3rd Cfl Grow, 155 True watts, 1st Rubbermaid Grow


Well-Known Member
thanks bro! yours are looking nice to man, shes about 6 weeks old. still a long way to go, the nodes are starting to blow up and get frosty. its not gonna be as big as im hoping but i should get atleast a quarter from her...
That grow has been done and over with for a long time my man

i hope yours taste good , looks good anyway

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Those arent bad pix bro! I like it man! Juz wondering,u ever add small bit of veg nute back to ur bloom feeding to help the yellowing?(a lil n) u gotcher shyt handeled bro,dont get me wrong! Ill add some veg nute to my feeding cupl times in flower. Just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
Those arent bad pix bro! I like it man! Juz wondering,u ever add small bit of veg nute back to ur bloom feeding to help the yellowing?(a lil n) u gotcher shyt handeled bro,dont get me wrong! Ill add some veg nute to my feeding cupl times in flower. Just throwing it out there.
why is your plants flowering so early and they are smal? r they auto or u put them on 12/12 early
Thanks guys...

kmk i might try that bro!! i use Canna for flower and mg for veg. there total opposites when it comes to mj but both serve there purpose when needed :wink: one just unfortunatly cost a shit load more lol...i DO have the pink box mg shit, the bloom booster..maybe i will throw that in there, i flowered my whole first grow on that shit and not 1 yellow leaf till half way through flower and it was at the bottom...same strain to, weird? but i will be adding the mg as well, thanks man!!!

pfk - there 12/12 from seed with cfl, with i will never do again. not with only 155w anyway...im building a new cab and i plan on throwing some in there from seed just so what i can with it under an hid light...del66666 has killer results from 12/12 from seed with a 600hps.


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy Bud, how old is that Tree's Vagina??? Damn that Tree has been beaten down......LOL I like your Avatar.




Well-Known Member
thanks brother...its 12/12 from seed. which i realized i will never do again with cfl's haha. fuck it, im getting a 400 hps soon anyway lol. but yeah thanks man shes frosting up really really nice. i might actually reveg her once i get my new shit rolling

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
hey buddy bud, how old is that tree's vagina??? Damn that tree has been beaten down......lol i like your avatar.


hey thats my bitch i mean my gal your talking about lmao not sure of her age every time i try to check her rings she slaps me.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
thanks brother...its 12/12 from seed. Which i realized i will never do again with cfl's haha. Fuck it, im getting a 400 hps soon anyway lol. But yeah thanks man shes frosting up really really nice. I might actually reveg her once i get my new shit rolling
hey dude i am heading to pcb in two months my stuff will be done if ur out i throw you some spread the love !!!!!


Active Member
I wouldnt worry about the yellowing .. this late in flowering they are supposed to be using up the nitrogen . If you keep adding nitrogen they will finnish slower and take longer to cure . Some growers just cant stand to see yellow leaves and cut them off as the girl finnishes . Makes em look better in the pics I guess lol . Your doing fine .. they should serve you well : )


Well-Known Member
hey dude i am heading to pcb in two months my stuff will be done if ur out i throw you some spread the love !!!!!
awesome man, let me know when its closer to you coming out here...ive been there a few times. party city over there bro. maybe we can meet up and smoke out :wink:


Well-Known Member
ok guys ive made some changes. Never again will i 12/12 from seed with cfl's
I harvested that little girl i had. 12 grams wet lol

now i have 7 party cups in there raised up right under the lights with 4 23w 6500k cfl's and 1 40w 2700k cfl on an 18/6 cycle.
ill get some pics up as soon i can find some batteries for my camera

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
wudup ncg! hey man,i always 12/12 from seed to show sex-then back to veg.its easier imo than waiting till youve already showed love thanBAMB! satchelz. but different strokes for different folks! right bud!


Well-Known Member
wudup ncg! hey man,i always 12/12 from seed to show sex-then back to veg.its easier imo than waiting till youve already showed love thanBAMB! satchelz. but different strokes for different folks! right bud!
no doubt brother, thanks for stopping by...
i say that i wouldnt do it again bro. but i guess i shouldnt say never...i was going to revert back to veg but by the time they showed sex they didnt have much more room to grow in the tote so i kept em on the 12/12 cycle.
when my new cab in done im gonna 12/12 some cups in there fo sho negro. just to see what i can do with it man and have some buds while waiting for the big girls to finish on the first go round! hows your weekend treating you bro?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
ohhhhh,good i reckon. got some more o/t today.got off early,talked with a good friend most of the morning.summed up ima say good actually!! thanx for askin.hows urz?


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh,good i reckon. got some more o/t today.got off early,talked with a good friend most of the morning.summed up ima say good actually!! thanx for askin.hows urz?
its going good man, got some veggies exploding the the garden. i topped my pepper plants and they took to it like i was passing then the bong!!
I subd up to a veggie grow off with chico from the partycup growoff, so its dope man. im looking forward to that. my rebuild kit came this morning for the quad so i might start that tonight if i can stop smoking now bongsmilie:eyesmoke::sleep:

i live for the weekends man, my wifes got some shit going on a work where shes working nights for a bit and it blows ass. awesome i get alone time with the youngin's though...i try to hammer out my school shit during the week so i dont even have to think about it..my buddy wants my quad and hes got a toy thats not quite paid off yet that i want so tomorrow might be cool man...
you start your PT yet? hows the back?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
its ok. its back to when i first hurt it in feb. totally tolerable. im used to lower back probs,not upper to mid.which is what tweeked on me.but i rode my bicycle home from work,well till it broke(another story!) and i was doing fine.itsa 1 45 min bike ride. next race is may 13th. my appt got set for may4th?wtf? ima be better by then. but im thinking seeing how the doc keeps throwing pain pills at me and wont take em,mite go get my card.ol lady has hers. ohhh yah,its all her weed! hahahaa j/k i never even touch them plants.hahahahaha so u might trade ur quad bro-