27 arrested in five county marijuana bust


Well-Known Member
So when a dispensary bill is passed can these fat catz that you don't like just pay their fees and get out of jail.

Because any of the things you find fault with are about to be called provising centers. And soon to be law so it's ok if shuttees brother in law runs hundreds of plants/clones?

Us or Them.
Leo picks the teams
Please don't put words in my mouth Nancy. I've never taken a stand where I've said I'm OK with that. I've actually cautioned against complete legalization for this very reason. A take-over of the industry by greedy corporate interests is actually worse, imo. I'd sooner see small time people like this profit off of the system than uber-rich suits that already have millions/billions of dollars to their name.

I stand firmly on the side of sick people in this state that need legal, affordable, uninterrupted access to their medicine. Call that, or call me whatever you want. I really don't give a rats behind one way or another.


Well-Known Member
That's precisely who I'm thinking of. I treat a couple of them right now free of charge. This group stands to ruin this medical marijuana program for people with cancer who truly need this medicine. This is exactly how the feds, the police, and local lawmakers want to paint us all. Greedy lowlifes scamming the system to get rich.

I have two beefs with people like this:

1) They're greedy. I don't view people like this any differently than I do fat-cat wall street bankers who are willing to game the system and fuck people over to satisfy their own personal greed. I see it in all walks of life, and I'm equally disgusted by all of it...
What about the greedy politicians, judges and police officers currently using "law" to make a living on our backs, that's who I'm calling out here? The government and it's agents work without any of the logical restraints of a free market nor their own "laws" as constructed quite frankly. I'll take the burden of facing the damaging force of Big Bad Business over Big Bad Government against my family any day of the week. This progressive lawfare has no good ending, why keep defending it?


Well-Known Member
to me..... its sounds like they busted what in cali would be a would be co-op. big fucking deal.. they watched these people for a year!!!!! for 500 plants between 27 people... in a state which is home to the largest American city to declare bankruptcy!!!!!!! how much money was wasted here???? they shoulda just put that money on mother fuckers link cards or something and used it better...
Drug investigations are profitable. It's why they do them. Seize the assets. Plus federal money - bonus.


Well-Known Member
Federal money for drug enforcement and civil forfeiture... without them local police departments nationwide will be reduced in numbers. So it's just about job security, not the nation's well being. Behind closed doors that's ALL they're talking about.

Secondary to these income streams are the taxes, leasing, whatever from for-profit prisons and juvenile detention facilities.

Nothing like being a piece of meat. Worse than being a statistic.


Well-Known Member
What about the greedy politicians, judges and police officers currently using "law" to make a living on our backs, that's who I'm calling out here? The government and it's agents work without any of the logical restraints of a free market nor their own "laws" as constructed quite frankly. I'll take the burden of facing the damaging force of Big Bad Business over Big Bad Government against my family any day of the week. This progressive lawfare has no good ending, why keep defending it?
I'm not defending anything! We get it, TheMan. You hate Obama, along with every other "progressive/liberal" to ever walk the earth. It's all the fault of the evil pinko commies. I think it's sickening that people like the Green family have their daughter taken away from them. I think it's disgusting that police manipulate numbers and bust an otherwise compliant grow over a few ounces just to reap the forfeiture windfall. BUT, there are also clear cut cases of abuse that you don't seem to be able to distinguish between. It's ridiculous to pretend that a group of 27 people, growing hundreds of pounds of weed should be afforded the same protections under THIS law that a cancer patient growing for himself should. One is a for-profit enterprise who's only objective is to get rich, and the other is a terminally ill person trying to save his life. Not everything is as black and white as you're trying to portray it here. If you don't like the law, then work towards changing it. But as it stands this law was passed by the people of this state for ill people who can benefit from the use of marijuana. It was never intended to be cover for some group of people, or some corporation to profit from.


Well-Known Member

Hannibal Cannabinol

Well-Known Member
FOR A LAW TO BE CONSIDERED LEGITIMATE, IT MUST BE ENFORCED. This goes for ALL LEGISLATION. Several of the people arrested knew they were breaking the law. Do the crime, expect to do the time. Also I hate cops.. LEGALIZE! :dunce:


Well-Known Member
With this particular case I would not lump all 27 people in with the guy supposedly caught on wire tap discussing those numbers.
The fact is 500 plants between 27 people is nothing. Everything else in the article comes from a source that lies far more often
then it tells the truth. The "ring leader" lol was probably buying up legitimate caregivers overages and brokering them to people
with paperwork and without. Everyone pays because they were dealing with a knucklehead that was talking on the phone like a
school girl.


Well-Known Member
I'm not defending anything! We get it, TheMan. You hate Obama, along with every other "progressive/liberal" to ever walk the earth. It's all the fault of the evil pinko commies. I think it's sickening that people like the Green family have their daughter taken away from them. I think it's disgusting that police manipulate numbers and bust an otherwise compliant grow over a few ounces just to reap the forfeiture windfall. BUT, there are also clear cut cases of abuse that you don't seem to be able to distinguish between. It's ridiculous to pretend that a group of 27 people, growing hundreds of pounds of weed should be afforded the same protections under THIS law that a cancer patient growing for himself should. One is a for-profit enterprise who's only objective is to get rich, and the other is a terminally ill person trying to save his life. Not everything is as black and white as you're trying to portray it here. If you don't like the law, then work towards changing it. But as it stands this law was passed by the people of this state for ill people who can benefit from the use of marijuana. It was never intended to be cover for some group of people, or some corporation to profit from.
I have no beef with either political party and/or their individuals, that is something you like to read into my views and in turn I. A form of bigotry I'd argue. I have a problem with the morals and ethics of this game and it's current players for sure. In my world the "means" must be just as justified as the "ends" to have any chance and/or goal of obtaining justice. Here your "ends", no matter how BIG or small, are merely a victim-less non-violent made up crime literally constructed by law within this past century. The clear governmental violation of civil rights on the other hand, as clearly present in these type of "means" that you keep trying to justify, are far from victim-less nor non-violent. It will never be right no matter how you'd like to portrait the victims/perps. This mere threat of such force from this government against you and I without clear justification is no doubt a form of violence in itself.


Well-Known Member
With this particular case I would not lump all 27 people in with the guy supposedly caught on wire tap discussing those numbers.
The fact is 500 plants between 27 people is nothing. Everything else in the article comes from a source that lies far more often
then it tells the truth. The "ring leader" lol was probably buying up legitimate caregivers overages and brokering them to people
with paperwork and without. Everyone pays because they were dealing with a knucklehead that was talking on the phone like a
school girl.
You could be right slumdog. If that were the case then I would look at this a lot different. I just hesitate to embrace this kind of stuff and start defending it though. The law is what it is. We can work on changing it, but for now we know what the parameters are. I'm not about to take the back of some knucklehead (or group of them) like this that's running around buying cars and homes and running his mouth over the phone about it. This type of shit under the guise of "medical marijuana" does all of us a disservice, and sets things back entirely. I'm not going to hop on board with all that.

I will defend people that get fucked over by greedy cops trying to make quotas and fluffing numbers to do it. Or those people that are sticking their neck out a bit to ensure that their patients are taken care of. There are plenty of good causes to get behind. Blatant thumbing of the nose at the law isn't one of them.

As for this particular case, the numbers can be manipulated. I've maybe been a bit preemptive judging this group on that. You can't make up tape recorded conversations though. There looks to be some pretty damning evidence


Well-Known Member
I have no beef with either political party and/or their individuals, that is something you like to read into my views and in turn I. A form of bigotry I'd argue. I have a problem with the morals and ethics of this game and it's player for sure. In my world the "means" must be justified just as much as the "ends" to have any chance of obtaining justice. Here your "ends", no matter how BIG or small, are merely a victim-less made up crime literally constructed by law within this past century. The clear violation of civil rights on the other hand, as clearly present in this type of "means" you keep justifying is far from victim-less crime.
I'm not reading anything in to your views. They're well documented. You have a general distaste for government (which I share to a degree) and in particular people you deem liberal/progressive. You want laws repealed, and smaller government. That's fine, and we could argue the merits of that in another conversation, but in this case we're dealing with the MMMA. As a patient/caregiver you should be aware of the limitations of this law. It's imperfect, and poorly implemented and as a result has gotten people caught up in legal issues. Those people deserve the support of our community. Someone using the law solely as a cover for their own greedy self interests doesn't.

I won't support greed in any form. It's at the root of what's wrong with this country.


Well-Known Member

The motivation for this investigation is clear, they were hoping every house raided had 500 plants and tons of cash laying
around for the seizure. After they kicked doors, terrified neighbors and found basically nothing. They had to justify dudes running
around with masks and guns drawn with a hyperbolic press release.

They see the numbers above and know their full tilt propaganda has worn off. The public sees MJ for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Temporally dismissed; until they can process all of the evidence. They couldn't get thru all the phone texts in time to present their case within the required 30 days.


Well-Known Member
I'm not reading anything in to your views. They're well documented. You have a general distaste for government (which I share to a degree) and in particular people you deem liberal/progressive. You want laws repealed, and smaller government. That's fine, and we could argue the merits of that in another conversation, but in this case we're dealing with the MMMA. As a patient/caregiver you should be aware of the limitations of this law. It's imperfect, and poorly implemented and as a result has gotten people caught up in legal issues. Those people deserve the support of our community. Someone using the law solely as a cover for their own greedy self interests doesn't.

I won't support greed in any form. It's at the root of what's wrong with this country.
good points! Wrong. So please do not pretend to support any of the clan on any other forum. We do not support this kind of thinking.


Well-Known Member
I'm not reading anything in to your views. They're well documented. You have a general distaste for government (which I share to a degree) and in particular people you deem liberal/progressive. You want laws repealed, and smaller government. That's fine, and we could argue the merits of that in another conversation, but in this case we're dealing with the MMMA enforcement. As a patient/caregiver you should be aware of the limitations of this law. It's imperfect, and poorly implemented and as a result has gotten people caught up in legal issues. Those people deserve the support of our community. Someone using the law solely as a cover for their own greedy self interests doesn't.

I won't support greed in any form. It's at the root of what's wrong with this country.
Dude please take the time to actually read and understand this thread and the Michigan laws you speak of. We are clearly talking about criminal law, criminal charges and criminal law enforcement here, NOT MMMA. MMMA is simply civil law that relates to licensing as administered LARA, aka Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, get it? You don't go to jail for that type of shit. This confident ignorance being preyed on is exactly what I am trying to address here, as it is truly what is wrong with this country.


Well-Known Member
I'm not defending anything! We get it, TheMan. You hate Obama, along with every other "progressive/liberal" to ever walk the earth. It's all the fault of the evil pinko commies. I think it's sickening that people like the Green family have their daughter taken away from them. I think it's disgusting that police manipulate numbers and bust an otherwise compliant grow over a few ounces just to reap the forfeiture windfall. BUT, there are also clear cut cases of abuse that you don't seem to be able to distinguish between. It's ridiculous to pretend that a group of 27 people, growing hundreds of pounds of weed should be afforded the same protections under THIS law that a cancer patient growing for himself should. One is a for-profit enterprise who's only objective is to get rich, and the other is a terminally ill person trying to save his life. Not everything is as black and white as you're trying to portray it here. If you don't like the law, then work towards changing it. But as it stands this law was passed by the people of this state for ill people who can benefit from the use of marijuana. It was never intended to be cover for some group of people, or some corporation to profit from.
Anyone who doesn't hate Obama at this point probably is unaware of the things he's stood for. That's all I can assume. His position that the executive can decide who lives or dies is particularly disturbing. Especially given the legal argument he used for it - that due process and judicial process aren't the same thing and the constitution doesn't guarantee the latter. The extension of that argument is that the executive can do anything it pleases to it's citizens.

There's another word for this - Dictatorship. The only thing in the way is the purse strings, but if you have a pliable and sufficiently stupid enforcement arm that's not a problem (Hey Congresman, you're a terrorist for not voting yes, oh by the way the NSA was spying on you and has all your dirty laundry too, do whatever the fuck I say).

Enforcement arms become especially vulnerable to following obviously horrible and illegal orders if things are hard economically and you can guarantee they have food in their stomach and a roof over their head - there's a reason dictatorships tend to form in turmoil.

Regardless of the President's beliefs, most of the things he believes in are blatantly illegal and they were made that way by the constitution to avoid complete tyranny.

As far as black and white portrayal, I suggest looking into the mirror. Profits aren't evil and neither is working to provide medicine for people. 2400 a unit in the United States is pretty cheap last I checked. Units go for 1000 around here. Black market, people trying to make a living (because it's difficult to make a living doing other things these days, have fun finding a job) .

Yet still, supply and demand brings the price way down. Large scale producers such as the above do just that. Bring prices down, whether they want to or not. And this is good for patients (and all really), especially those who can't grow themselves for whatever reason.

You're sitting here acting like it's wrong to want to live comfortably. To not have to stress about paying bills and/or unforeseen disasters because you have the cash in the bank to deal with them. And that requires quite a bit of cash these days. Ever busted all your front teeth? Hello about 20-30 dollars later for a long term solution. Trust me, I know.

The reality is we should all be working about 1 day a week at this point with our current productivity levels. Except for some funny reason it hasn't worked out like that.

Could it be the ponzi scheme monetary system, government corporatism that's been going on for years funneling your tax dollars to guys like "Tax me harder" Buffet in sweet heart deals all the while making the tax code so incomprehensible and ridiculous that only a small number of people know all the loop holes - the very same people who wrote it of course - and wind up paying no taxes at all? Nah, it couldn't be that.

By the way, mathematical certainty here - no debating the point -, those who receive new dollars first in a fiat monetary system will also always receive the benefit of lower prices on the initial infusion of cash, very largely distorting the supply and demand curve with fraudulently created funds courtesy a system designed from the word jump to fuck you up your asshole.

All the while you are intended to fight over the ridiculous left vs right paradigm when the real fight is freedom vs authoritarianism. Because both the left and right wingers in the US government largely want authoritarian government and authoritarian governments always end up with an elite few ruling over the rest regardless of whatever they decide to call it.


Well-Known Member
All I'm thinking about is 58% of the nation supports completely legal weed and so that's where I'm pushing and thinking. Mentally, I'm taking the express bus to full legalization and not stopping for incremental gains along the way. People + weed does not equal anything bad, so stop the punish-for-profit scheme.


Well-Known Member

GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM) -- A joint task force has arrested 27 people and seized 500 marijuana plants following an investigation stretching across several counties in West Michigan.
Wednesday, police from multiple agencies executed search warrants at 28 different locations and consent searches at three more locations. It resulted in the arrest of 27 people and the seizure of marijuana and cash from drug sales.

Investigators say The Medical Marijuana Team (MMT) had operations in Rothbury, Grand Rapids, Walker, Traverse City and a half dozen other locations in five counties, but primarily they worked out of Muskegon.

According to court documents, Shawn Taylor was the leader of the Medical Marijuana Team. During a year-long investigation, drug enforcement agents say more than two dozen defendents secured medical marijuana cards from so called "weed doctors." But the patients far exceeded the limits for production and posession outlined in the law for patients and care providers.
Instead of patients dealing with pain and suffering, court dcouments say the co-conspirators harvested the marijuna from their various grow locations and quickly sold it for $2,500 to $2,800 per pound. Investigators say the earned hundreds of thousands of dollars and bought houses, land, and other items to launder the money.
Detectives used secret surveillance, wire taps, and informants to collect evidence on the group. The defendants represent many West Michigan communities and all are charged with conspiracy to manufacture and deliver marijuana.

The only way that MMJ can function under current law, is to break the law.

Not much different than before.


Well-Known Member
Considering your superior intellect and perspective, can you help me out? I medicate with 3-4 grams per day, which is one ounce per week. Most long-term MJ users I know have similar legitimate needs. I fear the threat of the State/LEO growing my own as I cannot design an annual grow/harvest/cure schedule that does not extremely exceed my 2.5 ounce and 12 plant limits at any given time. Can you help a brother out here :-?

You can't. To smoke a zip a week as I also do, and cure for 6 weeks, (the standard minimum cure time), you obviously need over 6 ounces on hand. Common sense.

Jesus. I agree with the overall principles and beliefs being spouted, but the law is the law. I don't agree with it, and do what I can to help change it.
Just seems like we need to remember it doesn't matter what we think about the laws, but what a jury or judge will if we find ourselves in an unfortunate situation. We can't claim ignorance, or pretend we have a moral high ground, and people pulling off shit like this, with terrible media coverage doesn't help us.

End goal is for all the terrible past surrounding this plant to be a distant memory.

Eta its all good, I don't take this personally and I feel many of the same sentiments about these topics as many of you do. I simply express a different point of view.
Get lost. You CANNOT follow the laws as they are currently set up. If you grow a single healthy plant to maturity, following the plants natural life cycle, YOU WILL BE OVER THE 2.5 OZ LIMIT.

Any thoughts on why/how local LEO went to a federal criminal court to obtain these warrants? IMO It's a special kind of corruption that funds this machine and by no means is such a victim-less crime, willful/malicious Entrapment at best.
Because the locals knew it was wrong, (or it was their supply), and told them to kick rocks.


Charges dismissed WTF?!?

I'd like to know exactly how many patients no longer have access to medicine given these unjustified state actions. As impeding access is clearly addressed in our medicinal marijuana law (section 4), their lack of consideration would be in clear violation of same.

It's time for patients to stand up and begin suing these state agencies in protection of their caregivers. We need to negate the obvious seizure and federal revenue streams that motivate these actions and this is one sure way if successful.

If one of these individuals is your registered caregiver:
  • Kimberly Monique Adema
  • Calvin Joseph Brown
  • Merribeth Devries
  • Kevin Lee Downey
  • Curtis Daniel Fairchild
  • Benjamin Allen Fialek
  • Erin Nicole Forestier
  • Cody Andrew Fyre
  • Brandon Edward Goerbig
  • Casie Lynne Hanis
  • Nathan Edward Hanis
  • Douglas Lee Harjer
  • Debora Kay Housley
  • James Stanley Housley
  • Robert James Housley
  • Vanessa Kay Housley
  • Braden Daniel Kasper
  • Lori Lynn Larabel
  • William Ernest May
  • Dalton James Miller
  • James Lee Moore
  • Nicholas Patrick Perri
  • David James Searer
  • Molly Ann Taylor
  • Shawn Andrew Taylor
  • Leslie Ann Wimmer
  • Robert Dorr White
Please file suit against: Kent County Sheriff Department, West Michigan Enforcement Team, East Grand Rapids Public Safety Department, Grandville Police, Grand Rapids Police, Grand Haven Public Safety Department, Kalamazoo Public Safety Department, Oceana County Sheriff Department, Muskegon Police, Muskegon County Sheriff Department and Walker Police; for impeding access to your medication.
Kent County Sheriff Department
Sheriff Larry Stelma
701 Ball Ave., NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 632-6111

WEMET - West Michigan Enforcement Team

WEMET is a multijurisdictional drug enforcement task force, which consists of five teams and an administrative unit responsible for investigations in Muskegon, Ottawa, and Allegan Counties. The jurisdictions serviced by WEMET are Muskegon, Ottawa, and Allegan Counties. Participating agencies are: Michigan State Police, Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department, Allegan County Sheriff’s Department, Muskegon County Sheriff’s Department, Holland Police Department, Muskegon Police Department, Muskegon Heights Police Department, Norton Shores Police Department, and Grand Haven Department of Public Safety.

East Grand Rapids Public Safety Department
770 Lakeside Dr SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
(616) 940-4870

Grandville Police Department
3181 Wilson Ave. SW
Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 538-6110

Grand Rapids Police Department
(616) 456-3400
333 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Grand Haven Public Safety Department
519 Washington Ave
Grand Haven, MI 49417
(616) 842-3460

Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety
215 W Lovell
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007
(269) 337-8994

Oceana County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Bob Farber
216 Lincoln, P.O. Box 32
Hart, MI 49420
(800) 442-0043

Muskegon Police
980 Jefferson Street
Muskegon, MI 49440
(231) 724-6750

Muskegon County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Dean Roesler
25 W. Walton St.
Muskegon, MI 49440
(231) 724-6236

Walker Police Department
4343 Remembrance Rd NW
Walker, MI 49534
(616) 453-5441

Quoted because they should be quoted.