8 cannabutter cookies


Well-Known Member
well i just had my first harvest, into day 3 of drying and i need to make 8 cannabis cookies, 1 per person
my question is how much needs to go into the mix for 8 potent cookies(making canabutter to add to the mix, not just throwing straight in haha), and these cookies are going to light smokers with not all that much tolerence, but i want them to last like a good 4 hours of feelin it good

i got a fair bit of trim (use the 375ml coke cans for scale in the pic)
and in the main bud cupboard their a few nugs i plan on including aswell just because they are really loose

so judging on the amount of trim ive got their (all the stuff on the white board and silver strainer, including those little buds)
how much more actual BUD do you rekon i need to add into my cookies so it makes 8 potent cookies?

let me know if you need any more info



Well-Known Member
come on ffs, i know the cooking section goes slow, but ive had a fair few veiws and all i wanna know is a simple ratio, i.e how much trim to make a decent cookie or somthing along those lines
i had saved (before computer got wiped) a post stating somthing like "7g of trim = 1g of bud" and shit like that and "1g of bud per cookie is enough"

come on, ill be handin out +rep for answers, and ive got sum decent points to give please try n answer my questions ^^


Well-Known Member
how about you make enough 1 stick of bud butter then make a package of cookie mix then you will have like 20 cookies. Ok now your pics show a little piece of bud and some dried fan leaves. DO NOT USE FAN LEAVES it has no thc and just makes it taste like shit. when people say to use trim they mean the little leaves that are covered in trichs around the bud.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about the eight cookies bit cause I make a lb of butter at a time, but to give you an Idea for 1lb of butter I used an ounce of really nice popcorn and a couple grams of bubble hash. I use the butter to make package sugar cookies and then also in the butter cream for topping. I took them down to the coast with me and everyone liked them from occasional stoner to me. I started everybody out on half cookies and a full one would put me on my ass especially if I smoked with it. So I'm thinking if you 1/4'd the recipe and left out the hash you'd want at minimum 1/4 of really good popcorn per 1 stick of butter of butter used. Also I like to cure my popcorn to get a better taste with the butter. I got pics of the cookies in my link in my sig.


Well-Known Member
ak grown, there arent any fan leaves in theyre, they are liek secondry or 3rd fan leaves, most of them came out of the bud, i just snipped em ryt down at the stem so they do look like fans

teejay cheers ratio's man

anyone else got a ratio liek that except with trim?


Well-Known Member
kk, the cookie recipe ive got calls for 80g of butter which is 1/3cup and thats to make 8
my plan is
1. put a large pot on the stove filled with water
2. get a smaller jar that has a rubber seal and latch and put it in the ig pot full of water(so it dont stink up the place) and in that ill be putting my butter and MJ, if the butter isnt enough to really cover all the plant matter, ill add water so its all good, then just let it cool and get the butter off it
3. i got a cookie mix thing, all i need to add is 80g of butter and an egg, then cook at 180 degrees celcius

any tips n shit like that??? anything completely fucked up about my plan which will result in failure???? i need sum feedback quick, its thursday nyt atm and i will be doing it saturday morning.


Well-Known Member
If you can find a crock pot you'd be better off (Not sure if they call it the same thing in Australia). I use a crock pot and add my water, butter, and weed. Cook on high covered till it starts simmering and turn it to low to keep it simmering covered for 4 hours. Then I strain and let the liquid cool off in a pyrex in the fridge then separate the fat from the water. The fat will stay on top. Hope that helps?


Well-Known Member
i plan on doing it for 2 hours, which should be suffice
so no one else has any tips etc, and no i cant get a crock pot sorry
I think the way you're doing it will work. It's pretty much the way I had to do it one morning. (had an hour and a half to make the butter and brownies)

Had a large pot of boiling water, put a smaller pot inside, melted a stick of butter, threw in about 10g of some decent bud, simmered for thirty minutes, strained, and voila.


Well-Known Member
shit went offf people
worked really good
i had 2 and a half cookies, about 15cm diameter coz a couple of people pulled out
and i was in spaceeeeeee, zoned me for 4 - 5 hours
ive now got a bag of plain leaf(not trim) about 20g so i will be making that into a few serves soon :)
Are they fanleaves? I'm not sure if you can really get anything out of fan leaves.
Glad to hear the cookies were a success, though! :D


Well-Known Member
haha doesnt mattter now, sellin 6.5g bud and the bag of leaf for 100 to a mate haha

finally got the weight of my first harvest, 28g :D got an ounce, fucking happy