

Well-Known Member
Can we put an asterisk next to him? He clearly deserves one considering the foreign meddling that resulted in his abortion of a presidency. I am thinking that not putting an asterisk next to his number is diminishing the accomplishment of those who gained the Presidency without the assistance of America's foreign enemies.
he's got to do his term before he's recognized as the 45th prezzie...no?

(great to see you back on form ..unlike ur imposter on GC, with the wrong prose!)


Well-Known Member
Y'all hate Trump. Are upset the republicans are in power. I don't see this changing much if at all in the next few years.
#conservatism is the new counter-culture

Young conservatives don't age well. Conservative counter culture? umm like Trump?


Well-Known Member
Once you start accepting alternative facts you can pretty much see anything any way you want.
i've been watching a lot of WWII and nazi documentaries, and what really stands out to me are the interviews with old nazis. the ones that were 22 at the time when they were guarding the camps.

most of them come around to see the error of their ways, express regret, realize they were brainwashed, so on and so forth. but every once in a while they interview an old nazi who refuses to acknowledge the evil in what they did. still brainwashed as ever, 60-70 years later.

those are chilling as fuck.

i wonder how many old lady pies there will be in the documentaries my grand kids watch while they trim their weed.


Well-Known Member
The government took out Kennedy when he tried to take on the Federal Reserve, among other things. LBJ/Nixon/CIA all conspired together to remove JFK. Learn some history before you troll.
Actually, he pissed just about everyone off. Frank Sinatra brought the mob voting block, only to see Bobby go after them as soon as jfk was in office. He wanted to engage USSR to joint venture into space, he blocked the cia plan to go after Castro...

don't attempt to have intelligent conversations with people whose awareness comes from MSM, whether its CNN or FOX, or... all of which are mind control distractions


Well-Known Member
go back to the daily stormer, jew hater.
A legend in his own mind, though I doubt he is a jew hater. I too have been called one by people who have no clue that there is an element in Israel as well as 'merica, england, germany (europe really) the middle east whose goal is to control the world (NWO). It's not the people/ethnicitys, it's those who govern. It just so happens that the Ashkenazi jews are the ones stirring the kettle, much like the Jesuits. ALL OF US ARE FODDER TO THEM. That anyone believes one party is better than the other is living in La La Land