400W DWC Mango/Afghani Grow


Active Member

sorry to hear about the seeds, I have got seeds a few times now, and I have bought from about 5-6 different breeders.

The Best seeds I have ever seen were my AK47 by serious seeds, they have all been double the size of the rest of my seeds, solid black colour, not white/green colour, they all gem over night, 100% success rate. I was shocked at how good they were.:bigjoint:

I dont know about all or Serious seeds strains but, Id buy 1 of there strains again for sure.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Well I germed another seed and its been put in soil and poked its head out overnight.

What's weird though is the two little leaves sticking out (the true leaves) are like a bright purple colour instead of green. Seems strange.


Active Member
Well 2 seedlings are still fighting along.

1 in soil 1 in my bubble bucket.

The one is the bucket is doing great, apart from 1 leaf not developing for some reason its taken off, the one in the soil seems stunted but I am noticing small amounts of growth each day so hopefully when it gets a bit bigger itll start playing catchup.

The seedling in the bucket is really loving the DWC system though, seems to grow a noticeable amount each day. Only problem is I accidentally knocked one of my pumps plugs and it was off for a day, came back and one of the bottom leaves has drooped a bit and is showing a bit of speckly yellowing but I got the pump sorted so should recover no probs.

Will take some more photos tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Well 2 seedlings are still fighting along.

1 in soil 1 in my bubble bucket.

The one is the bucket is doing great, apart from 1 leaf not developing for some reason its taken off, the one in the soil seems stunted but I am noticing small amounts of growth each day so hopefully when it gets a bit bigger itll start playing catchup.

The seedling in the bucket is really loving the DWC system though, seems to grow a noticeable amount each day. Only problem is I accidentally knocked one of my pumps plugs and it was off for a day, came back and one of the bottom leaves has drooped a bit and is showing a bit of speckly yellowing but I got the pump sorted so should recover no probs.

Will take some more photos tomorrow.
Glad you're going to post some pics, would love to see them now...



Active Member
Ok so here's some pictures of the girls. Was worried I was going to lose them after we had 40+ degree heat for about a week but they're still hanging in there. One in the bucket has almost completely recovered and is growing at a nice rate.

One in the soil is growing but very very slowly, almost come to a halt. I'm still gonna keep at her but lets just say I have my fingers crossed that my bucket baby is a girl haha.

Heres the seedling in the bucket

As you can see her lowest leaf is yellowing a tad but that was from when the pump turned off im pretty sure.

There's also a burnt tip on one leaf but that happened during the heatwave so I'm putting it down to heat stress.

Here's my soil seedling

Sorry about the light, the HPS was on. This one isn't doing as well. It's bottom leaves are looking a bit droopy and yellow for the cause but new growth seems to continue each day so I'm just hoping she'll be able to pull through the seedling stage and become a bit more stable as she matures.

And here's some shots of the grow area.

And my new fan, just gotta get some ducting for it so I can run it through the back of the wardrobe and into another room.



Well-Known Member
Hi ADL, the best piece of advice I can give you right now is buy a small bottle of Rhizotonic for $25.00 its a 250ml bottle (the big one is $75) and it will really help your babies at this size, it is the most amazing product on the market for root formation... Trust me, this will work and it will kick them on like nothing else and help give them a rootball the size of a soccerball...lol....

The two pics I posted are of my babies and this is what Rhizotonic has done. They are about 3 weeks old from seed and that's pretty young...But going super strong...

I highly recommend Canna Rhizotonic.. You wont regret it.. It doesn't matter what other nutes you are using, use it in conjunction with... 4ml per litre, its wonder juice...:lol:

Sorry I am not telling you how to grow, I just thought you would like to know about a product that works well for me...

Humbly, Laceygirl...;-)



Active Member
as soon as i get the cash I'll invest in a bottle and see how it goes. Cheers for the advice, I'm always up for advice to make my girls the best they can be :)


Active Member
Ok so I got a 250mL bottle of Rhizo and gave the girls a dose last night. Hopefully thisll get their roots going ;)


Well-Known Member
hey man, hows the smoke?bongsmilie
just checking things out. looking good. lacygirl put me onto rhizotonic too and i agree with her, its the best product for healthy root systems.
i am now subscribed and cant wait to see what they do. good luck man


Active Member
cheers mate, will post another photo update when they're looking noticeably different from the last, or when I get my ducting and fan installed :)


Active Member

Something you may want to consider, When I 1st started out I planted my seeds in big pots like urs, next thing I new in a week or so, I had main tap roots growing out of the base of the pot, and the seedling didnt even had a proper root ball to transplant.

Im not sure if you know, but u can use small cups to start seeds off in, I always do this for there 1st 4weeks of life, I use clear cups cause I like to be able to see the root growth, I know people say dont cause clear cups cause the light will shock then stunt the roots, but its not like your holding the base of plant at the light. I even have 1foot tall clones in clear cups.

It helps them have a good root base and makes it easy to water from the base by just dunking the cup into your res. I also pre-drill many tiny holes as you can in the cups to help with air flow.

I dont have any seedlings going at the moment to support what Im trying to explain, but I do have a plant that started in a cup then I transplanted to a 2Lmilk carton.

Here are some of my notes:

Dec 18th Critical Mass put into Germination at Night time 8pm.
Dec 22nd Most Gem, and planted.
Jan 5th Put under Hps
Jan 20th Transplanted from Cup to Milk
Jan 25th Pic taken

That plant is 4-5weeks old depending on how u look at it. U just need to be carefull with your watering when you use smaller pots as they can dryout much quicker.:weed:



Active Member
hey mate,

ye it started off in a small cup but i was reading a lot of conflicting info on when to transplant. Seems a lot of people prefer to give the plant as much room as possible to start with and others like them to form a little root mass.

So I just figured I'll transplant it now and then not have to worry about it for a while.

Very healthy looking plant though mate for that age. Good work


Active Member
Alright time for an update I rkn, haven't posted in a while due to being pretty busy but I got a few free seconds so time to post!

First up is just some photos of the plant. I just topped her (fingers crossed) so the top is missing.

I'm quite happy with the rate of growth. Growth was slow and steady until about a week ago when the plant started really booming. I'm thinking it was perhaps thanks to the Rhizo suggested :)

Here's a closeup of the job I did topping.

Also I was wondering are these any signs of pre-sex? Was just curious



Well-Known Member
what up ADL. I got a similar setup going on myself. I got 4 of em that I put in the buckets at 9 pm on the 17th and today there about an inch and a half tall. I haven't started a grow journal yet but I should start one pretty soon.

Anyway nice little grow op you got going on there. I wanna see how this turns out.

I'm subscribed.


Active Member
cheers mate, def put up a journal id be keen to keep an eye on it.

I really hope this plant turns out female as my other plant just hasn't grown at all. Looks nice and healthy but hasn't grown a bit, it's like it's in suspended animation.


Active Member
the plant has really shot off over the past few days, the growth rate at the moment has been insane. Just leaving the plant for 4-5 hours and coming back you can see a major difference in growth it's nuts. Roots have really taken off and are looking thick and healthy also.


Active Member
Time for some more photos. The plant grew into the CFL's I had running so I figured now was a good time to ditch em and chuck in the HPS. Unfortunately one of the leaves took a bit of a burning from growing into the light but the plant seems to be coping fine.

I LST'd the plant and it's really started to become bushy which is great. Growth rate is excellent at the moment overall I'm very happy.

Here's the shot of the LST I did, just some cable ties and a sinker to hold down the plant.

Here's a top shot

And a shot showing the undergrowth
