6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
Depends on how you root them, if you root them on a 12/12 cycle with out changing it, then they should continue flowering normally, albeit at a slower pace.

If you cut in flower, then root in non "12/12" then stick them back in 12/12 you are going to have a very confused plant with a much higher chance of hermie, in addition it will still have the funky growth because of the time it spent not on 12/12.
Duh - of course that makes sense! I've never tried that... Rooting must take some time at 12/12 too?


Well-Known Member
24hrs after transplant to soil, im happy...


close ups typical of all

some of the weard growth on flowering clones

one clone has this

overall im happy with progress


Well-Known Member


SIDE SHOT can you see the roots coming out of the return tube?

backed against the washer/drier for size

little closer look, im about to trim fan leaves as canopy is too thick. needs light and air circulation.

another shot



Active Member
Wow, it's been a while since I've stopped by and man can I see the difference. They look really good! Nice and frosty. Have you tried adding Purple Maxx at all ( to try to help out with the puple color?). I've heard good things about it bringing out the purple really well and adding to trichome coverage. Just my 2 cents. How is the smell factor?


Well-Known Member
its truly one of the funnest things iv ever done.
im learning from everyone, provides the cenergy this noob needs.
sending posative karma out to all++++++++++++++


Well-Known Member
here is my new system.
im about a month to 5 weeks from cutting my first run, time to set up some new ladies.
i cleaned out the veg/clone chamber, and set up this system with 6 wild child cuttings that were taken feb the 2nd. they popped roots in 14 days and have been in cloner since. the roots are 2ft long already.

i set this up to pump and drain within the ice chest res. it has a 6 gallon/24leter capacity.

i added a air pump and 12 inch stone in the res for enrichment

i added the same stone to res in tent and is ran from the same pump

pic #1 res showing pump and air stone
#2 shows lights in operational position and a good side profile
#3 lights raised to give better overall view
#4 plant size
#5 air pump and timer


i cut a hole and mounted a drier vent in upper right hand side
connected to tent with 4 in flex. now all air is exchanged through the scrubber
this little addition has eliminated what little smell the vegging plants were putting out
007.jpg 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
The plants in soil are doing great!
no problem making the transition from aero clone to soil
ive got to get these guys hardened off so they can go outside


for the time being they will chill between the two aero tubes.
within a week or so ill start the transition to the great outdoors...


Well-Known Member


i had to trim pritty hard the other day as there was way too much folage.
way better air circulation now, and all the ladies are looking good.
buds are growing bigger by the day!!!!



Well-Known Member
Dang man when you say update you don't mess around lol!
Are you going to start a new journal for the outdoors grow or would you continue on this one?. for me the whole indors growing is good but nothing like a bunch of dirty ladies growing outdoors lol!

Great job man!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro!
Things have really come along for you so congrats. You and I both are using Ice Chests for a res, LOL. I'm using one on each of three setups right now, two flooded tube systems using the same fence post you are and one is my veg E&F that's a 2x4 tray. My 3x3 uses a traditional res that came with it @ 35gal.

I'll let you know once I update my thread so you can have a look at what my flower room looks like now after the recent changes.

I'm glad to see some good peeps have stuck around in this thread. Sorry I haven't ben around lately but I've been too busy to try and catch up on everyone's stuff. Finally had some time yesterday and today and I'm almost caught up now.


Active Member
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i had to trim pritty hard the other day as there was way too much folage.
way better air circulation now, and all the ladies are looking good.
buds are growing bigger by the day!!!!
Hey 4tatude! Very Irie grow! I was wondering where u decided to trim on ur girls? The lower portion or did u cut large fan leaves? I'm thinking of a trim also but not sure how much to cut without reducing yield. Props bro very nice progress.


Well-Known Member
Dang man when you say update you don't mess around lol!
Are you going to start a new journal for the outdoors grow or would you continue on this one?. for me the whole indors growing is good but nothing like a bunch of dirty ladies growing outdoors lol!

Great job man!
thanks mel
haha i told ya there were some changes in the works. i figure ill just keep everything here on this journal and kinda mix and match if you will. i think ill enjoy outside too but its a new avenue ive not ventured into. will be kinda harder for me outside as i live in town with neighbors on all sides. working on a plan tho so stay tuned ill figure out something.


Well-Known Member
Damn bro!
Things have really come along for you so congrats. You and I both are using Ice Chests for a res, LOL. I'm using one on each of three setups right now, two flooded tube systems using the same fence post you are and one is my veg E&F that's a 2x4 tray. My 3x3 uses a traditional res that came with it @ 35gal.

I'll let you know once I update my thread so you can have a look at what my flower room looks like now after the recent changes.

I'm glad to see some good peeps have stuck around in this thread. Sorry I haven't ben around lately but I've been too busy to try and catch up on everyone's stuff. Finally had some time yesterday and today and I'm almost caught up now.
man i thought you had pulled a hudini, glad to se ya bro. everything here is great! hope things there settle down for ya.
yea the coolers are the shit as far as im concerned, they work great!! looking forward to your new set up i imagine you got most of the bugs worked out of it by now.
35 gal is a lot but im sure it keeps balance better than a small res.
my flowering tent has a 8gal capacity and they drink a gallon a day, so managable. im lucky the ph and ppms are dialed in and very stable. i add 3 gallons mid week and just a taste of nutes, and do a full change on the 7th day. seems to work and all is happy.
pm me when your update is up i want to see..................later