2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow


Well-Known Member
that sucks about the mites tank they got ya bad .... i hear ya about havin to spray (conseceutively) sp? to keep them at bay, otherwise they just multiply like illegals


Active Member

i made it over :P things are looking realy great in there man! do u switch out bulbs at all or do u run mixed spectrum throughout?

keep up the good work man!

oh yeah we were talking about PM, since its systemic u can keep the spores from forming on the leaves by increasing airflow and changing surface ph but its still there waiting for the right conditions, Serenade works really well to go in and kill the infection (i realize u arent fightin PM ATM but figured i would throw it out there)



Well-Known Member
yeah its (pm) everywhere here (wine country) i feel that ill never batlle it so long as it doesnt have the conditions ill look into it if needed, buy in my opinion its environmental not systemic i know technically its "in the plant" . PM spores come from the air and only grow in the right conditions (environment)

not to be argumentative, lol

and as for the bulbs, i just got the 600's and they came w/HPS i simply didnt go buy the MH bulb (i will next time growth is signifigantly diffrent) and i already had a MH for my 1000w so i decided to run dual spectrums, but i like the growth with MH better, and also stationary lighting, cause i have my 1000w on a rail and the 600's are far outperforming it. the reason the ones under the 1k look bigger is cause they WERE under the 600's but i switched them alll to give equal chances under the lights


Well-Known Member
Photo0379.jpggettin my water ready/ i have a hose from outside =)
Photo0378.jpgit shhots pretty far, enough to be dangero
Photo0376.jpgit has great pressure too... and for anyone thinking it will burn up?? by being stopped, i left it on ALL NIGHT by accident and it still works CHERRY MAYNE. DON TRIP AN BUY THE WARRANTY, DONT BE CHEAP!!! =0 LOL


Well-Known Member
DaMn bro your stuff is lookin' great!! I wish I had more time to check in. I'm gonna have to start making time I guess haha. I love the subpump idea. I have an external pump I use on my outdoor to pump my teas out onto my plants, but it's not really feasible for indoor use. I have a 55 gal. drum in here I make compost tea in for the indoor, but have neen lifting buckets in and out and pouring it by hand....what a pain in the ass. I'm going out today while it's raining and get me a subpump and hook it up for my teas. I'm working on getting my soils set where I don't need to feed at all, but I havn't arrived there yet, I still use compost tea, but that's it...no bottled nutes....period!!
I have my watering tghing down but this will help when I need to feed.
The grow looks great man, bout another week of veg eh?? yea, I think that's gonna be enough, 2 weeks tops,, but I don't think your gonna need that much, it's getting full in there now.
I know when I flippedf my room it seemed like evrything grew twice as much the first week thatn thjey had ibn a while.....they just shot up like 10" in a week! YIKES!!


Well-Known Member
THEY ARE DEFINITELY CROWDING EACHOTHER!!, I watered lastnight and it only took me a lil over an hour, GOD what a relief!!! the pump works cherry, give each plant a ten count and on to the next!!
im ready for the strech, i have LOTS o headroom, LOL im trying to finish around 40"-50" inches tall, so yeas ill be flippin within the next couple weeks i hope, it really depends on what it looks like when the other half of the plants in the room is gone, i bet i still have room to veg for another week, of two after.

im gonna transpalnt into 3G bags when the other half goes away, then let em acclimate to the 3G's for a week or so, trim up the bottoms for cuts, then flip

pictures after i get homefrom work tonight


Well-Known Member
i dunno how much to expect, ill be happy with anything over 2# but if im shootin for a GPW it would be roughly 4.5#
i dont think the GPW is gonna happen this run, but hey who knows maybe ill get lucky.


Well-Known Member
i dunno how much to expect, ill be happy with anything over 2# but if im shootin for a GPW it would be roughly 4.5#
i dont think the GPW is gonna happen this run, but hey who knows maybe ill get lucky.
haha 2KILOS of WEED!
that would be killer if it happens
Have you inocculated your soil with beneficials? are you using RO water or letting your tap water sit out?(so as not to hurt the bennies)
a GPW would be really impressive for a soil grow


Well-Known Member
lol right @ 2keys... i do let my water sit out and aerate, w/a 200gph pond pump, as for myco's i havnt, but i can, i have a couple little packets of samples, my other soil mix is already innoculated, but not the mix im using now i dont really think i wanna feed/water any more either i already have to water weekly, an the mycos are suppose increase water uptake also..

my last run has mycos in the soil, got lil fuzz i can see if i really try to find it, i just sorta play it by ear. they really ove the gh veganic nutes, and i really do too, but i have some jacks classic, and have seen some really good results from it, i wanna try it, but told myself not this run but, maybe ill try some just for flower on a couple ofplants this run... anyways thanks for all the responses heres some more pics as promised

Photo0382.jpgroom shot i moved everyone again to re-organize due to location under the lighs i want everyone fairly even
Photo0385.jpgthe sprayer works great, getting saturation before runoff.
Photo0386.jpgthe right side, getting1200watts hps


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt normally advise over-crowding Sf , but your plants are in stunning health considering , i guess fresh air is the key....
Keep it up Umbre......


Well-Known Member
it is a key, they have fresh air 24/7 and my fans NEVER TURN OFFF.. BUT they do have some dead leaves on the under sides, and stuff from how thick the foliage is wich doesnt matter to me at all, cause the bottom of the plants are gonna be trimmed up anyways, but some people think you cant have one leaf out of place. i dont

edit lol crowded plants suck, such a hassle when trimmin time comes =) thanks for stoppin in clonex


Well-Known Member
Agreed ......
Its also Ironic that you will be giving half of them away to your buddy , when actually this will benefit you when the plants are larger and up their fresh air intake......
I love your no frills "get it the F*** done attitude , top thread!


Well-Known Member
definitely planned that^^^ i really dont need all my space to veg so i can do extra then get rid of some, ill be doing this from now on i think anybody want teens $25 lol

but yeah i was thinkin ill veg double what i can then make room for the stretch when its time, they will definitely need more room for stretch i wouldnt have vegged this long if i was gonna flower all these