80% Vodka Tincture (tried and true from kuff)


Well-Known Member
Hello, I have been using mine and my friends' kuff for the last year to make monthly tincture batches. I usually vape from 333F to 398F and save the rest for tincture making, but my friends love their dynavapes and sticky bricks :D so definitely closer to 420F+ is also mixed in. Well I have made many batches and usually my friends are scared to try it after their previous experiences :D :D :D but this time I decided to try and infuse it with peppermint from the garden.

I gather kuff from my friends then stick it in a soup jar in the freezer. When the 80% vodka and the kuff have superchilled overnight I pour in the vodka.
I never shake it as some people do because I find that trichomes stick everywhere except the alcohol so I stir/mix with a spoon to keep it neat.
I use about 40g's of kuff (so it's already decarbed) to a half liter of 80% vodka. I mixed in about 5g's of peppermint this time which is going to be interesting and I'll report the difference when it finishes. It's been brewing for 2 nights so I will post the result on the Sunday after next. Will post pics when I stir tomorrow (nothing really to see but is more interesting thread then haha). This time I threw in 3 g's of some trichy trim as well (no decarb just for a different flavor) for some terpyness, I know it's not utilizing the thc.


Well-Known Member
High-grade 80% vodka yield from 50cl and now in same jar using 40% vodka and stirring for another week. Then I will combine the two in the bottle and take to a party :hump: :spew::P note that I didn't squeeze the material at all yet, so in next batch still getting potent from last batch. IMG_20200902_131909.jpg

go go kid

Well-Known Member
verry nice, i hadent herd of anything under 95% proof being used. i guess being poler itself the extra 25% water doesn't cause any problems. i prefer 100% absolute alcahol as i can get it real easy


Well-Known Member
verry nice, i hadent herd of anything under 95% proof being used. i guess being poler itself the extra 25% water doesn't cause any problems. i prefer 100% absolute alcahol as i can get it real easy
Yea well hard to get where I live as hard alcohol controls. If I could get it by suitcase from the US I'd have brought everclear.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
im a partner in a buisness and we can get it for our buisness and just about any chemical and solvents


Well-Known Member
Nice. So you have to become a "Shiner" now to. Isn't alcohol banned in most Arctic locations?


Well-Known Member
I used a double boiler method and heated the second run. Now the whole drink tastes of a Jager roster or herbal öiquor with that peppermint. This drink rocks and works.