7 flowering 6 veg under 1 400w hps


Well-Known Member
Yo.. so I have 6 strawberry cough going.. 4 of them are at day 17 flowering, the other 2 I flowered after 2 weeks they are on day aobut 15 flowering but are only about 7 inches tall. THe 4 big ones are about almost 30 inches.

I just put my newly germed Super Lemon Haze and 1 LA woman (all fem) into their 2 gallon pots...

My question is will they sprout under my HPS... I put them in my tent with all my other plants... I know a 400w is generally for 4-5 plants. But I just need to keep the newly planted seeds in there until they sprout.. the only problem is my light is about 10-11 inches away from my 30 inch plants so its pretty far and off from the newly planted seeds.. will they still sprout you think??? Or should I try to find another way to hang some CFL's above them. I wish I had another tent for VEG. These are going to have to 18/6 under some cfls for about 30 days...in an open room.. just like my big plants did.

Im hoping I only have to veg for 30 days and they can be around 12 inches tall by then.

what you think?

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
yes they may sprout, you're problem would only be your lights being too close to the seeds. seeds don't need light to germinate just H20