2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream.

Nice grow!

I didn't know about HPS vs MH stretch, learning something new every day :D Does the HPS stretch vs MH matter that much? I'm guessing stretching is relative to length of plant so it would matter most with sativas, is there an average % of how much it stretches


Active Member
Cheers pal, and im not sure about a %. Its jsu the diff spectrums of light that cause an effect. give it a try one time. use a MH then after a while try hps, ul see the difference withing a day.


Active Member
finaly got some hairs.



Looks like you got seeds from the same batch I did. My TD.s are outdoor (started in April) and unusually huge, my largest plant is 20+ feet tall. They took forever to start flowering. The first 2 weeks were pretty slow going, I was wondering if they were ever going to make it. They are flowering hard now, but they still have a few weeks to go. I just hope they are done before it starts snowing! lol

I am a veteran grower and I have never seen anything like this plant. It grows straight up like a tree, no matter what you do to it. I have 1 that is farther along than the others. This was a very leggy plant, for the longest time I thought they were males and kept looking for balls. Flowering starts out typical sativa looking, then they all grow together on the branch into 1 massive bud. The entire plant gets thick & bushy like a kush strain, so weird. I am just now seeing trichomes. I seriously thought these plants were going to be garbage because there were no trichomes and very little on the one farthest along. Now, the trichomes are finally growing. Nice smell too! Very tangerine like.

I don't think light or nutes has anything to do with why this plant is taking forever to flower. My other strains are normal. Anyway, hang in there!


Active Member
same for me mate took 15days before i see 1 pistil. I started to think it wernt going to flower lol i have to be honest iv herd more bad things than good about this strain but all is looking good now :) Have u smoked it before ??


Active Member
yeah mate sativa dominant they are. iv switched between lights MH/HPS/dual spectrum. Mh makes for tighter nodes while hps stretches. i think thats a factor
I actually, not by choice, vegged under LED's. I was AMAZED how she responded. Explosive growth and tight, 3/4-1" node spacing. When I got my HID setup 10 days into the 12/12, I switched to HPS. I am going to use the MH for my next venture while vegging. Gonna see if there's a big difference. Everything in your grow looks sweet. Kepp up the good grow!!


Active Member
Iv heard some good things about LED's but i think the MH will be better than most especially for veg. Thanks mate :) keep following