5 min meth


New Member
When a person is faced with the idea that what they want to believe (in your case probably that your friends or loved ones were not deeply flawed before they ever did drugs) is not true they will often retreat into insults and putting on shows for people they believe are their friends. Mojo points are the on-line equivalent of high fives for the slow.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Yes my loved ones and friends are all crazy. My mom and dad both smoke meth and are crazy, because they were crazy before. care to enlighten me some more with your o-so deep words? Now i dont have to pay for a physactrist!


New Member
You're not what I would call cool. Drug war bitches are not my kind of cool.

From Websters

Drug War Bitch : Person who knowingly or unknowingly repeats drug war propaganda thus hurting their fellow man.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhh retro caught ur gay ass. hahaha. everyone just start ignoring this clownshoe cause he will nevee stop. us stoners and trippers have to sleep and rest our minds for better things. they deserve no further attention.


New Member
You are a happy drug war bitch. It's ok, I forgive you because you know not what you do.

A lot of the people in those pics don't seek the help they need because of people like you. You are part of the problem.

Remember people, part of the war on drugs is the production of junkies through miss information and public shaming by happy drug war bitches.