250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
what i meant was that its not on a main road. its actually located in a side street of a side street. not much foot traffic at all. but its within walking distance to where i live. and yeah i saw the old ladies plant was a healthy looking little bush, would have loved to have seen the yeild. ive seen pics of a 7lb outdooor plant before :) the stem was like a tree trunk. looked at least a foot wide

actually here https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/indoor-growing/2296331d1345078619-new-start-perpetual-dwc-1st-dsc00463.jpg



Active Member
Wow that unreal. Never had the advantage to do it without needing to be discreet. Have seen a few outdoors that I considered monsters, but nothing like that. Damn thing is falling over on itself from the weight of the kolas...


Well-Known Member
Also Brettsog, I was just being a prick when I commented on your contradiction earlier, I knew what you meant :)

WIth the whole outdoor thing, you planning on doing 5 plants, or 5 sets of plants?? I had a real good look around this year, found some great spots for single plants, and was gonna plant excess clones there. Problem was the soil was 90% clay, could barely dig a tiny hole with my hand spade. Maybe i'll do some investigating in the spring, further afield.

Anyone got a tent they can lend me till xmas, I have too many plants waiting to flip, spare light, but no funds, and I'm screwing about whats gonna happen with my babies. Hopefully I get confirmation of student funding soon, can buy a 400w set up, get these plants done, and then sell it after xmas on ebay. (yes I would love to have a second tent, but wifey says no)


Well-Known Member
Also Brettsog, I was just being a prick when I commented on your contradiction earlier, I knew what you meant :)

WIth the whole outdoor thing, you planning on doing 5 plants, or 5 sets of plants?? I had a real good look around this year, found some great spots for single plants, and was gonna plant excess clones there. Problem was the soil was 90% clay, could barely dig a tiny hole with my hand spade. Maybe i'll do some investigating in the spring, further afield.

Anyone got a tent they can lend me till xmas, I have too many plants waiting to flip, spare light, but no funds, and I'm screwing about whats gonna happen with my babies. Hopefully I get confirmation of student funding soon, can buy a 400w set up, get these plants done, and then sell it after xmas on ebay. (yes I would love to have a second tent, but wifey says no)
thats the reason im doing outdoor from now on. missus has got the hump with it. and yeah i meant 5 spots. gonna aim for 3 in each. maybe more depending on how nice the spots are and how many seeds i can afford. im gonna use subcools super soil recipe as well to keep them well nourished.... hopefully wont need to feed them much then. there are so many green areas around here it would be rude not to grow outdoors. i think im decided on a strain as well. from everything i have read purple power is the hardiest strain for outdoor uk and its an early finisher. so less chance of mould.

and yeah i take what people say online with a pinch of salt. people in this community are so quick to flame you for the slightest thing.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have a gl60 and a gl80... not in original boxes.. would have no idea on how to ship them :) if you want to point me to some places i might part with one or two for a seasoned member!


Active Member
Well I am sad to say that my aunt, and co grower lost her battle yesterday. She beat the cancer, had her final chemo treatment and had a bad side effect from it. The chemo drug poisoned her, and her body could not recover. She did not suffer, it happened quickly an unexpected.

I spent the last 5 months seeing her every day while we did this together, it was a wonderful experience to share with her and I thank you all for helping.

Puff a big fat one for her today


Well-Known Member
Well I am sad to say that my aunt, and co grower lost her battle yesterday. She beat the cancer, had her final chemo treatment and had a bad side effect from it. The chemo drug poisoned her, and her body could not recover. She did not suffer, it happened quickly an unexpected.

I spent the last 5 months seeing her every day while we did this together, it was a wonderful experience to share with her and I thank you all for helping.

Puff a big fat one for her today
peace to your loved ones mate, rolling a doober now man.


Well-Known Member
ive ended up making a grow box for one of my plants and putting other in green house, can't afford a tent myself ( poor in the uk ) lol
Poor in the UK, that's just a way of life. I have enough wood to build a decent temp room to get me out of trouble, but occasoinal have landlord and workmen vists, so need something that comes down and goes up in half an hour.

Thanks Verde, very sympathetic, the GL 80 would be about perfect for me ;) ...still pleased you have a fish I see


Well-Known Member
Hey 10ac, very surprised and sorry to hear that. I know words make no difference, at least your last memories with her were so good. I'm going for my monthly visit back home to smoke with my oldest friend, and for you, in her honour, I will be sure to exercise an extreme lack of reservation.

Thoughts are with you

Love, Light, and Peace x

Dr. Kundilini

Well-Known Member
Well I am sad to say that my aunt, and co grower lost her battle yesterday. She beat the cancer, had her final chemo treatment and had a bad side effect from it. The chemo drug poisoned her, and her body could not recover. She did not suffer, it happened quickly an unexpected.

I spent the last 5 months seeing her every day while we did this together, it was a wonderful experience to share with her and I thank you all for helping.

Puff a big fat one for her today
Sorry to hear about your aunt passing. Condolences to you and family.


Well-Known Member
i made some canna butter out of my trim from my white widow... wow. i made it into butter icing and put it on some cup cakes. ive had 3 and my face feels numb lol i post a pic up in a minute.