263g- The water cure part 2


Well-Known Member
I have a question on this....Say you're growing something with many-o-chrystals....would water curing wash away most of the chrystals? For instance, White Widow?
Well from what I am seeing on this batch is that you will lose a few hairs, especially if you have some awkward moments while changing the water or rotating the buds.You will probably lose a few crystals.But the amounts I am talking about here are minimal, and should not discourage anyone from trying this.I will be able to tell you exactly what the total effects on the crystals and hairs is on Thursday when I dry it up.So far all is perfectly fine.

The key to this water curing thing is the setup.You find the right way to submerge and contain the plant material , and you will have almost no loss of any of the good stuff. I am thinking maybe a laundry bag ( the mesh kind) might be good, just leave space on 2 sides for your weights.Or some kind of metal wire box, like a lobster trap looking thing would be perfect as long as it won't rust.


Well-Known Member
Well,Here is the green after a week in the hole.A sad sight for sure.But don't cry in your beer just yet.We will have this mess cleaned up soon enough.

I laid out some dishtowels and put some paper towels on top.I pulled all the plant material out of the cooler ( no need to drain the water beforehand )and let them drip for a few seconds, then placed them on the towels to dry off some prior to going into dehydration.

I am using a new method this time, trying the dehydrate function on my oven.It will run on a convection setting, forcing air around the buds and keeping the heat even at all times.I can adjust the temp from 100 to 140 deg. F.I'll start it off at 100.

I just placed all the buds onto the racks in the oven ( Note the stems are still attached.This makes drying easier for my method .)and let her rip.After a few hours I turned the temp. up to 120F ad it seems to help out alot.After about 4 hours I pulled all the bud out of the oven and then placed it in a paper bag to sweat it out some and evenly distribute whatever moisture was left evenly over the entire batch.The buds are sticky , and aside from being dark from the water cure process, look great.

Here is a shot of the bud fresh out of the water:

And now completely dry:

I removed all the lumber and the final dry weight for that plant was 32 grams. ( 1 and 1/8 Oz.)Not amazing but not too shabby for a plant a hair over 2 ft. in height after a water cure.The total weight loss for the cure is as follows: 263g including stems went into the water.I was left with 32g of bud + 10g of stems ( yes I weighed them! ) for a total of 42g.The total net from this water cure was 15.9%. This is of course very close to the 15% yield figure for water curing.Right on.

Now the smoke report:

The strain I am using here is Nirvana's Master Kush FYI.

Weight loss: I wound up getting slightly more than I thought I would. Basically,water curing instead of air curing will cost you an extra 10% of your harvest.No good for commercial growers except as a last resort for problem buds or an early harvest.

Potency: As with my first test-cure on the one mini-bud , water cured green is much stronger than air cured.I do not know the exact % increase I gained but it is very noticeable.

Smell: I did not lose as much of the smell on this batch as I did the mini-bud.I think it is just due to the size of these buds.It has the earthy skunk smell as quoted by Nirvana but it has been muted some by the curing.I can't smell it unless I put my nose in the bag.I would say I lost 50% of the smell.

Flavor: The taste was mostly removed from the green, not as bad as the mini-bud but still very noticeable.The smoke is smooth, but tastes like mids.

Burning Properties: I did not notice any unusual burning properties.Burned nice and even.Mostly white ash, but still not as white as the pic in Videoman40's how-to.

Bag appeal: Once again, Aside from being dark the bud looked great.Still covered in crystals.It looks dank.

Final Analysis: Overall I am only partially pleased with this experience.The higher potency is great , the smell is so-so, the flavor is so-so.I personally would not try to sell this to anyone due to the diminished smell/taste.I am definately not doing this again until I find a better way to submerge the green , and will probably not do it again unless I was totally out of green and wanted some while the bulk of my harvest cured in jars.For those fortunate to get enough at harvest time to be able to play around like this water curing is a viable option.

The only advice I can give based on this experience is to just air cure your green except in an emergency, or for cooking purposes.I think the loss of smell+taste+weight will break too many hearts out there so I cannot endorse the water cure process.

Thanks for following me on this little journey.Peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
and will probably not do it again unless I was totally out of green and wanted some while the bulk of my harvest cured in jars
yep. pretty much the only reason to water cure. water cured weed is leaps and bounds better than smoking dried/noncured weed.


Well-Known Member
Nice report Shamegame. I look forward to doing this myself still, my mini bud turned out pretty good. It only filled a bowl and didn't even weigh a gram, but it was one hell of a bowl. It worked pretty well for the amount.


Well-Known Member
Hell I'm going to water cure 1/2 maybe all of my bud from my 1st grow. I dont mind losing smell/taste/weight. really the only thing that lasts when you smoke is the high everything else is just temporary and if this really make the bud stronger then i can live with that. thanks for the report!


Well-Known Member

I am curious.
DID you keep the cooler in a dark place?

Also I think a food dehydrator from walmart for 35. might be a lil better than the oven.
The heat is going to depleate your potency.

I was wondering about a cross between the 2.
Maybe 4 ds of air drying and then 4 of water curing.

Any thoughts people?


Well-Known Member

I am curious.
DID you keep the cooler in a dark place?

Also I think a food dehydrator from walmart for 35. might be a lil better than the oven.
The heat is going to depleate your potency.

I was wondering about a cross between the 2.
Maybe 4 ds of air drying and then 4 of water curing.

Any thoughts people?
Yes I kept the cooler in the garage which is dark almost all the time.As far as the heat. I only had it at 100-120 deg. F which is what dehydraters run at no? I don't know if I would combine air+water cures.The water cure is still going to darken all your green and mess with the taste+smell even if it's only 4 days...I guess you could try it but seems like an either/or thing to me.I did work in the paper bag technique though to finish this drying off.Worked great.

And Abudsmoker, I never said I wouldn;t do it again, I just won't consider it until I get a better system for the soaking.But yeah I certainly won't be doing it a lot.


Well-Known Member
How's about a five gallon bucket and a mesh screen type thing.... like a potatoe masher only larger,and gentlty submerge the buds under with it.
You could just keep using the ice cooler, just cut a grate to fit the cooler, and add weight if nessary.


Well-Known Member
It does not make it stronger.
It just makes it denser with less mass.

So the thc per mass has increased.

Ideally you get higher off of less.

It also cuts your weight quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
How's about a five gallon bucket and a mesh screen type thing.... like a potatoe masher only larger,and gentlty submerge the buds under with it.
You could just keep using the ice cooler, just cut a grate to fit the cooler, and add weight if nessary.
I think that is a good idea. A mesh grate or better yet a cage of some sort.The cage would allow you to pull it out, flip it, rotate it etc.I really suggest rotating the bud during the week of curing..


Well-Known Member
If my buds get big enough I'll give it a whirl!
It sound like a good way to get rid of contaminents and smell!
I'm not partial to real stinky weed anyway, ya know the stuff that sticks to ya for hours.some strains are better than others for taste and smell, so if you got some smelly shit than this is the way to go I would think.


Well-Known Member
i water cure and will continue to water cure every harvest unless i have cured weed avail to smoke. theres no reason not to water cure if you are out of weed when you harvest.

air cured>water cured>not cured
So you don't agree with the benefits of water curing re the quality and cleanliness of the smoke or is it those just are not important to you?


Well-Known Member
So you don't agree with the benefits of water curing re the quality and cleanliness of the smoke or is it those just are not important to you?
i dont understand what youre saying.

the #1 thing i want to smoke is some nice dank bud. i love the taste of weed. i love the smell of weed. i also work with retards on the phone all day and i come home with migranes and shit. so i obv also love to get high and forget about the fuckers i deal with on a daily basis. to me its a pretty easy choice.

if i have the time/bud im going to dry/cure my weed so its looks/tastes/smells the best; and also get me high

if i dont have the time/bud im going to try to get some asap; even if i have to make some small sacrifices, like taste/smell/looks

the only benefit to me that water curing has, is time. i am not willing to give up all the things i love about weed unless i have to. but when it comes to water curing or smoking dried uncured weed. its a no brainer.


Well-Known Member
I read in another post awhile back where the person took readings of the water each day. According to his readings, the first 3 days have the highest amounts of junk in the water. After that, it falls off gradualy day by day. What would the anticipated outcome be if you just soaked it like normal, but dried it on lets say the 4th or 5th day? Would that be a possibility to maybe retain some weight and some flavor/smell? Yes, I understand that there would still be some junk in the bud, but if there is a happy median that you enjoy what would be wrong with that? I am tempted to try the 4/5 day thing on my harvest, but was hoping someone might be able to beat me to it. I still have about 6 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
I read in another post awhile back where the person took readings of the water each day. According to his readings, the first 3 days have the highest amounts of junk in the water. After that, it falls off gradualy day by day. What would the anticipated outcome be if you just soaked it like normal, but dried it on lets say the 4th or 5th day? Would that be a possibility to maybe retain some weight and some flavor/smell? Yes, I understand that there would still be some junk in the bud, but if there is a happy median that you enjoy what would be wrong with that? I am tempted to try the 4/5 day thing on my harvest, but was hoping someone might be able to beat me to it. I still have about 6 weeks left.
just looking at the example dude did with his ph tester im willing to bet there wouldnt be too much of a difference between 5 and 7 days. it looks like thats when the ph leveled off at like ~100. when you harvest just do a test run with a few buds at like 5 to 7 days.


Well-Known Member
I read in another post awhile back where the person took readings of the water each day. According to his readings, the first 3 days have the highest amounts of junk in the water. After that, it falls off gradualy day by day. What would the anticipated outcome be if you just soaked it like normal, but dried it on lets say the 4th or 5th day? Would that be a possibility to maybe retain some weight and some flavor/smell? Yes, I understand that there would still be some junk in the bud, but if there is a happy median that you enjoy what would be wrong with that? I am tempted to try the 4/5 day thing on my harvest, but was hoping someone might be able to beat me to it. I still have about 6 weeks left.

The warmer it is where you are storing the water cure , the more the water will be discolored. Water temp. is the deciding factor from what I saw, not the number of any given day.Hope this helps.