4 Site Aero-Tote'o-Scrog 3X Bublelicious, 1X White Siberian


Active Member
Well I noticed that plant "A" isn't hanging with her sister "B" in regards to their size. Also found a few discoloring leaves on her. Both are in the same tub with same everything. I pulled the pot on "A" and noticed the roots are shit compared to "B's". Discolored as well. Did a search and think it's pythium. I'm going to show the pics to my local shop and see what they say I should use. I've read that H2O2 is the way to go; we shall see.

The blue pic is of "B's" roots. The first is of "A's"



Active Member
Well I went ahead and constructed my screen. Snug fit for my room with built in legs. :) Simple 3/4 pvc frame. Mesh is the green plastic stuff. I had to cut out a section to make the wholes large enough. Pattern will ef with your eyes if you aren't high when you cut it out. :)


Active Member
Day 30
Set scrog. I'm due to change out the nutes, but don't want to over stress the plants. Don't know if I did it correctly, but think I better understand the idea of the process now. Critique away.

Note: will change nutes out on day 32.


Active Member
Day 33
Getting the hang of training the girls. They were growing about 2 inches a day before scrog so I assume I will have a near full screen of colas within a weeks time. We shall see.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
its looking really nice, fyi, the bubblelicious can get very big, expect to clip some popcorns in order for there to be enough room in the canopy. How's the orca working for you? i want to do some hydro some day but i find soil to be easier and more forgiving.


Active Member
I appreciate it. I'm hoping room is wall to wall buds :)

The Orca seems to be doing it's job. I just took a few photos to help answer the question. It's only been a few days but they don't seem to be getting worse, so I guess its working :)



Active Member
Day 34

I think it is getting close to time to flip.

I trimmed the large leave undergrowth on the two front plants. Made room for a few more bud sites.

Once these sites breach the screen I'm flip'n them over to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Love the roots. They look better than mine. I love to see a tub interior that looks like mine with roots that are jammin.'

Canopy developing beautifully. You're a pro.


Active Member
I appreciate it. I'm no pro, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night. The scrog thing was nerve racking at first. But now I cant keep my dick beaters off of the plants. Seems like every time I poke my head in I see another "top" looking for a way through the screen. The end of Feb can't come fast enough.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate it. I'm no pro, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night. The scrog thing was nerve racking at first. But now I cant keep my dick beaters off of the plants. Seems like every time I poke my head in I see another "top" looking for a way through the screen. The end of Feb can't come fast enough.
It can get hairy bending the plants... I know what you mean.

I'm looking forward to my next as I feel I have a better handle on it now. I'm sure you'll feel more comfortable after this grow is a smashing success.


Active Member
Flower Day 1 (36)
I have bulb envy. Is it normal for a HPS bulb to be this much smaller than a MH one of the same wattage? I hope my charcoal media shows up soon; I'm starting to notice a smell when I get close to the room.



Well-Known Member
Look at the elements within the bulbs. The MH has a fatter, wider inner-element while the HPs has a slimmer element in the bulb. I think the chubbier glass of the MH is simply to accomodate the bulkier inner works. They do make slim MH bulbs, though. I use one. It's great.