400W, 4 Short Riders. second grow help me out:0


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow and today is day 19 for my short riders and random bagseeds. I got the seeds from nirvana a while back 4/5 germd and sprouted.

I planted them in 3gal pots with FFOF soil/perlite. I water every 3 days or whenever the soil is dry w/ distilled water. Temps stay around 80-90, 77 F when lights off, it gets pretty hot in my closet with the 400w hps. I have 3-4 fans going at all times and the rH stays 20-40. I have no air cooled hood or anything just gotta pretty much always keep the door open. I have yet to test pH, I know I will in the future when I get a pH tester, is there anything in my pics that shows I need to? The hps is about 2 feet away from the plants I would say.

So what's in the pics are:

4x Nirvana Short Riders in the big black pots. They seem to have been growing great I put them straight into the 3 gal.s, no transplanting. One of them is alot smaller and one of them seems to be a few days ahead even though they were all germd and planted at the exact same time. I've heard some things about the strain so I'm not worried about it. They're 19 days old today just started showing sex pistils(:P) about 2 days ago. I think I am gonna start adding bloom bud w/e nutes about now, good idea?

2x random bagseeds in the med green pots. These were transplanted from little red solo cups when they were rootbound and drooping under a few small CFLs. They were drooping alot before I transplanted but idk why is it because they were super cramped? They don't seem to have gotten better since i transplanted them 2 days ago. Any advice on these would be appreciated. Also the reason the pots arent filled up all the way is cause I ran out of soil lol I'll be getting some more today when I go to the hydro store to pick up some nutes.

1x trip cotyledon random bagseed HOPING it will be a female :) it's the small one if u look close at my crap pictures u can see that it has 3 cotyledon instead of 2 and it's growing all of it's leaf sets in 3's. I think I need to transplant it pretty soon!

the 4way split pic are the short riders. sorry for the bad quality. the green one curling is the one I need help withhh

All input would be appreciated as I obviously need help! haha thanks:joint:



Well-Known Member
I just bought some foxfarm tigerbloom will this work for the short riders since they are now showing sex? how much should I use, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Well I just bought some pH test stripts from wal mart and I pHed my water I've been using and APPARENTLY the pH is like 8.4?!?! How accurate are these things supposed to be?? because all the colors for pH look similar


Well-Known Member
Grew these last year.all five grew .one was a runt.used two 150 hps 20 4 light cycle.used expert from wally world at a quarter strength at first and built up to full strenth at end and they seemed to drink a lot of water.got 4 and a half oz dryed weight this was my first grow and it went perfect.may be this will help.here some pics of mine happy growing



Well-Known Member
awesome dude hopefully mine will come out just as nice im running it on 20/4 too and so far no problems like I have heard from other people


Well-Known Member
Yes i read a lot of post were they wernt autoflowering mine started flowering in 3 weeks.i have white widow and bubblelicious going now ..going to do a pc like grow.ive ordered the other autos from nirvana to. Ill be watching to see how good they turn out happy growing



Well-Known Member
These plants have been doing great in the FFOF with no nutrients UNTIL TODAY, 2 of them are starting to get yellow on the edges of the bottom older leaves. Its weird cause only 2 of em are really doin it 1 of them looks like it might start but the other looks perfectly fine. I just watered with distilled water with tiger bloom 1/4tsp/gal, the first nutrients I have ever given them.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that the tiger bloom is some pretty strong stuff use it every other watering to avoid salt build up!!
Yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant are normal in most cases. I'm also growing short rider and their currently 33 days old, not showing sex and are also under 20/4 light with FFoF soil. "5 weeks on wed." I've already cut off a couple smaller fan leaves at the bottom but like I said it depends on the plant. Correct me if I'm wrong but yellowing leaves are usually Nitrogen related so the t/b might not help with that.. You also might want to look into some big bloom if you can afford it.
Here's the FoXFarms FeeDing CharT

Thats crazy that both of you have had Shortriders show sex around 3 weeks, that makes me question if mine are ever gonna show lol.. Looks good so far, I've heard mixed reviews aswell but I figured I will find out for myself:)


Well-Known Member
well I added 1/4tsp to a gal of distilled and watered and this morning their buds are starting to look real good. I'm probably gonna have to invest in some big bloom soon. I'll add some pics soon
My autos Hindu Kush and Red Dwarf both showed sex at 3 weeks.

Throw some pix up of your yellow leaves. I'm no expert since it seems we are at about the same point in a first grow. However, I had a couple of my lower leaves get yellow also. No biggie...although I do think I have some thrips hanging out. I have treated, and they seem to be gone.

Looking forward to seeing how your stuff grows up.


Well-Known Member
update day 23 pics. u can see the yellow leaves on the low close pics kinda?


Can't really tell color because the picture was taken with your grow light on...it all looks yellowish to me. However, I can make out some of the texture of the leaf...slightly curled, and yellow is what happened to a couple of my leaves in Week 2. They are still that way, and the plants are big and healthy.

Take what you will with that.




Well-Known Member
hmmm... yeah, the plants still seem perfectly healthy and growth is good but the leaves are just gettin a lil yellow its getting like slightly worse but idk.

Did the yellow spread at all for you or did it just stop? was it just the bottom older leaves?

The yellow leaves did not spread for me. I think the yellowing (slightly) of the lowers leaves when the plant gets bigger is normal as long as the plant itself is healthy. It was the first set of true leaves that yellowed after the plant started on it's 2nd node.

this picture is what I saw later, and I treated my plant for Thrips...a bug.

I don't have any pictures of the yellow leaves. I'll try to get some later.

Like I said...you can always give your plants a little nitrogen boost to see if the yellow clears up.




Well-Known Member
Really I always heard you should never cut any leaves off? But the only leaves really turning yellow are the ones that dont have buds on them


Well-Known Member
Thats not what I've read.. If its more that 50% yellow you cut it to get the extra light to the other leaves.. I am reffering to "lower leaves though." I wouldn't be chopping top leaves that are yellow I would be looking into problems..

I am new to this aswell but I'm pretty sure its fine to trim leaves, how do you think they take clones.. "I know auto's are pointless to clone just saying.."

Even jorge cervantes said in his video its good to trim the lower leaves to help with circulation.. Not sure who you heard that from..