2010 South Carolina Outdoor Grow Show

Nice Garden SE! Looks like your not too terribly far from my area by the look of things. I agree that it is a PITA growing outside here in the summertime. Once you start getting a little further north into NC, the soil starts to get much better though. Although the animals and bugs certainly don't. I would get those orange buckets camo'd asap, we have alot of rippers in this area. Some of them will mark your patches GPS location after they find it, and wait until around harvest time before they come and rip it. Better safe than sorry as I've had it happen to me a few times.

Good Luck to you this season brother. :peace:


Active Member
Looking good! I myself just started a guerilla grow this season! I'll be watching, best of luck! If you want to take a peek at mine check my journal!

someone else

Active Member
Nice Garden SE! Looks like your not too terribly far from my area by the look of things. I agree that it is a PITA growing outside here in the summertime. Once you start getting a little further north into NC, the soil starts to get much better though. Although the animals and bugs certainly don't. I would get those orange buckets camo'd asap, we have alot of rippers in this area. Some of them will mark your patches GPS location after they find it, and wait until around harvest time before they come and rip it. Better safe than sorry as I've had it happen to me a few times.

Good Luck to you this season brother. :peace:
Hey thanks man. Yeah, I've heard Asheville is a great area for growers from friends. I wouldn't doubt the soil is better up that way, it's just everywhere I've been in this state, from Myrtle Beach to Florence, from Charleston to Columbia, the soil is very poor.

Btw, nice boomers in your avatar. I haven't done cakes in a while since switching to large tub grows, but cakes always gave a consistent, reliable quantity. Check out Funny1 over at mycotopia.net if you're interested in seeing what I did last summer/fall.

And yea, it's definitely a priority to get those orange buckets camo'd out. I attempted to put up some old camo'd clothes over the buckets, but it's a half-assed effort and I need some spray paint to make it look better.

Rippers, suck. Would love to catch them in the act and show them what time it is.

Thanks for stopping by!

someone else

Active Member
Although it's only been since Saturday, the plants are growing really well and I can definitely see them taking off.

I'm starting to see the absolute slightest signs of nute burn, but I will be flushing my plants next week (fed them today 2 tsp/gallon Grow Big, 1 tbs/gallon of Big Bloom).

It was thundering and lightening out when I was out at the plots, so I quickly watered, took some video, and bolted.

I kinda wish I would have started in buckets in April...these babies would be huge by now. Oh well. :roll:

I'll start by posting pics of the G13/Haze, then the Sour Diesel, then videos of each.

The G13/Haze pics:


Here are the Sour Diesel:


Here are the pics of the Sour Diesel seedlings:


someone else

Active Member
The first video is a quick overview of the plants, then a closer look at the G13/Haze:


The second video is of the Sour Diesel:


someone else

Active Member
hoping so brother, trying to yield at least 2 ounces/plant.

hope I can pull at least 10 females out of this bunch....knock on wood.
yes, but not as much, say a ballpark figure to start with would be around 05-??-?? for the nitrogen, you may need a little more but start with that and see. But yes when it is flowering it still needs nitrogen for new growth and flowers are new growth.
Thanks so much 4 takn the time 2 help me out. Everything is looking good ur way wish u the best!


Active Member
u should scrog them,put wire over top cement post in ground then they wont get ripped as easy plus more herb

someone else

Active Member
u should scrog them,put wire over top cement post in ground then they wont get ripped as easy plus more herb
Honestly, that's more work then its worth for 5-gallon guerilla buckets brother, although I appreciate the suggestion.

I enjoy scrog for indoor grows though; I've gotten strong results with it.

someone else

Active Member
Here's a 3-day update.

Just got back from watering, and took some quick pics and video...all in under 45 minutes.

Pretty proud of that kind of efficiency....haha.

Plants look great. Very green, getting taller and bushier. I check these plants every three days or so, so you'd think you wouldn't see much progress each time you go out there. However, I have, and it's a good feeling to know that I can still grow weed.

A long way to go, especially with the next few months of humidity and watching for bud rot, but things are on the right path.

Here's the G13/Haze pics:


Here are the Sour Diesel pics:


Here are the Sour Diesel seedlings, which are looking mighty nice:


someone else

Active Member
Here a 3 minute video of the plot. I had to get going, so I rushed filming this, as usual.

The next video/pic update will be on Wednesday, so the hopeful development in growth will be a little more pronounced and obvious.

I'll be ordering some Gibberellic acid this week, and was curious if anyone had any good vendors they would recommend for it. I've seen some Ebay ads for it, but was curious if anyone knew of a reputable vendor that I could buy some from?

Really wanna get some feminized seeds from these strains, and I've heard the best way to do it is with Gibberellic acid.

Please post any comments or questions.

I haven't grown in a while, and appreciate any ideas that could help make this a better harvest.

Thanks for checking them out!




Well-Known Member
shew i really worry about the boy scouts in blue spottin those mother fuckers...

they look awesome!

when u expect to harvest?

someone else

Active Member
shew i really worry about the boy scouts in blue spottin those mother fuckers...

they look awesome!

when u expect to harvest?
Thanks man, I'm gonna spray paint them green this Wednesday.

The G13/Haze harvest should be around the end of September/early October

The Sour Diesel, middle of October.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Thanks dude!

Yea, they're doing a lot better now that they get proper drainage...and Fox Farm nutes.

Just curious what ratio of the FF nutes you are using? I based mine off the FF chart, I found that using 3 tsp of the GB burns. I never use more than 2 tsp per gallon of the GB, but the TB I go up to 3. I really like the results of the FF products myself.