9/11 Was An Inside Job


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]So our government decides to send some troops to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and some other middle eastern countries. They said that on 9/11/2001 our country was attacked by an Islamic extremist group called Al Qaeda that is based on some mountains in Afghanistan and led by some guy with a beard named Osama Bin Laden. So far most Americans have taken this to be true and have let the government get WAAAY to much power over it's people with fear of terrorism.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Lets take a second to look at some interesting facts. Remember the first time the world trade center had a plane fly into it? Well after that our government got kind of cautious and obviously anticipated another such thing happening. Ok now back to 9/11/2001 the US Airforce bases on the east coast were having a giant war game. The scenario was what would we do if a plane crashed into a major business and commercial building such as the World Trade Center. Ok, so now we are a few hours into the war games and boom the first plane hits a tower! Communications at this point become blocked for most places for up to an hour. While we have out entire military aircraft fleet in a frenzy trying to figure out if this is part of a fake war game more planes start crashing meeting no resistance from our military. So yea it could have been a handful of religious extremist with some box cutters taking over some planes and crashing it into buildings which some how defy physics and crumble in a way more characteristic to a demolition then a plane bombing or it could have been some very strategic planning to get the people of our country in a frenzy.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Lets take a look at the world trade center or at least the 3 buildings destroyed on 9/11. So we have the two big towers they pancake downward a while after the planes crash into the buildings with an explosion similar to that of demolition explosives, traces of which were found in the ruble and where so abundant that the exact brand of explosive could be identified. Now for all 3 of the buildings pools of molten iron was found in the bottom on the buildings along with sharp girders that were cut at the same angle used by demolition teams to destroy buildings with thermite which trace compounds of this were also found. Basically these buildings were obviously demolished and not destroyed by the force of a plane crashing into it or the force of the explosion from the jet fuel igniting.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Ok lets look at what this has resulted in today. The Patriot Act is basically one gigantic amendment to the constitution that takes away our right of privacy and makes torture legal. Under this act the government can come into your house and take your computers, cameras, music players, basically anything with digital memory without a warrant. Also you can be held without being told why you are being held for as long as they want to and during this time you can be tortured in ways that our government has decided to be fit.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]More recently there have been workshops for firefighters and paramedics in New York I believe that train them to look for anti-american propaganda and certain books, poster. or other signs of anti patriotic feelings. Because these emergency workers can enter your house without a warrant there is no way that you can be safe from them coming into your house and saying that you are a terrorist. Once they determine that you are anti-american they can detain and torture you![/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I don't know what the next thing our government is going to do to virtually screw us. There is talk of a second internet the is contained in just the US and plans are already taking effect to do the same in the UK. If we don't educate the people of our country of what is really going on then when our military is knocking on their door and holding them hostage then we only have ourselves to blame.[/FONT]


stays relevant.
the 'next thing' our government is doing to screw us is already happening. this train has run out of tracks and we're pretty much fucked already.


Active Member
pandemic is the front for mass extermination more likely,under " quarantine " thats just my educated guess, been reading alota independent news sites for awhile now and u start to recognize patterns, and i did it all on my own, i never liked that alex jones character because i came into conspiracies on a lower level, cancer and naturalnews and such,
regardless what happens, were prettymuch fucked,most of us are too far gone to even care, damn shame really