85 year old first time cannabis user


Active Member
I'm home for a few weeks due to the holidays and I will be going to visit my grandfather later this week. He is 85 years old, and recently expressed interest in trying marijuana. He is strongly against the idea of smoking it, so I figured I'm going to make some edibles. I am currently pretty broke, and I will probably only have 2 grams. I am extremely inexperienced with edibles, but I am thinking about making some firecrackers. I was wondering if anybody had any insight on the exact amount of grass I should use for each cracker? or perhaps a better recipe for a small amount of cannabis such as this? I wan't to be very cautious with dosing these as I do not wan't his first high to be overwhelming, however I do not wan't it to be underwhelming either. The bud in question will be of a mid to high quality.


Well-Known Member
2 grams of pot isn't nearly enough to cook with in my experience. Unless you make a tea or something.

Gb's vape idea sounds best to me.


Well-Known Member
another thought-get some homo milk..put a gram or so in some cheese cloth or like that and make him a a milk tea. use the cup that you measure the milk.
put in the gram and heat it. slow boil for 15 minutes or so and there you have it. that should last him about 4 hours for relief. tolerance will go up later.
try half the cup and see how he is. if an hour or so later nothing, try the other half
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johny sunset

Well-Known Member
Here's a link for a recipe I just used to make coconut oil canna caps. The recipe call for 3g of bud to make 30 caps. So I'm sure you could make do with the 2g you have.

The bud I used was tested at 11.5%thc so the caps aren't super strong. I take two or 3 to help with pain mgmt. but not get blasted and still be functional. Guess it depends on how strong your starting product is.



Well-Known Member
I agree with OGE. One tenth of a gram is a good place to start and easy to dose in a firecracker. Edibles are considerably stronger than smoking, gram for gram.

Always start low and work your way up. Also I'd recommend give it 2-3 hours or more if you/he decides .1 isn't enough and wants more. Who knows how slow the old fellas metabolism is.


Active Member
Thank's for the informative replies. I would love to be able to bring over a big bag for him, but Christmas really hit me hard this year. I will definitely stick to 1/10th a gram per cracker, he can always eat more but he can't eat less.


Well-Known Member
I just had my wife's 89 y/o father staying with us over Christmas. He's a pretty spry old guy...still farming. He hasn't shown an interest in trying mj, but he is very interested in it's medicinal benefits. His best friend is an old native guy who grows outdoor for a family member's medical needs. We got talking about legalization and he had some interesting stories of the same bs going on with tobacco and booze and who would control and tax, etc. when he was a kid. He is not a fan of Trudeau, or any government, but he said supports him in legalization.


Well-Known Member
My father was in a similar situation. I gave him half of a cookie. He said it didnt do anything for him. He never tried anything of the kind before and i remember the first time i smoked.... i didnt get anything from it. So the next day i had him try the other half of the cookie and...he didnt stop laughing for two hours.

I think sometimes the body just doesnt recognize the intake of a completely foriegn substance. So it doesnt react. Second time is a charm....