263g- The water cure part 2


Well-Known Member
I just grow as a hobby and sell enough to pay for my expenses.I hit it now and then but the GF is a pot head.

My plant is about a week from harvest so I just cut some of the lower branches off as if I was lollipopping it and just used those little buds in the water cure.This way my GF has something to hold her over untill the other stuff cures.

Day two into the cure.Had it in a rubbermaid tub but nothing around the house to hold the buds down.So I got a big mason jar,put in all the buds and then put a dixie cup in with just enough rocks to hold the bud down so there is a gap to let the clorophyll evaporate out.Wrapped the jar with aluminum foil and stuck it in the back of the fridge.

Will report results when finished.