2008 Outdoor Grow is Cancelled


Well-Known Member
That's it. It's gone. My entire op is ruined (all the work, research, time is wasted), and an entire area of at least 10ft around it is dead. Herbicided, obviously. I didn't hang around to check out what happened, in case there were cameras or something.

I only told one person about it, and he's a grower, too. And I didn't tell him where it was or anything.... I was so damned careful! I didn't leave behind paths, I only went to the spot at night, I didn't carry anything to or from the spot.......

It had to be someone walking too near it and spotted it, and then reported it to the cops.

And I know, I know. I should have been more careful, should have made more of an attempt to hide it better (it got way bigger than I wanted it to), blah blah blah.

My year is ruined. And I'm out of weed to calm me down. I'm sad, guys and gals. Real sad. :cry:

It was WW, btw. My WW led a rough life. Poor WW. Never had a chance.

I'm taking a break from RIU for awhile. All the cannabis talk is going to make me sadder.

Goodbye for now. I will return eventually. Good luck to all of you! I hope your grows turn out better than mine.


Well-Known Member
That's it. It's gone. My entire op is ruined (all the work, research, time is wasted), and an entire area of at least 10ft around it is dead. Herbicided, obviously. I didn't hang around to check out what happened, in case there were cameras or something.

I only told one person about it, and he's a grower, too. And I didn't tell him where it was or anything.... I was so damned careful! I didn't leave behind paths, I only went to the spot at night, I didn't carry anything to or from the spot.......

It had to be someone walking too near it and spotted it, and then reported it to the cops.

And I know, I know. I should have been more careful, should have made more of an attempt to hide it better (it got way bigger than I wanted it to), blah blah blah.

My year is ruined. And I'm out of weed to calm me down. I'm sad, guys and gals. Real sad. :cry:

It was WW, btw. My WW led a rough life. Poor WW. Never had a chance.

I'm taking a break from RIU for awhile. All the cannabis talk is going to make me sadder.

Goodbye for now. I will return eventually. Good luck to all of you! I hope your grows turn out better than mine.
sounds more like a property owner/ or self appointed 'do gooder'! and they polluted nature! christ! the cops would just pull 'em. if I was gonna' film someone, I'd leave the plants alive. also; unless you're real good at woodcraft, nighttime ninja missions can be noisy, flashlightey, and leave trails that are obvious in the daylight. you unknowingly picked a bad spot! next time, do it DEEP in the brambles.