4th of July pet peeve--turning in fireworks people


So I'm sitting on my balcony tonight listening to the fireworks and suddenly flashed back to a couple of episodes where the police came when I was lighting off fireworks:

1) A friend of mine and me are both in our teens and lighting off some firecrackers/bottle rockets (when you're in you teens, these are the 'top of the heap' in fireworks technology) with his father when a police car comes rolling up the street at 2 MPH. No joke--the officer was clearly doing his best 'here I am' job, 'I really hope I don't see anything' and we kids ran into the house: "cops!" My friend's father calmly walked in, "That's all for tonight boys."

2) Flash forward to about 10 years ago when I was lighting off various small rockets, helicopters, etc. when a large car comes ripping up a sidestreet at mach 3 and parks really close to my house in a short stop. I listen to the ghosts of 4th of Julys past and hear "that's all for tonight boys" and about 5 minutes later the same car (suspicious ford LTD type car--dark) goes roaring off.

Sitting there tonight these two memories came rushing back as I listened to crackle, boom, pop from the locals. Really old/bitter/constant complainer folks, you can't put up with this just a couple hours once a year so I can feel good about America? :shock:

Thanks for listening. Happy birthday America!


No, I think they would just take your rockets and at worst you would have to pay a $50 fine. It's more the idea that you can't light off a couple of items just after dark to celebrate our country. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
The disgusting part of this story isn't the cops etc it's that we stupid chicken shit new generation americans think it's ok to just give up all types of rights year after year after year until we don't have control over our own bodies or actions as adults.

People die and get injured, so what that is part of life and living it to the fullest.

What's next, hang gliding, rock climbing, dune riding, hunting, guns, otc medicines all given up too just to save some of the dumbest people in out society?

This shit pisses me off, the idea you can't use fireworks worth a damn anymore at any age seems trivial to the patriot act, illegal drugs etc.

We are owned now body and mind, the land of the free and home of the brave is ancient history and there's nothing to celebrate on the 4th of july any way. You can't even protest anything any more without secret cameras and face recognition linking you as a potential terrorist, try it and you never will get outside this country again, let alone that you'll be arrested half the time. We don't stand for or stand up for shit.


The disgusting part of this story isn't the cops etc it's that we stupid chicken shit new generation americans think it's ok to just give up all types of rights year after year after year until we don't have control over our own bodies or actions as adults.

People die and get injured, so what that is part of life and living it to the fullest.

What's next, hang gliding, rock climbing, dune riding, hunting, guns, otc medicines all given up too just to save some of the dumbest people in out society?

This shit pisses me off, the idea you can't use fireworks worth a damn anymore at any age seems trivial to the patriot act, illegal drugs etc.

We are owned now body and mind, the land of the free and home of the brave is ancient history and there's nothing to celebrate on the 4th of july any way. You can't even protest anything any more without secret cameras and face recognition linking you as a potential terrorist, try it and you never will get outside this country again, let alone that you'll be arrested half the time. We don't stand for or stand up for shit.

Read my mind...


Well-Known Member
I dont care - but the wads that are lighting of fireworks at 2 a.m. are inconsiderate.

My parents had a cedar roof and aerial fireworks concerned them because their house could easily burn down.


Well-Known Member
I dont care - but the wads that are lighting of fireworks at 2 a.m. are inconsiderate.

My parents had a cedar roof and aerial fireworks concerned them because their house could easily burn down.
Hate to say it, but it's really there own fault. If you don't want to deal with hurricanes don't live by the coast. If you don't want to have an earthquake California isn't the place for you. If you don't want fireworks to set your house on fire install Shingles or move to a rural area.


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but it's really there own fault. If you don't want to deal with hurricanes don't live by the coast. If you don't want to have an earthquake California isn't the place for you. If you don't want fireworks to set your house on fire install Shingles or move to a rural area.
Are you serious? Comparing a UNAVOIDABLE natural phenomenon to some drunk guy with a cache of illegal fireworks is retarded.

They live in a STATE where personal aerial fireworks are illegal. You cannot buy fireworks within the state. So someone shooting aerial fireworks is violating state law on top of local laws and community ordinances.

Should they install bullet-proof windows in case someone wants to illegally fire a gun into their home?


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but it's really there own fault. If you don't want to deal with hurricanes don't live by the coast. If you don't want to have an earthquake California isn't the place for you. If you don't want fireworks to set your house on fire install Shingles or move to a rural area.
I agree with this legal in your area or not because they never ever should have been made illegal in the first place. My rights have to be taken away because some idiots intentionally built super flammable shingles on their houses knowing full well the dangers of that before hand back when they were legal or because other idiots blow their fingers off doing more stupid drunk things?

You folks had other options for shingles. And evolution is the process of thinning out the stupid too, but we've stopped evolution for ourselves completely and will pay a very high price for that in the end as well, a price higher than the thing you are trying to avoid with all the super safety crap. Where is our autobahn? I'd sure like one.

Should lightning be illegal because you want to stack loads of kindling all around your house?

Making fireworks illegal is another one of those pussy american things of this new pussy plastic bag warning label on everything era.

While those drunk irresponsible inconsiderate idiots are annoying at least they had the excuse of being drunk but the folks choosing wood shingles probably weren't drunk when they had that choice to make and have no excuse other than their own fear and stupidity.

Americans fear is what has led us to where we are now with all these BS laws including illegal weed, if it weren't for our ancestors fear of mexicans we wouldn't have the problem we do with pot being illegal in the first place but now millions have suffered and will continue to suffer for probably a total of 100 years.

We've been played.


Well-Known Member
That's not the point it's not a big stack of flammable wood on top waiting to catch fire. And my house is brick... It was chosen wisely like the smart little piggie in the story we grew up on.


Well-Known Member
That's not the point it's not a big stack of flammable wood on top waiting to catch fire. And my house is brick... It was chosen wisely like the smart little piggie in the story we grew up on.
You have a brick facade to a wood framed house.