4 Site Aero-Tote'o-Scrog 3X Bublelicious, 1X White Siberian


Active Member
Day 5 of flower: Switched to bloom nutes.
I think I'm doing this correctly. I'll go step by step. Please tell me if I'm doing it right.
76 ml of A & B
38 ml of Bud Candy
10 ml Ph down
10 ml Orca
19 L Water (5 gal)

Add: 19 L Water (5gal)
End result: @980PPM 6.0Ph

As per the table I need to have a PPM of 920. I emptied the grow nutes as much as I could (I used a 130 gph pump to pump them out). Then pumped the above 1400PPM nute mix into the rez. Then I added another 19L (5 gal) of straight water. I let the pumps cycle for the duration of a puf puff session. Rechecked PPM after wards and found it to be @980. I'm supposed to be shooting for 920PPM but don't think the 60PPM difference will be a big deal. Let me know if I'm off base or not. My tap water has a ppm or 280 at the spout.

The temp with the light off dropped to 41F a few nights ago. I had to scramble to correct that. I ended up using this great little heater. It has a pretty consistent thermostat. I ended up cutting a keyhole in the base and hanging it on a screw in the wall. It works out great. Temp issue; Solved.


Active Member
Day 6 flower:

I see girl parts! :-)

The smell is starting to get more noticeable so I decided to complete and install my DIY charcoal filter.

This is how I control the temperature. 120 to 24v transformer to an A/C relay (to blower fan) controlled by a digital thermostat. Very simple, very effective.


Happy Ladies


Active Member
Flower Day 7:

I need some advice on whether to trim or not to trim. The main cola on one of my girls is hidden by some fan leaves. I've highlighted the area I'm thinking of trimming away. Thanks in advanced.

IMG_0223.jpgpeekaboo.jpg IMG_0224.jpg


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 7:
View attachment 1980423

I need some advice on whether to trim or not to trim. The main cola on one of my girls is hidden by some fan leaves. I've highlighted the area I'm thinking of trimming away. Thanks in advanced.

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As long as you only remove a few you should be fine. Don't go crazy on her....honestly I'd just try to tuck the leaf away and wait a few more weeks. Around week 3-4 is when I start a little pruning.


Well-Known Member
10-4 I appreciate it. I'll give it a shot.
tucking is always better than cutting. √ After she gets old enough you might want to cut some bigger leaves to help the smaller growths get light, but until the stretch is over you might as well leave them on.

edit: Man I've been trying to figure out how to do the thermostast thing for about 6 months now, and couldn't get any decent how to info. You wouldn't mind throwing me a list of stuff I would need to buy for that would you? I have absolutely no idea what all this does, so I'll need to know what to ask for at the hardware store.


Active Member
tucking is always better than cutting. √ After she gets old enough you might want to cut some bigger leaves to help the smaller growths get light, but until the stretch is over you might as well leave them on.

edit: Man I've been trying to figure out how to do the thermostast thing for about 6 months now, and couldn't get any decent how to info. You wouldn't mind throwing me a list of stuff I would need to buy for that would you? I have absolutely no idea what all this does, so I'll need to know what to ask for at the hardware store.
Credit where credit is due. I used these instructions except I'm only using one fan so I used a single pole single throw relay instead of a DPST one as listed. I'm familiar with electricity but needed info on how to wire the thermostat. These instructions work perfectly.

The box you see the relay and transformer in is from a screwed up ebay deal. I ordered a "new" hot water heater timer and received the empty case instead. I put it to good use here though :)



Active Member
Day 12 Flower:
Bud starting to take form.


I performed the first flush of the flower cycle last night. I found issues with the PPM today and have been battling to figure out how to do this correctly.

I pumped out as much water from each tub as I could with a submersible pump. Around an inch of week old flower nute water remained in each tub. I use a 10 gallon level as my "Full" mark; and decided to go with an 8 gallon mix to go back in each tub. Tub A averaged 936 ppm, Tub B averaged 910 ppm.

Thinking I need to raise my PPM to 1000 as per the chart; I decided to do a test. I mixed 2ml of A & B, & 1ml of Bud Candy to two gallons of water. Tossed this into tub A. Then I mixed 4 ml of A & B, & 1 ml of Bud Candy to 2 gallons of water. Tossed into Tub B.

Waited gave it 20 min or so and rechecked the PPM of each tub. The results were not what I expected> Tub A = 782 | Tub B = 813

The PPM went the wrong way. I figured it was the 2 gallons of water diluting nutes I added. This confirmed my feeling that I was going about this the wrong way.
Now my water level is at or just above my "full" mark so I go about adding more nutes to each tub. I decide to go ahead and add nutes to 500ml of flower water I pulled from each tub. The ppm levels of the 500 ml's is (A)1995 & (B)1923. I dumped each back into the correct tub. PPM levels in each tub raised to (A) 860 & (B) 830.

At this point I'm getting frustrated and say ef it. I shoot 10 ml of A & B to each tub. PPMs climb in each (A) 925, (B) 884. Finally I'm getting somewhere.

So. 10ml of A & B gave me an average raise of 60 ppm. I'm trying to get to 1000ppm. So I give 20 ml of A & B to each tub expecting to see them to end up at (A) ~1045 & (B) ~1004.

Outcome = (A) 1054 (B) 1021


What I need to do next time is:

Do something to raise one end of the tubs to allow for more "old water" to be removed. The 1" of old water has to be over diluting the new mix.
Prepare 8 gallon mix per table and add straight water until correct ppm is reached. Too simple to have done right the first time. :)


Well-Known Member
Day 12 Flower:
Bud starting to take form.

View attachment 1995218

I performed the first flush of the flower cycle last night. I found issues with the PPM today and have been battling to figure out how to do this correctly.

I pumped out as much water from each tub as I could with a submersible pump. Around an inch of week old flower nute water remained in each tub. I use a 10 gallon level as my "Full" mark; and decided to go with an 8 gallon mix to go back in each tub. Tub A averaged 936 ppm, Tub B averaged 910 ppm.

Thinking I need to raise my PPM to 1000 as per the chart; I decided to do a test. I mixed 2ml of A & B, & 1ml of Bud Candy to two gallons of water. Tossed this into tub A. Then I mixed 4 ml of A & B, & 1 ml of Bud Candy to 2 gallons of water. Tossed into Tub B.

Waited gave it 20 min or so and rechecked the PPM of each tub. The results were not what I expected> Tub A = 782 | Tub B = 813

The PPM went the wrong way. I figured it was the 2 gallons of water diluting nutes I added. This confirmed my feeling that I was going about this the wrong way.
Now my water level is at or just above my "full" mark so I go about adding more nutes to each tub. I decide to go ahead and add nutes to 500ml of flower water I pulled from each tub. The ppm levels of the 500 ml's is (A)1995 & (B)1923. I dumped each back into the correct tub. PPM levels in each tub raised to (A) 860 & (B) 830.

At this point I'm getting frustrated and say ef it. I shoot 10 ml of A & B to each tub. PPMs climb in each (A) 925, (B) 884. Finally I'm getting somewhere.

So. 10ml of A & B gave me an average raise of 60 ppm. I'm trying to get to 1000ppm. So I give 20 ml of A & B to each tub expecting to see them to end up at (A) ~1045 & (B) ~1004.

Outcome = (A) 1054 (B) 1021


What I need to do next time is:

Do something to raise one end of the tubs to allow for more "old water" to be removed. The 1" of old water has to be over diluting the new mix.
Prepare 8 gallon mix per table and add straight water until correct ppm is reached. Too simple to have done right the first time. :)
Man I'm still new to the whole nute mixing scene and everything, but I've seen MANY well know growers who just top off their res's instead of dumping it. It's all up to you, but it seems like 10 gallons of water is something you're gonna want to be replacing all the time.

Here's a helpful post I found over at Whodatnations thread a while back.

Whodatnation said:
By monitoring how the ph and ppm of the water drifts over time you'll be able to see if the plant is eating all the nutes your giving them. So if the ppms have actually gone up and ph went down over the course of a day lest just say from 1500-1600, this leads me to believe that the plant drank more water and left some nutes behind that it didnt eat thus raising the ppm. At this point Im going to lower the ppm by diluting then writing it down (lets say we diluted it down to 1350)and check again the next day. The next day after that, the ppms read 1450, so dilute again down to 1200 and write it down. Now, the next day we see the ppm is down to 1100 and the ph is naturally raising, this makes me think a more ideal feeding for this strain is around 1200-1300ppm... BUT! plants will feed more/less in different phases.
Average ppm for these cuts iv run~
Sour D~ 600
space bomb~500.

Now take all that with a grain of salt, because I didnt really read this anywhere and havent really herd other peeps mention it,,,,, its purely what Iv noticed and what I think is happening.


Active Member
Yeah I think the consensus of my stoned search results led me to the dump instead of add to method. I can't remember, but you may be right regarding the 10 gal quantity being the reason for the dumping. I think something somewhere said that it was best to dump small rezs because of the build up of unused minerals in the rez. One way or another I will remove all of the water on the next go around. I want to keep a day to day history of the ppm / ph changes. The problem is that I'm using a manual ph gauge (drop, shake, compare method), so I can't get an exact level regarding the ph. Week three will be done correctly and tracked appropriately.

Just about through week 2 of the flower cycle. How much taller are these girls going to get??? You can't tell in the photo, but there is around another 2.5 feet of space above the top edge of the door. With the light fully raised; there should be about 4 feet of room for the girls to grow. I should see more than 4 feet of vertical growth during the flower cycle should I?



Well-Known Member
That's the same problem I was having with my hydro. I had a TDS meter for ppms, but not pH pen. and honestly, the pH pen is probably the most importnat tool for a hydro grower.


Active Member
Flower Day 16: (day 1 week 3)

A Ph pen is on my list of stuff to buy.

I'm a little concerned about the plant height. Should these get much taller and should I raise my light up all the way or does having it lower prevent stretching?


Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
nice news, i think they got 40 days left, my bubblelicious went around 9 weeks.

moving the lights up will promote stretching, but if its gonna stretch, you gotta move it up or else you get some burnt tops or needless stressed plants


Active Member
nice news, i think they got 40 days left, my bubblelicious went around 9 weeks.

moving the lights up will promote stretching, but if its gonna stretch, you gotta move it up or else you get some burnt tops or needless stressed plants
I'm going to have to leave the lights in their "low" position then. I can't have them reaching for the sun, only to run out of room for my sun :)

40 Days sounds about right. I've got 2/29 penciled in as the crop day, but we shall see.