2nd Grow , Aurora Indica 250wHPS, LOTS OF PICS


Well-Known Member
very nice philtubes, they are beutiful, and yes if u ur 600 will be fine on seedlings, i did a grow from seed start to finish with the 600, i only kept the light about 2 feet above them till they got a lil bigger, but it seems to me its a wste of energy and money for the bill using the 600 all the time, now i veg under a 200 watt cfl and it works great,


Active Member
any chance of a better pic sorry i know its dead cheeky.

the buds look all calyx with next to no leaves
hehe yep thats how these are rollin' ... i'll have to see if i can get 1 thats better for you and that is a smaller cola off the topped girl

they look awsome phil i'd be so proud if they were my babies lol

Thx Dragon , although i will be more proud when there in jars

I didn't know the A-Indica turned purple towards the end...is it cold or something ive grown this one prolly four times and never have i gotten purple maybe a deep deep deep green but not purple. Right on man

Nope temps are great 64 is the coldest they get and highest right now is around 76 .
now this is the second time for me with this strain and the first time i didnt have any purple come out , ya i have had that super forest green leaf color since the start but the last week of flowering they started to go purple which was week 8 for me . there almost done with week 9

very nice philtubes, they are beutiful, and yes if u ur 600 will be fine on seedlings, i did a grow from seed start to finish with the 600, i only kept the light about 2 feet above them till they got a lil bigger, but it seems to me its a wste of energy and money for the bill using the 600 all the time, now i veg under a 200 watt cfl and it works great,

ok thats what i kinda figured. thx mcpurple


Active Member
tried to get more pics with the camcorder of that cola and another one for ya

pics 2,3,4,8 are the smaller one again the rest are the bigger of the 4 and then a bud shot from the plant i call number 2



Active Member
Tonight when i wake up i plan on flushing and probaly taking a branch off to dry and cure over the next 2 weeks so that on choppy day im not still smoking these shitty mids. i will chop these around the 28th . which will be the first day of week 12 ....

so probaly 1 or 2 more big updates with pics b4 chop shop

Phillup tubes


Well-Known Member
Tonight when i wake up i plan on flushing and probaly taking a branch off to dry and cure over the next 2 weeks so that on choppy day im not still smoking these shitty mids. i will chop these around the 28th . which will be the first day of week 12 ....

so probaly 1 or 2 more big updates with pics b4 chop shop

Phillup tubes
hehe, nice, I am also guilty of that m-lawd


Well-Known Member
yeah pretty much when someone refers to mids it's like your not getting the pressed swag that is all chemically but its the step up of buds that are either not that potent...don't really look too appealing kinda like they were shipped all over the united states and back and lost all of its outter THC that you can usually see if they haven't packed it tightly together or ran it over a siv.... If i could put a name on it maybe the grown without care happ haphazardly leaving it up to nature to give you the best bud it can so essentially ditch weed


Active Member
Pics are from day 64 which was sunday when i was flushing...

Well I flushed on sunday , i did not take a branch or anything i just couldnt do it they were looking so pretty ... everything is going great .

My biggest plant is just getting more and more purple . i also got sum shots of all 3 side by side for a size comparison ....

Thank you all for the great comments and such ..

Pics are still from that crappy camera but hey i have pics .

All the hairs are starting to recede into the buds... Trichs are finally moving from clear/all cloudy to cloudy with some amber ... not that i follow trichs i go by plant looks

i use the trichs as a guideline on when i should get rdy , but never go by them to chop ...

I also strive to harvest with green leaves even after flushing

pics 1-10 big girl
12-14 NUMBER 2 little normal girl
15-18 topped 1
18-23 random shots of group and purple leaves
Picture 7 is a size comparison of the big ladys cola


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
interesting take on the harvest window phil im with you on the hairs receding by which time no doubt your crystals will mostly be amber.

any particular reason on the leaves being green when you chop?

gilrs look great fella, some trees man! how long you think you got left on them?


Active Member
interesting take on the harvest window phil im with you on the hairs receding by which time no doubt your crystals will mostly be amber.

any particular reason on the leaves being green when you chop?

gilrs look great fella, some trees man! how long you think you got left on them?

The leaves being green means ur plant is still healthy and if you chop while u still have sumwhat green leaves you know you have pushed your plant to the max all the way till harvest .

and were lookin at around 11-12 days most hairs are alrdy on there way in so it could be a little sooner

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah im with you man i push my feed to the very limit of burn just the tips of the leaves, i read just recently in the 600 thread about yellowing leaves that when you allow the plant to drain its leaves of the sugars n stuff before chop the plant has less clorophil (sp?) to break down so the end product tastes better, how much truth there is to that is anyones guess tho

a little over a week to the blade eh, so close you can taste it


Well-Known Member
So did you move all those big birds out of your grow room for the pics? must have been a mission bru?

Back to the green leaves v/s yellow leaves bedate...aaaaaggggghhh. Sorry, I am not going to start anything here about it here, Phill hehe.

Gonna be nice times in a few weeks for ya bud. Roll on harvest time.



Active Member
So did you move all those big birds out of your grow room for the pics? must have been a mission bru?

Back to the green leaves v/s yellow leaves bedate...aaaaaggggghhh. Sorry, I am not going to start anything here about it here, Phill hehe.

Gonna be nice times in a few weeks for ya bud. Roll on harvest time.


Actually DST ya i had to pull them all out to sit them in buckets to flush them not easy at all

hell its so controversal i would kinda like to hear ur input you do live where people strive for this stuff..

i look at it this way i flush 2 weeks b4 i plan on cutting by the time i cut most leaves are starting to yellow, by the first 2 weeks of cure are done what ever leaf is left usually has a brown tinge to it and is smooth as milk


Well-Known Member
Wow, that must have been a job. I remember I use to lug my girls from the potting shed, through my house to the bathroom to flush. Eventually I was like, bollox to that, so now I don't flush as much (the buckets get about the volume they are in of water (so 4 gallon pot, gets around 4 gallons of water.) I do this on the last week befroe harvest, then I tend not to water again...flushing is not a big thing for me either (coc organics I don't think it is the be all and end all.)

I was talking to the owner at the Grey Area coffeeshop last night about the green leaves thing. He was also saying this is a debate he hears all the time as well. As I maintain, if you are happy with the weed you produce,,, then that's the main thing. Here's my slant on it.

An MJ plant is like most crops (i.e wheat for example is a similar growing plant - needs around 7 hours of light min, and grows over 1 season.) With Sensi it's all about tricking mother nature. Like producing oranges without seeds I guess. Resin production comes from the plant feeding it's calyxs and trichomes on the calyxs (which protect the plant) to produce seed, to further the plants existance. When a plant is coming to the end of it's cycle, it concentrates the growth toward producing the most amount of seed (of course there is no seeds as we have removed them from nature and also chopped the men planty's down.) Points to consider, what makes the plant think it is coming to the end of it's cycle? Does the plant know is has not been pollenated? My logical answer to the first point would be, the change in light, the energy being sapped out of the plants sugar factories in to the buds, in other words, the depletion of fans leaves, just like in Autumn and mother nature....The second point I am not so sure about, I would guess plants are not able to tell if they have been pollenated or not so still concentrate the same energy into producing resin for the calyxs and trichomes. If for example we were to continue to grow our MJ plants for further seasons, then there would in my mind be a higher need for more greener healthier leaves to sustain regrowth....I think that's my slant as best explained as I can....I see MJ as a 1 season plant, and when it comes to cropping any plant harvest, this tends to be the way. Look at mealies (corn) when they are harvested for example...

Hope this makes sense PT.

Peace bru,


EIDT, if it doesn't make sense, just let me know and I will try to expand....


Active Member
Wow, that must have been a job. I remember I use to lug my girls from the potting shed, through my house to the bathroom to flush. Eventually I was like, bollox to that, so now I don't flush as much (the buckets get about the volume they are in of water (so 4 gallon pot, gets around 4 gallons of water.) I do this on the last week befroe harvest, then I tend not to water again...flushing is not a big thing for me either (coc organics I don't think it is the be all and end all.)

I was talking to the owner at the Grey Area coffeeshop last night about the green leaves thing. He was also saying this is a debate he hears all the time as well. As I maintain, if you are happy with the weed you produce,,, then that's the main thing. Here's my slant on it.

An MJ plant is like most crops (i.e wheat for example is a similar growing plant - needs around 7 hours of light min, and grows over 1 season.) With Sensi it's all about tricking mother nature. Like producing oranges without seeds I guess. Resin production comes from the plant feeding it's calyxs and trichomes on the calyxs (which protect the plant) to produce seed, to further the plants existance. When a plant is coming to the end of it's cycle, it concentrates the growth toward producing the most amount of seed (of course there is no seeds as we have removed them from nature and also chopped the men planty's down.) Points to consider, what makes the plant think it is coming to the end of it's cycle? Does the plant know is has not been pollenated? My logical answer to the first point would be, the change in light, the energy being sapped out of the plants sugar factories in to the buds, in other words, the depletion of fans leaves, just like in Autumn and mother nature....The second point I am not so sure about, I would guess plants are not able to tell if they have been pollenated or not so still concentrate the same energy into producing resin for the calyxs and trichomes. If for example we were to continue to grow our MJ plants for further seasons, then there would in my mind be a higher need for more greener healthier leaves to sustain regrowth....I think that's my slant as best explained as I can....I see MJ as a 1 season plant, and when it comes to cropping any plant harvest, this tends to be the way. Look at mealies (corn) when they are harvested for example...

Hope this makes sense PT.

Peace bru,


EIDT, if it doesn't make sense, just let me know and I will try to expand....
I think you should keep going, i get it but i dont if that makes sense

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah im in the same boat phil

i think i understand all that but im not sure if its better to let them yellow or not as you say the plant would normally be 1 season and want to turn yellow with autumn but as there are no seeds would it be better served to our smoking purpose by having the maximum time with green leaves to produce resin and bigger buds etc.


Active Member
hahah im in the same boat phil

i think i understand all that but im not sure if its better to let them yellow or not as you say the plant would normally be 1 season and want to turn yellow with autumn but as there are no seeds would it be better served to our smoking purpose by having the maximum time with green leaves to produce resin and bigger buds etc.

Exactly Don

i can see the point but i dont know either

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
enlightened and still in the dark we stand haha. i think DST's first statement prevails

As I maintain, if you are happy with the weed you produce,,, then that's the main thing.


Well-Known Member
hehe, I know what you mean. the written word is a tuff thing to master. Okay, so MJ being a 1 season plant, it germs, veg, flowers, seeds, then degrades in one season. so at some point in the plants natural make up it is dying and as such when it is dying it is pushing all its energy into the one thing that will maintain the genetic, the seed. Or in our case hopefully the empty calyx's. So plants like corn that are harvested when the fruit has developed and the rest of the plant is basically fried was my previous comparison.

If humans were not there to harvest the plant it would die off and would continue to produce more plants through it's seed falling to the ground or when the flowers rot and fallt to the ground providing additional nutrient for the plant, or when a creature munches it and shits it out a few miles away, both male and female and the cycle would continue. You would then see other small patches of different plants grown in different conditions that then when fertile would pollinate plants in other crops, which would then create seeds with different genetics, keeping the breading line continually getting stronger by mixing the genes, and getting rid of the ones that can't survive through germination. Now take out males. goes against nature for a start. but same rules apply, do plants know they are producing seed. so the same thing happens but no seeds, the flower end up rotting and the cycle begins again.

Effectively one could say that having no fan leaves left at harvest time could ultimately be the optimum condition of your plant! This is a theory guys, based on logic and not on exact scientific research, haha.

Hope this mudied lake is getting clearer!
