300W CFL Box Stealth Grow, Pictures.


Well-Known Member
Very nice healthy plants. Congrats on the 1st girl :-) One thing you never lose as a grower is the excitement of seeing those first tiny pistils emerging. Judging from that last shot I'd say you have things bang under control, she's a beauty so far.

Keep us updated.


Active Member
Thanks for all the comments, guys!

I'm having trouble identifying male/female on plant 4 right now. I'll probably post pictures later today for you guys to check out.


Active Member
So it's been a few days since switching to 12/12, and I think plant 4 just showed me his balls. I think it's a male....I think?

Here are a few pictures of the suspected male. The first picture shows what I thought was a calyx (and got excited), but then I found what looks like 2 male pollen sacks. The first 2 pictures show what I think are pollen sacks/male preflowers, and the 3rd picture is the one I was hopeful was a calyx waiting to release pistils.

So, what do you guys think? Should I toss the plant now? If it's a male, I'd like it gone quick.



Active Member
I have been meaning to update for a few days, but hopefully I can get some pictures tonight and have them up. The plants are at day 27 of flowering (exactly one month tomorrow), and they are all doing good. I ended up having 3 girls and only that one male, so I got pretty lucky.

I started some seeds on 12/12 about 3 weeks ago, and those are doing well as well. As soon as this grow is done, I'll pick up with the new ones. I plan to start a few more seeds on 12/12 (just to see how they do; yield, etc.) and can hopefully get 2 or 3 more females for a total of 5 the second grow. We'll see!

Anyway, thanks for bumping this, it has definitely made me want to add update pictures tonight. Look for them in about 6 or 7 hours!


Active Member
Sorry for this long-overdue update, but I've been completely swamped with work and school.

Anyway, the plants are doing very well right now. Out of the 4 original plants, 4 ended up being fem, so that was awesome.

The plants have been in flowering for just over 3 weeks (24 days), and are already stinking bad and making some nice buds. One plant, the mostly-indica one (picture number 2), seems to grow and produce buds about twice as fast as the other two plants. I have a feeling that, if this thing keeps up, it's going to make a ton of bud. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! The plants all have a bit of nute burn, with the exception of one plant which seems to have nute burn and heat stress, not sure.

I have swapped out my lighting for flowering, and I now have 422W of 2700k light hitting the plants from the top and the sides. Plants are rotated every night. I keep temps below 87 degrees at all times, and it usually sticks around 77-80.

Anyway, that's about it. The pictures below will speak for themselves I hope. Picture one shows the new setup with all 3 plants; picture 2 shows the smaller plant out-producing the other two, despite being half the height (notice the extra box boosting up the short plant to the lights!); picture 3 is of a bud from the same plant, as is picture 4; picture 5 is a bud from the furthest left plant, which is the tallest as well. Middle plant is the sickly plant.



Active Member
Pretty big update here. I just re-potted my flowering plants (oh no! I know--read further) and they seem to be adjusting well right now (it's only been 4 hours). They really needed bigger pots, as the tallest one was nearly 3 feet and they were all in 2 gallon buckets. Now they are all sittin' pretty in 5 gallon buckets (they barely fit in the closet!).

Anyway, the buds are growing DAILY on these things, and it's obvious. I'm really liking how well they are all doing, and hope they continue to thrive! I also watered with the first bit of Molasses today. I used about 1.5-1.75tbsp per gallon. Watered with a low-dose of nutes to help (hopefully) keep the ladies happy during any stress from re-potting.

Oh, you want pictures? Very well, then. Pay attention to the shorter/bushier/biggest cola plant. It looks like it wants to turn purple (or am I blind?). It looks very dark blue/purple in the right light, and it seems like it turned up a lot more purple hued than the other plants (which are all greeeeeen). I was worried at first, but it seems to be producing the biggest buds so I'm going to step back and let it do its thing.

Picture 1: All 5 of the babies; the 2 small ones are 12/12 from seed on week 4 right now.
Picture 2: The setup. 2 x 42W 2700K CFLs; 11 x 26W 2700K CFLs; 2 x 26W 6500K CFLs.
Picture 3: The purp-wannabe, also my favorite plant!
Picture 4: Same plant from above.
Picture 5: Cola from same plant.
Picture 6: Same plant, random bud.
Picture 7: Randon Bud 2, same plant.
Picture 8: Plant that almost died due to some kind of stress, but pulled through!
Picture 9: Same plant, cola.
Picture 10: Baby cola 1.
Picture 11: Baby cola 2.

I forgot to take good pictures of the other big plant (the biggest actually). It's the one in the top left of the first picture, and is about 3' tall right now.

Hopefully these pictures will get some comments! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Pretty big update here. I just re-potted my flowering plants (oh no! I know--read further) and they seem to be adjusting well right now (it's only been 4 hours). They really needed bigger pots, as the tallest one was nearly 3 feet and they were all in 2 gallon buckets. Now they are all sittin' pretty in 5 gallon buckets (they barely fit in the closet!).

Anyway, the buds are growing DAILY on these things, and it's obvious. I'm really liking how well they are all doing, and hope they continue to thrive! I also watered with the first bit of Molasses today. I used about 1.5-1.75tbsp per gallon. Watered with a low-dose of nutes to help (hopefully) keep the ladies happy during any stress from re-potting.

Oh, you want pictures? Very well, then. Pay attention to the shorter/bushier/biggest cola plant. It looks like it wants to turn purple (or am I blind?). It looks very dark blue/purple in the right light, and it seems like it turned up a lot more purple hued than the other plants (which are all greeeeeen). I was worried at first, but it seems to be producing the biggest buds so I'm going to step back and let it do its thing.

Picture 1: All 5 of the babies; the 2 small ones are 12/12 from seed on week 4 right now.
Picture 2: The setup. 2 x 42W 2700K CFLs; 11 x 26W 2700K CFLs; 2 x 26W 6500K CFLs.
Picture 3: The purp-wannabe, also my favorite plant!
Picture 4: Same plant from above.
Picture 5: Cola from same plant.
Picture 6: Same plant, random bud.
Picture 7: Randon Bud 2, same plant.
Picture 8: Plant that almost died due to some kind of stress, but pulled through!
Picture 9: Same plant, cola.
Picture 10: Baby cola 1.
Picture 11: Baby cola 2.

I forgot to take good pictures of the other big plant (the biggest actually). It's the one in the top left of the first picture, and is about 3' tall right now.

Hopefully these pictures will get some comments! :bigjoint:
Nice looking plants! I've never seen plants so small flowering like that. Are you using daylight (6500K) CFLs? From the pic they look like daylight CFLs. If they are, I'd try to switch em all out with soft whites (2700k). Good job!


Active Member
Nice looking plants! I've never seen plants so small flowering like that. Are you using daylight (6500K) CFLs? From the pic they look like daylight CFLs. If they are, I'd try to switch em all out with soft whites (2700k). Good job!

Haha, no, they're all 2700K except for 2, which are 6500K, yes. I've got 370W of 2700K light and 52W of 6500K, a nice mix.

Also, the pictures can be somewhat tricky to look at. In the very first picture, you can see all the plants together...but what you don't see is the uneven stack of boxes holding them all up! The plant in the top left of the first picture is just over 3' tall. The two plants that I did 12/12 from seed with, yeah, they are pretty small. I decided last minute to throw those in, that's why they're so tiny (I figured why toss them?). They will probably get around 2 feet when time to harvest.

For another "comparison" for size, the plant in the bottom right of the first picture (they one that may have a bit of purple in its genes), is about 2' tall, and the top cola is bigger than a Bic lighter.

I'll try to take some better pictures in a few days when there's something new to see!



Well-Known Member
Those are looking damn good bro. + rep I'll be watching. How are temps with all those lights? And what are you using for ventlation?



Active Member
Those are looking damn good bro. + rep I'll be watching. How are temps with all those lights? And what are you using for ventlation?

Initially, they were in a grow box with 1 4" exhaust fan and 2 filtered 4" intakes. Now, since I'm confined to the closet, I can't have a "true" exhaust system. What I do is I crack the door when the lights are on. I don't have to crack it much, maybe three quarters of an inch. I have 2 fans inside, one at the very top of the closet blowing hot air OUT of the closet, and one fan at the very bottom sucking air through the crack and oscillating upwards. It's not super-efficient, but it works and it's all I've got right now. Temperatures stay around 80 degrees with the lights on, and drop to around 65 when lights are off. During the dark period, I manually refresh the air in the closet by opening and letting it sit open for about 5 minutes. I do this 3 times a day. I also must note that the room with the closet is entirely light-proof, so when the closet is "open", it is still completely dark to the plants.

Whew. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
As for the filters which ones are you using? I am using the homemade filter from wolfmanzen.... not sure if you have seen it yet. I have it on the back of my dresser where the exhaust fan is. It works ok but I need to add another exhaust and intake. I want to add more lights but I'm worried about temps rising. You should stop by my grow journal and check it out. I just got done taking pics so I'm about to update. I'm a little behind you but still rolling.



Active Member
As for the filters which ones are you using? I am using the homemade filter from wolfmanzen.... not sure if you have seen it yet. I have it on the back of my dresser where the exhaust fan is. It works ok but I need to add another exhaust and intake. I want to add more lights but I'm worried about temps rising. You should stop by my grow journal and check it out. I just got done taking pics so I'm about to update. I'm a little behind you but still rolling.


I'm actually running un-filtered at the moment. In my original grow box, I had the room/circulation necessary to utilize a filter, but right now I don't have (in my opinion) a good enough ventilation system to benefit (much) from a scrubber/filter. I live alone in a house, so the smell isn't a huge issue (especially with only 3 large plants). I knew I wouldn't have great ventilation, so I placed the grow in a closet in the back room of my house. The smell is noticeable in the room, but not too obvious anywhere else in the house. I've got about 3 weeks left, so I'll probably tough it out without a filter for this last bit. This isn't to say I don't recommend a filter, because I do, I just decided that it wasn't worth the time/effort/money for right now.

Anyway, update coming tonight. I think the plants got a bit of nute burn, so I backed off the nutes until further notice. This close to the end, I don't want to fuck anything up, so I'll probably do molasses only for the rest of flowering, at least until the plants aren't burnt anymore! :bigjoint:


Active Member
bump those nodes up to 20-20-20
Any reason why? They are about 6.5 weeks into flowering and so far only one has shown yellow leaves, but it's a lot closer to being done than the other two. I'm open for suggestions, just want to hear why ;)

Also, I'll post an update later. The buds are growing like crazy on two of the plants, and the third is seeming like it has some problems, but I think it's heat related (is it possible for a strain to tolerate less heat than others?). The tips of a few leaves near lights have turned BLACK. Not blue/purple/gray, but near black. I was afraid it was fungus, but it hasn't spread and it's been nearly 2 weeks since I've noticed it. I have to keep the plant back from the lights a bit, which is hard due to my setup. Plus, the lack in light is making the buds grow very slow.

But yeah, upgrade coming soon. One plant is within a week or 2 of harvesting I think...it's getting exciting. :blsmoke: