24/0 or 18/6?


Active Member
18/6 It is imo that the plant needs dark time to rest. These plants reguardless of what we do now were never ment to be grown inside under these controls. I.E. Unless you were in very certin parts of the globe for a very different time of the year no plant ever gets 24 hours of light.

that being said to each there own.


Well-Known Member
24/7 is ideal. if you need to fill more space, save money, or worry about cooler temps then 18/6 might be worth looking into...

In my opinion run 24/7 if you want short bushy plants that grow quick. if you are trying to save money and temps you might as well run gas lantern... 12 hours on and 1 hour of light during middle of dark period.

18/6 will give less stretch and quicker growth than the gas lantern method.

Gas lantern is most efficient.


I use 24/0 for different reasons. I have temp issues with indoor and outdoor grows so I put my grow boxes out in my shed(in the UK).

24/0 gives me a steady temp of 70 - 80, allows me to throw autos in there any time of growth stage. I sprout, veg and flower in the same boxes under the same lights.

I have noticed no difference in plant health. My autos do seem to grow quicker and grow more nodes/bud sites and don't suffer with stretch on 24/0 using CFLs.

Some plants are adapted to 24/0 in some parts of the world. Plants crossed with them can produce the same traits such as autos.... I guess I am just embracing their natural traits.

Hope this helps
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Well-Known Member
from my personal experience, I have grown at 24/0 and they do grow fast, but I had the best results when I did 18/6. They really needed that dark cycle. I think this run though I am going to try the 20/4 cycle and see how that works.