600 Watter... Afghanis with Headbands


Active Member
I dunno bud is bud to me. Last harvest I had close to a half oz of trim so I bought 3 1/4s of some decent mids and made butter. Great night time sleep pill as I like to call it haha.

hmm gives me a reason to take advantage some deals at the clinics, nice tip


Well-Known Member
ya man no problem. I have real bad sleep troubles without mj. I can't go more than an hour without waking up and rolling over and getting "comfortable" and then going back to sleep for 45 minutes. I can eat a cookie 30 minutes before bed and sleep the whole night through without waking up once.



Active Member
ya man no problem. I have real bad sleep troubles without mj. I can't go more than an hour without waking up and rolling over and getting "comfortable" and then going back to sleep for 45 minutes. I can eat a cookie 30 minutes before bed and sleep the whole night through without waking up once.

wow you made me realize ive been doing it all wrong with my sleep problems, maybe not as severe but im constantly having to remedicate during the night. ive gotten very mad if i get woken up thinking, "damnit i just used up the last of my medicine." most of the edibles i tried at the clinics sucked. took forever to feel anything if any until i realized i was just getting taken. so i had only bad referances to edibles...until i tried one sugar cookie that was very good, ate one in line (i felt like i was in a "got milk" commercial, the cookie reaked like bud, i had no idea cause the ones in the past didnt smell strong) before i got onto a 6 hour flight, too sedated to respond to stewardess when she asked me "what would you like to drink sir?" guess its stays in your system much longer. also a good method to help quit smoking.


Active Member
So my last update was actually week 4 not 5, guess i was thinking in the future too much. I feel like im in the 4th quarter, where the games are won or lost. so the next few weeks will be crucial. mistaking thinking it was 5th week when it was 4th kinda threw a kink in my original two week flush plan. im debating between cutting back a week of boosters and nutes and sticking with 2 week flush vs. shortening flush period to a week but using Final Phase. i was planning to use just water for flush simply cause Final Phase just looks like something i would put in my engine.

ugh..cant upload pics, anyone else having this problem? RUI seems to been havin a lot of errors lately? or is it just my pc?


Well-Known Member
wow you made me realize ive been doing it all wrong with my sleep problems, maybe not as severe but im constantly having to remedicate during the night. ive gotten very mad if i get woken up thinking, "damnit i just used up the last of my medicine." most of the edibles i tried at the clinics sucked. took forever to feel anything if any until i realized i was just getting taken. so i had only bad referances to edibles...until i tried one sugar cookie that was very good, ate one in line (i felt like i was in a "got milk" commercial, the cookie reaked like bud, i had no idea cause the ones in the past didnt smell strong) before i got onto a 6 hour flight, too sedated to respond to stewardess when she asked me "what would you like to drink sir?" guess its stays in your system much longer. also a good method to help quit smoking.
The thing about edibles is it takes a lot longer to hit you and it hits you in a different way. Make your own mayne don't support someone else. Making butter is fairly simple if you have patience. General rule of thumb is one stick of butter to every oz of trim/bud/whatever you have. I like to put atleast a stick and a half for an oz cause you find that a lil butter melts during the cooking process. You also add a couple cups of water to the pot as well to make sure your not cooking your butter out. Now comes the fun part. Once the butter is melted in the pot and mixed with the water its time to add your bud. Grind every bit of it up a bud grinder works ok but a coffee grinder is what you really want. Dump all your bud material in the butter. Crank the heat to full blast until you see a rapid boil going. Let it boil for lets say ohhhhh 3 minutes. After the three minutes turn it all the down as low as it goes put a lid on the pan and let sit. Stir every once in a while. You should let the mix simmer for about 4-5 hours turning the heat up to full blast for 2-3 minutes once every hour and then back to simmer. AFter the cook its time to strain your butter. WEAR THICK GLOVES long sleeves and pants this shit is HOT!!!!!! I forgot to tell you that an important product is needed CHEESE CLOTH. You can find this at your local fabric store for cheap cheap. It looks like a HUGE roll of gauze pad. Double it up over the lid of a fairly deep plastic contanier. Pour butter/water mix over cheese cloth. With your gloves on lightly squeeze the cheese cloth. Squeezing to hard will make your edibles taste a bit to much like plant matter. Your naturally gonna lose some butter in this step but its better than your edibles tasting like straight plant. (I've made this mistake DON'T do it it makes the cookies bitter and not good). Let the mix cool over night in your fridge. Once cooled and hardned you will be able to see the butter. Carefully scoop it out of the water. Freeze for a couple hours and then use like you would use regular butter. You can put it on toast or bake with it. Its really up to you what you do with it.


So my last update was actually week 4 not 5, guess i was thinking in the future too much. I feel like im in the 4th quarter, where the games are won or lost. so the next few weeks will be crucial. mistaking thinking it was 5th week when it was 4th kinda threw a kink in my original two week flush plan. im debating between cutting back a week of boosters and nutes and sticking with 2 week flush vs. shortening flush period to a week but using Final Phase. i was planning to use just water for flush simply cause Final Phase just looks like something i would put in my engine.

ugh..cant upload pics, anyone else having this problem? RUI seems to been havin a lot of errors lately? or is it just my pc?
Ya RIU has been messing up very bad here lately. It looks like I'm about a week behind you in flowering. My big girl just hit three weeks flowering today and the small girl just hit two weeks flowering. I'm hoping my smaller girl (from seed) doesn't outstretch the clone. It more than likely will cause the clone hasn't stretched very much at all. I'll just have to tie the seed girl down more haha.



Active Member
The thing about edibles is it takes a lot longer to hit you and it hits you in a different way. Make your own mayne don't support someone else. Making butter is fairly simple if you have patience. General rule of thumb is one stick of butter to every oz of trim/bud/whatever you have. I like to put atleast a stick and a half for an oz cause you find that a lil butter melts during the cooking process. You also add a couple cups of water to the pot as well to make sure your not cooking your butter out. Now comes the fun part. Once the butter is melted in the pot and mixed with the water its time to add your bud. Grind every bit of it up a bud grinder works ok but a coffee grinder is what you really want. Dump all your bud material in the butter. Crank the heat to full blast until you see a rapid boil going. Let it boil for lets say ohhhhh 3 minutes. After the three minutes turn it all the down as low as it goes put a lid on the pan and let sit. Stir every once in a while. You should let the mix simmer for about 4-5 hours turning the heat up to full blast for 2-3 minutes once every hour and then back to simmer. AFter the cook its time to strain your butter. WEAR THICK GLOVES long sleeves and pants this shit is HOT!!!!!! I forgot to tell you that an important product is needed CHEESE CLOTH. You can find this at your local fabric store for cheap cheap. It looks like a HUGE roll of gauze pad. Double it up over the lid of a fairly deep plastic contanier. Pour butter/water mix over cheese cloth. With your gloves on lightly squeeze the cheese cloth. Squeezing to hard will make your edibles taste a bit to much like plant matter. Your naturally gonna lose some butter in this step but its better than your edibles tasting like straight plant. (I've made this mistake DON'T do it it makes the cookies bitter and not good). Let the mix cool over night in your fridge. Once cooled and hardned you will be able to see the butter. Carefully scoop it out of the water. Freeze for a couple hours and then use like you would use regular butter. You can put it on toast or bake with it. Its really up to you what you do with it.


this is awsome. i totally screwed up last time. no water, i finished the whole thing in 30 min. came out brown haha. im used to just throwing it into a crock pot with butter but dont have one anymore. the water keeps you from burning it huh?


Well-Known Member
Looking nice, yes adding water lets you cook the butter a lot longer with out the butter evaporating. Add about a 1/3 cup of water every hour to the pot just to make sure. This is why you want a plastic container that is fairly deep so you have room to pour your water/butter mix in and it has room to seperate when in the fridge over night.



Active Member
Looking nice, yes adding water lets you cook the butter a lot longer with out the butter evaporating. Add about a 1/3 cup of water every hour to the pot just to make sure. This is why you want a plastic container that is fairly deep so you have room to pour your water/butter mix in and it has room to seperate when in the fridge over night.

cool, i cant wait to try this method out! how much water do you initially put? 2-3 cups per stick of butter? and when you add the 1/3rd cup of water, is that when you turn the heat up to bring to a boil, then back to simmer?


Well-Known Member
sparki- if you go to cooking with cannabis you can find alot of great recipes for butter and the recent one FDD did seems to be a great recipe and uses some stoleys vodka


Well-Known Member
Ya 2-3 cups at first, I normally do it after the boil while on simmer to it cools it for a bit while I'm off playing ncaa 09 for another 30 minutes and probably smoking...... I need to make some more butter. All this talk about cookies is really making me want to make some more butter. Ahhhh I might have to break down next week and buy two ozs of some mids and make some butter.......



Active Member
Ya 2-3 cups at first, I normally do it after the boil while on simmer to it cools it for a bit while I'm off playing ncaa 09 for another 30 minutes and probably smoking...... I need to make some more butter. All this talk about cookies is really making me want to make some more butter. Ahhhh I might have to break down next week and buy two ozs of some mids and make some butter.......

sweet, im looking forward to this. nice way to kill 4 hours haha. guess i should avoid online multiplayers huh, dont wanna be in a shit talkin nail biter and have my pot boiling over. post some pics if ya do.


Active Member
So i swapped out my 6"inline fan for a weaker booster fan. Temps were hovering around 60 in the bottom region and 70 on top. its now 65 at the bottom and 75 at the top. hope they like the change. its been so cold lately, i think a lil too cold.


Active Member
sparki- if you go to cooking with cannabis you can find alot of great recipes for butter and the recent one FDD did seems to be a great recipe and uses some stoleys vodka
ya i saw that but i dont wanna buy a crock pot to use once. the only thing im missing is the cheese cloth. but maybe my tea strainer will work?


Well-Known Member
cheese cloth is like 5 dollars max man. Go to your local fabric store and ask for it. Its what I did. I was expecting it to be more, its pretty cheap and will last you through a couple uses. I would throw up some pics mayne but I stopped posting pics last month, after a user in my state got busted through this site.



Active Member
what does lollipopping mean ??? i topped mine hmm i wonder
means to prune the lower smaller stems off. lower i would say bottom1/4 to 1/3 of the plant. i topped all of mine as well. my pics will make me look like a hypocrite cause i didnt do this myself on most of them but im actually adopted this method recently. concept makes total sence, but when it came to picking up that shear to clip them off, all i felt was "noo this is wrong." but its more of a noob move fearing the unknown. but i went against my will and cut off as much as i could on one afghani. weeks later im thinking dang i should have done it to all of them. ill be posting comparing pictures soon. also i think week2-3 good time to do this cause you can really see which stems gonna produce and which ones prob arent.