2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow


Well-Known Member
its sooooo simple.... just a pump, a hose, and a bucket =) not really much to explain man, it hs great pressure, i can shoot the sprayer like 3 ft. but the sprayer nozzle itself is adjustable too so i can turn the pressure down and i will need to a little bit. total less than $100

i made sure to get the 2 yr warranty cause i dont know how its gonna hold up to having organic matter pumped thru it no matter how fine the sediment, i guess ill put it in a set of panty hose too, but i will mess with it to get shit figured out definitely better than having to pour it all in.


Well-Known Member
hates a strong word, man, but if we ever cross paths, he will collide with me =) if ya get what i mean, i dont really trip of sucka fish bottom feeders
Hate was not the right word.... for sure...
But your right man ... i could learn allot from ya...
Like a dummy i went in hard and came out feeling bad i smashed all the guys dreams...

Im not a bully ....really im not.... but i just cant stand when people flame others when they just have opinions ...
So i was forced to give him a lil taste of his own medicine... havnt heeard from him since...
Still undefeated!lol.....jk

But fuck that lets talk about your grow ...
Now thats a grow... me im a closet man ...but im moving on up.... well soon enuff....

Loving the dual spectrum ... thatll definately help keep em short and nice....

Good show!


Well-Known Member
Word, i have been going back and forth with a hydro switch but i really wanna stay soil, just have a solid watering system i can just check and fill.... but thats deff a good start... ill let you know when i come up this something...:!:


Well-Known Member
ya you could even do multiple houses or rooms with the pump it really only weighs like 10lb, and comes right out, have another res in the other room? pull it out and drop it in, im also gettin a 3ft wand to extend reach


Well-Known Member
yea i can swag the wand and sprayer from my job, maybe even the pump.... i been looking at a multiple hose drip setup...


Well-Known Member
EEEH I DID DRIPPERS, THEY CLOG AT THE LEAST ACCESSIBLE OR OR worst possible moment, they failed while i was in jail one time for 30 days, and my lady gave em straight water for like 2 weeks from the hose and they were cool, not great.. if your gonna do a drip setup in dirt, just run open tubing at the end no dripper, its more for ease/convenience than total automation, again just an opinion... besides i like having my garden =) lol


Well-Known Member
EEEH I DID DRIPPERS, THEY CLOG AT THE LEAST ACCESSIBLE OR OR worst possible moment, they failed while i was in jail one time for 30 days, and my lady gave em straight water for like 2 weeks from the hose and they were cool, not great.. if your gonna do a drip setup in dirt, just run open tubing at the end no dripper, its more for ease/convenience than total automation, again just an opinion... besides i like having my garden =) lol
shit thats a hassles, ill just go with a res and a hose ...


Well-Known Member
if we are the brain it wont fail, lol when ya put a timer in charge they fuck shit up....lol im really stoked i did this, i should have last year, but im stubborn like that. & its realy easy/transportable, not bulky


Well-Known Member
if we are the brain it wont fail, lol when ya put a timer in charge they fuck shit up....lol im really stoked i did this, i should have last year, but im stubborn like that. & its realy easy/transportable, not bulky
Yup this is what I plan to do as soon as I have 100$ to spair. Currently I go through an entire 20 gallon garbage bin full of solution every watering, which is usually around 3 days apart. Doing that with a frickin watering can is rediculous lol
Plus with the long handled wand I can reach the furthest plants without bumping into the other plants and accidentally "supercropping" my plants everytime I go to water them.

I'm not sure how your drainage is setup, I suppose you got the gravel floor so you just let it run down into the ground(thats pretty handy!) But for me the otherside of the easy watering equation is having a 5HP shopvac to suck up out the runoff from the trays... It's actually kinda fun lol Sluuuuuuurp


Well-Known Member
Yup this is what I plan to do as soon as I have 100$ to spair. Currently I go through an entire 20 gallon garbage bin full of solution every watering, which is usually around 3 days apart. Doing that with a frickin watering can is rediculous lol
Plus with the long handled wand I can reach the furthest plants without bumping into the other plants and accidentally "supercropping" my plants everytime I go to water them.

I'm not sure how your drainage is setup, I suppose you got the gravel floor so you just let it run down into the ground(thats pretty handy!) But for me the otherside of the easy watering equation is having a 5HP shopvac to suck up out the runoff from the trays... It's actually kinda fun lol Sluuuuuuurp
Thats what she said hahaha sorry had to do it


Well-Known Member
entertaining to say the least

regarding the runoff situation, yes, i just let it run to waste on the floor its easy, the ionly prob with having the room like it is, i HAVE TO CLEAN MY HOODS 1xa month for my own peice of mind, so i know im not robbing myself



Well-Known Member
Looking sweet Sf umbre , love how many plants you got jammed on there ,
That's 1 lucky buddy you got there,
Top updates , i wish i could set up a watering system like that ,
Nice work .....


Well-Known Member
heres a couple more pictures.
Photo0372.jpgi cant fit em all in one picture
Photo0373.jpg4" intake fan it stays reallly cool in this side , im blessed its part of my
Photo0374.jpgleft side, they are stackin and lovin the GH veganic nutes full line.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, everything is really TAKING OFFF!!! IM HAPPY PROBABLY ONLY ANOTHER WEEK OR TWO OF VEG...

things really started to green up more when i started giving them the GH veganic line i think they like it... lol

@ gastanker, hows the room lookin ill cruise by ur thread today


Well-Known Member
Eh, rooms looking lame. Can only check on it about once a week atm and they are battling mites - without being able to spray consecutively to break the cycle I think the mites will win this one. Might be a round of hash bud this go. Post final move I should be running back at capacity with healthy stock, at least that's my hope.