you cool with people working for 5 dollars an hour
5 dollars an hour with no federal taxes maybe walmart or a huge corporation would do that but Id go work for a small business, one of the many small businesses opportunities that would be created by less federal involvement and taxes on the people Like say maybe a medical marijuana business.


Well-Known Member
Id have to disagree....he does have a monopoly on liberty amongst the candidates....amongst all of congress even.Ron Paul is the father of the liberty movement. I am also very free, like I said its a very important part of your health to live free and without fear, are you saying you don't think I place importance on my health? Childish insults, why am I not surprised?
you can't be accusing people of childish insults while slamming them for not being in lockstep with the cranky old geezer that you say has a monopoly on liberty.


Well-Known Member
making 200 dollars a week even without taxes puts you below poverty...Ron Paul needs to think before he says shit like that and for people to actually defend that one is just as crazy...We have a min. wage for a reason.. thinking about doing away with it is insane..


Well-Known Member
Look at the poll on that article lol

Who is the real front runner?

Mitt Romney 10.33% (2,894 votes)

Rick Perry 13.12% (3,675 votes)

Michele Bachmann 3.31% (927 votes)

Ron Paul 73.25% (20,525 votes)

Total Votes: 28,021

ron paul worshippers are good at flooding polls.

we'll see this reflected as he gets no 'bump' in the coming days, despite the fact that some people (his cultish followers) think he cleaned up in that debate.


New Member
you can't be accusing people of childish insults while slamming them for not being in lockstep with the cranky old geezer that you say has a monopoly on liberty.
but you can criticize someone for accusing someone of childish insults with a childish insult...Are we making up the rules as we go, is this junior high?


Well-Known Member
but you can criticize someone for accusing someone of childish insults with a childish insult...Are we making up the rules as we go, is this junior high?
cranky old geezer is not an insult, it is an accurate description of the old turtle fucker.


New Member
Ok now your talking about fucking turtles, dude your totally winning, your one of them dude, your one of the cool kids, your in their club. How does it feel? *BRO FIST POUND*


Well-Known Member
That would almost make sense, assuming your assertion is true - except that inflation is not a problem ATM.

Also, the minimum wage has little to no effect on employment so removing the minimum wage wouldn't really help much on the jobs front either.
what it would mean is that the people I pay 10 -11 dollars to I could now lower that shit and put more money in my pocket or even better hire two for the price of one..cheap cheap labor...CRAZZZZYYYYY


Well-Known Member
Ok now your talking about fucking turtles, dude your totally winning, your one of them dude, your one of the cool kids, your in their club. How does it feel? *BRO FIST POUND*
try some simple sugars, they help a hangover.

and don't try to pigeonhole me because i abhor the man you worship. deal with the fact that he has said and written some very nasty things that are anathema to a social liberal like myself.


Well-Known Member
Ron Pauls ideas are dangerous...Nothing against the old guy but has anyone check to assure that he is mentally all there