250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
Did some cropping, and trying to keep them low until all the tops are level. Switched over to 12/12 hps, have the light at 12" off the tops & going to let them grow to the light and pull down the faster growing ones. Temp is pretty constant, 81 - 77, humidity stays around 50%.
Last pic looks the best so far, very full level growth.. That was the first one I cropped, 2nd set of 5 blade. The rest were a week or so later. The 3rd one is still a bit scrawny, but was just topped last week.
Once I sex them I will put them in the 3 gal pots. They all look healthy to me. Dont mind any deformed leaves, was a little crazy with the scissors :-(


Well-Known Member
Old and New.. here's a pic of curing bud from the last dwarf MM grow and the MM seedlings that I just moved to the cab (250w CMH)




@rufusgrower can we get a overhead shot of that plant please. is that 4way lst you used on that plant? if so i am super excited about my next babies coming up their all 4way lst'd. heres a pic of them.



Well-Known Member
hey grazz cmh huh. do those work in digi ballast? hear good things about those lamps.
heat over here is in the mid 100s 95f is a cool day like today only 96f.lol
nice hempy ic they are using lots of N rite now.


Active Member
Heat is killing everyone it seems like. Yesterday I unplugged my 250 and replaced it with 16 cfls. temps only dropped about 5 degrees. running out of options except getting a small ac. not really in my budget though.


Sorry to hear about the heat everyone's experiencing! High 70s/low 80s in norcal :bigjoint:

some recent pics of my girl @ 17 days flower. Starting to see lots of little baby trichs :)

Screen shot 2012-07-02 at 8.30.15 PM.pngScreen shot 2012-07-02 at 8.30.25 PM.pngScreen shot 2012-07-02 at 8.30.33 PM.png


Well-Known Member
hey grazz cmh huh. do those work in digi ballast? hear good things about those lamps.
heat over here is in the mid 100s 95f is a cool day like today only 96f.lol
nice hempy ic they are using lots of N rite now.
Looked it up just to be sure CBT, CMH does not work on digital ballast :(.. (I'm still running a remote ballast that I put together from a ballast kit.) But yeah, good things, light spectrum, lower heat, one bulb for veg and flower. It's been hot here too, but I'm in a basement and drawing air for my cool tube from a semi-cool room and keeping the heat down to *82 max.



Well-Known Member
thx grazz thats what i heard i just didnt know. yeah i try to keep the canopy at 83 or less, rest of the grow area stays around 76.about a week or 2 i will get a light mover then i can put the girls even closer.im going with a 4' rail. i want to see how short of a time i can get between harvest while staying with 250w and yeilding a decent amount each harvest.im sure every other week would be too hard to do. right now about 25-45days between harvest.maybe i need to sit down and do a little math.


Well-Known Member
The heatwave made me lose my B-52 clone. moist humidity dome, only 4 small CFLs in the hospital box, lots of air in and out but the heatwave was just too much today.