42 days of flowering, have video, need advice pls!! Thanks!! First Grow


I agree with Raw,

It seemed like your light was too far away and your plants really had to reach for it hence the tall one. That accompanied with the potential heat issues and venting.
It seems like this was a case of just being underprepared but as mentioned all is not lost. You can still run out your harvest to really milk what you have.
For future reference the more work and fore thought you put in before the grow the easier it will be from there.
Sorry it didn't work out for you


Active Member
So how much realistically do you think i can get off of that, i know its a stupid broad question, but i need to know if it's even worth it, like if it will take more than 50-60 days ill get rid of them, and put a shit load of auto flower strains i have, and those can prolly finish just as fast and i can perfect everything, either way i think i just want these to come out, and move on to a larger area, more space and like 2 1000 wattterssssssssss =)


Active Member
also....wat about if i added 1-2 more regular fans like i have now, bend and tie up plants, and lower light? thats my best bet? sorry for postin so many times, thanks for help all will be taken and used!!!!!


Well-Known Member
since there diff strains thats probably y the one has more bud production, im no expert but ive spent alot of time reading, and researching, and it appears that ur taller one is a more sativa dominant plant, which takes longer to finish (90 days or so)which could be y there takin longer, if it 42 days 12/12 its rele probably like 30 days flowering give or take, is ur taller plant more sativa or am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
Post as much as you need, Looks like you have enough room to add plants and keep the ones you have, Dont worry about them being cluttered or touching.. I would keep them for now and start doing more research on how you should be feeding.. try to figure what issues your having. Such as Feeding fresh tap, the heat.. and the ammnt of nutes you use.. Kinda Practice on these plants you have. dont worry about yield yet. but I would say IF IT FULLY BUDDED, regardless how long even if it takes 60 more days.. that 8ft plant could easily be 1-3oz. BUT since its so lanky it will Droop under its own weight. so youd need to tie it up


Well-Known Member
i dnt think u need more ventalation, if youve been using them and havent had ne issue the whole grow without problems theres no need for more, and yea tie em down so the smaller plants get just as much light, be careful not to break branches tho, but i think that it could just be a different phenotype in that strain thats takin longer to flower dnt take it out just bc its gonna take long tho you got this far mite as well finish, u should def get a good yeild just given the size of the plant


Active Member
but my room is like an enclosed square, like a dungeon, and i have to lock it, its a must, due to landlord snoopin or what not, i think i will get a heavy powered fan aim it at the hps because that produces that much heat. The extra cfls arent hurting them, they would only help right, the space is like 2-3 x 4 x 9-10 feet, so its small. The only reason i say that is because the cfls prolly give off alittle heat, maybe if i got rid of some, it would lower temp,or better vent. the thing is that sucks, there stupid lkittle questions but i need to get it str8, and i dont wanan trial and error, i cant afford fuck ups, i need to get this ishhh right, thanks.. always learning


Well-Known Member
are the plants in a enclosed box? or tent? or literally you have HPS glaring in your face while you sleep type shyt. If its OPEN to the room get a big ass ocilating fan. thats what I use.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
....do as u wish....id bet on at least a 10* difference find a way to vent it to chimney or dryer shoot...1 exhaust is goin to make the diff of ~4 more circulating...itl create a steady flow...


Well-Known Member
no cfl's dnt put off heat, if they do its a completey insignificant amount, so id say leave em, if u can hold ur hand above it for a good period of time w/o it hurting ur fine, and i wouldnt think heat is ur issue bc the smaller one is budding fine, all the plants would be effected if it were the enviroment,


Well-Known Member
lmao...dude...your girls are beautiful. i am super surprised to be the one to tell you this, but you really are only at like week 3 flowering. you said 42 days since you switched to 12/12...give 2 weeks for transition....28 days. nothing is wrong...big plant may be stretched, and can be fixed with tying down...dont listen to these guys man...whatever your doing is working...watch someone will disagree with the 2 week transition to...but you never see a plant that has bud sites the day after switching from 12/12 do ya? no sir.


Well-Known Member
I am that some1.. you should see hairs at 1 week.. and little hair balls like he sees at 2-3 weeks. Hes using a 400w man, dont tell him hes right on track cause thats bs.. instead lets help him out
lmao...dude...your girls are beautiful. i am super surprised to be the one to tell you this, but you really are only at like week 3 flowering. you said 42 days since you switched to 12/12...give 2 weeks for transition....28 days. nothing is wrong...big plant may be stretched, and can be fixed with tying down...dont listen to these guys man...whatever your doing is working...watch someone will disagree with the 2 week transition to...but you never see a plant that has bud sites the day after switching from 12/12 do ya? no sir.