5 or 7 gallon pots?

Old Fogy

I flower using a 600 watt hps and I'm only allowed 4 plants in flower. with a 8 week veg period, and a 9 week flower period, should i use 5 or 7 gallon pots under these conditions to get the most out of my plants. plant height isn't a concern. thanks for any advice!


Well-Known Member
Should you be in a temperate climate where temps are below 70f/25c most of the year consider the advantage of 3 us gallon pots,
as in most cases its a us gallon per month...or 1x liter per week thats most good growers go by


Well-Known Member
As you are planning a 4 month+ grow 5 gallon would be fine as the rule of thumb is 1 gallon for every month of growth however i find the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits so going with the 7 will give you some nice big plants even if your not worries about height i would still recommend training ect LST topping to get the most out of your plants as your plant limit is small its best to make the max you can to keep you going till your next grow is done once you get your timing right you

i am unsure of your veg limit but timing is key and you will be able to pull more times a year if you have two tents of one tent for veg and grow in the basement for flower

having two areas will save you a lot example

Veg area 4 plants 8-9 weeks of veg
Flower area 8-9 weeks

Move veg in to flower move next lot of clones in to veg and you will be able to harvest 4-5 times a year if don't you will only be pulling 2-3 times a year

what ever you end up doing all the best

Old Fogy

Thanks for the replies. Haha the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits, I like that.

I think I'll go with the 7's then. I do have a perpetual type thing going with 2 rooms, so basically I take clones a week before they go into flower, then I veg./ flower for 8 to 9 weeks and do the same thing over again.

I guess I was worried the 7's might be excessive. I've seen people with a similar setup as mine use 7's flowering under 1000watts but I was unsure about a 600. Thanks again!