4 weeks and 5 days into flowering honestly how am i doing?? (pics included)!!!

How Does My Plant Look Honestly? 1st time grow!

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4 weeks 5 days into flowering. i started off with fluorescent shop lighta then moved to cfls then moved to 400watt halide and now as of 2 days ago im using a 1000 hps i feed with technaflora. temps are around 79 and im on 12/12.

any advice tips would be very nice its my 1st indoor grow.

I no i have nute burn.



Well-Known Member
You can't see the whole plant. We have no idea how big or small your plant is. The buds look alright from what I can see.
ill take some more picture... again im new i didnt no to water water feed so its got nute burn prettty harsh should i harvest early? ill go take pics but im wondering if its to nute burnt should i just harvest?


Well-Known Member
Don't harvest. Just cut back on nutes. Let it grow. You will be amazed at how well this weed bounces back.


Active Member
Don't harvest give her another four weeks flush after 2 weeks due to over feeding but yeah you will get a good harvest.
okay awesome i wont harvest. today is week 5 and 1 day i was wondering if i should cut the fan leaves off that have bad nute burn


Well-Known Member
Dont cut fan leaves if they aren't dead, let them be, they will drop off naturally. The plant will use them as food during the 2 weeks after flush. I would drop your feeding down to 1/4 strength and flush in 2 weeks. Only give bloom nutes, stop giving nitrogen totally. Give only water after flush. Harvest 2 weeks after flush. I have to say, for a first grow, using a 1000W hps your bud looks good. I see your temp gauge in the back and your temp is right on which is a huge plus in your favor with a light of that power. +rep for you!


Well-Known Member
No. At this stage it will only stress them out more. Let them fall off on there own. If it was only a few I would say yes. But most of them are burnt.
im on week 5 week 6 starts this Thursday and i think im going to harvest in 2 weeks from now ....yeah i have 1 plant under a 1000 hps and in a 4x4x6.5 tent in with a portable a/c... i have stopped all nutes im just giving it water hoping to make the leaves go back to green and clear up. do you think the leaves will clear up?