5 weeks flower problem??


Ok I'm in 5th week of flowering amnesia lemon
In Dr60, temps are 77f humidity 40% under 250W hps
In plagrom bat mix with ph runoff at 7.2.
I have serious yellowing all over plant and very slowing budding if any
What could it be????? Please help sorry no pic!!! :(


Also bn adding half strength hesi bloom and phoserous plus! I have buds but thought they would be bigger by now and
Haven't really got bigger in last 2 weeks :( don't know how to upload pics from my phone but leaves start yellowing around the edges of the leaves and works in until completely yellow :(
Until completely yellow???


Well-Known Member
if its a newer i phone you should be able to upload the pics right from the phone as long as your in a wifi hotspot. or have a decent data plan.

or you could just take the pics on phone and then download them onto you PC and upload from there.

the first thing i want to say is towards the end of flower leaves yellow, its natural so this may just be your issue but a pic would be nice


Hmm looks like how my girl looked while back when I had mag and N diff.
Could b that mate but I'm pretty new to this game, but the leafs do look quite pale n looks like it was starting before u begain flowering.
But I'm just going by my experience, u may wanna wait for a more seasoned vet tho.
Good luck :)


Hmm looks like how my girl looked while back when I had mag and N diff.
Could b that mate but I'm pretty new to this game, but the leafs do look quite pale n looks like it was starting before u begain flowering.
But I'm just going by my experience, u may wanna wait for a more seasoned vet tho.
Good luck :)

Thanks dude! :) yeah was thinking it could be one or the other,
I gave her half teaspoon of Epsom salts and 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses in last feed but haven't seen an improvement yet! :(
i have the exact same problem. im also in week 5 of flower using hessi bloom and phosphourus @ half strenght + hessi supervit 1 drop per 4.5l of water
i thought it could be the tap water im using, so i got an ro filter which will hopefully sort it out?????????


i have the exact same problem. im also in week 5 of flower using hessi bloom and phosphourus @ half strenght + hessi supervit 1 drop per 4.5l of water
i thought it could be the tap water im using, so i got an ro filter which will hopefully sort it out?????????

Dude was you letting the tap water sit a couple of days?? I let mine sit till next feed which is 3-4 days


Ok I have started a new thread about this but with pic of whole plant!!!! It's under first grow Amnesia lemon!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Try some sugar in your next water...looks like too much N...I noticed that your tips were burnt before the switch...too much N during flower can slow down bud development and sugar is a quick carbon source for plants so it will bind up the extra N until the plant is able to use it. Or you could try to flush, but for real I find that if I flush everything gets worse and then it gets better...try feeding just plain water a couple times...It really just looks like she got a little too much NItrogen in veg and now it is just kinda stored in there....also check the ph of your runoff..if the Ph is off you won't get the correct nutrient uptake.