8th day of floweing PROBLEM!!!


Active Member
This looks like a nute problem, i would flush with fresh water, i had the same problem with mine but after a flush they came back perfect.


Active Member
This looks like a nute problem, i would flush with fresh water, i had the same problem with mine but after a flush they came back perfect.
Well i just flushd it when i started to flower. I added the bloom nutes as directed, but then i added molasses 4 days later. Could that be the problem?


Well-Known Member
What form of mollase did u use? I buy CarbLoad in Liqued form and thats fine. Are u weting the root's to much? I would think adding carbload would help with that prob lol.


Well-Known Member
Whatever the last change you made to the normal way of doing things is probabaly the culprit. Deffinately flush and after start your nute mix with new water.


Active Member
Ok so i figured out what was going on, i had root rot like a mofo. I disinfected the whole system right now, i cut off the infected roots and currently my 4 plants are in a H202 dunk. My question is how long do keep them in there?