2 years in, wtf is wrong still?!?!


Well-Known Member
well I've been doing medical for 2 years now, the herb is high end and smokes very very nice. my problem is that my plants leaves yellow in flowering horrifically... i am currently using Jacks Classics with ppms going in at 900 for flowering. my nutes are 50% 20-20-20 and 50% 10-30-20. i need some advice because this just isn't looking good for being 4 weeks flowering.... right?!?!? i mean come on now i seen grows with no yellow. i was a fox farm user before i started using this, but i had worst results with fox farm. I NEED YOUR HELP!!

should i up the ppms? MORE NITROGEN? or what? I'm really confused on why this is happening..









Active Member
depending on the strain a little yellowing during flowering is ok you dont want your plants all filled up with ferts when you harvest, but that rusty look to the leaves is not from nitrogen thats some other deficiency or possibly a lockout flush then apply lite nutes mite i suggest gh micro


Well-Known Member
I can see nute burn, look at the those tips, you mite want to mix those 'heavy' salt nutes a little lighter and now that you're flowering I don't see the need for the 20-20-20. As of rite Now you could flush and feed at 1/4 strength forgetting the '20'.


Well-Known Member
My nutes have all the micros possible .. yellowish should not happen at 4 weeks, it might b normal and average, but its not professional


Well-Known Member
Whats ur temps and humidity? And light? I have multiple Fem seed grows going and clones that I ran before all in the same soil right now with same nutes and there are 2 out of 7 that are kinda looking like yours so this is why Im asking on heat and light.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a Potassium deficiency. The burnt tips and necrosis are a give-away. With the blend your working with it works out to you using a 15-25-20. The numbers on the soil are percentages, so to figure overall just take the numbers - add them - divide by the number of nutes.

You may have lockout due to a nutrient overload overdose. I would do a light flush (1-2 gal water - 1 gal soil) and then water with high P bat guano, compost and sea kelp tea. you need to bump your P down, and bring your K up.


New Member
depending on the strain a little yellowing during flowering is ok you dont want your plants all filled up with ferts when you harvest, but that rusty look to the leaves is not from nitrogen thats some other deficiency or possibly a lockout flush then apply lite nutes mite i suggest gh micro
actually your wrong its not normal might i suggest adding some supliments like Cal mag and supermax B those two alone will help you keep it green also i might add your probably adding to much nitrogen locking out other key elements most flowering nutes should be in the range of 1- 4 - 8 and 6 - 0 - 3 what your adding for nitrogen in flowering stage is a little extreme also adding a bloom like this what i do plants stay green till harvest these are day 40 pics


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Whats your ph runoff?looks like its not absorbing the micros, mag, sulfer potassium. Overall they look healthy, but maybe the soil is locking up. When was the last time you flushed?


Well-Known Member
Also, low humidity can cause Potassium lock out problems too. If you are riding with really low RH try and raise it up a bit and see if that helps.



Well-Known Member
Idk ph run off. I use dolimite lime, which has enough mag. Ph is always 6.5 weither its being fed or watered. I raise ppms gradually and once I hiy 12/12 I introduce the 10-30-20. Humidity is 55 temps are 85 ppm of c02 is 700-1400 when lights r on


Well-Known Member
Well, that's your problem right there. You need to maintain your N in the stretch, 10-14 days after starting flowering, until you see pistil clusters form.

IMO, this is the main reason so many growers mistakenly think it is natural to have yellowing leaves 4-5 weeks into flowering. It is not natural or healthy.


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves is nitrogen, yellowing leaves with necrosis is potassium. If your leaves are getting wilty and going straight yellow that's one thing; If the edges are becoming necrotic (dead spots), yellow brown leaf tips pointing down as the leaves are yellowing upward, Then it's K def. All of the photos point towards this... Why is it that anytime someone posts some problem here it's always "Nitrogen Deficiency Bandwagon". His foliage is a nice deep green except for the bottom leaves, this doesn't look like N def. to me.


Well-Known Member
My nutes have all the micros possible .. yellowish should not happen at 4 weeks, it might b normal and average, but its not professional
To help with this ,at the 4 week mark hit them with a dose of veg nutes (has P and K) one off then go back to flowering nutes.


Active Member
Most of everybody on this thread seems to be wrong in my opinion. Streets, be aware that online forums are full of morons who dont even actually grow meds. In my own experience, and im having very similar issues, your plant is lacking "K" This is potassium or potash. I am having this problem myself due to a low PH. Adding lime to my soil mix before transplanting is the best solution. Top dressing your pots with some lime is also effective. This will only help to balance the PH. Its also hard to over do the lime so be fairly generous. If it is a lack of nutes then flushing will only further hurt the plant. I flushed my plants and they got worse, a lot worse. I strongly recommend adding more lime to your mix. If you keep having the same problems at the same time, JUST LIKE ME, then it is most likely that your premixed soil was pretty hot. Your plants got used to the heat and you are giving them enough of what they need.

Even though everyone is quick to say Nitrogen, people are also quick to say "nute burn." While burning the plants is more common than under fertilizing, there are tons of cases where people are just not feeding their potted plants enough.


Well-Known Member
Most of everybody on this thread seems to be wrong in my opinion. Streets, be aware that online forums are full of morons who dont even actually grow meds. In my own experience, and im having very similar issues, your plant is lacking "K" This is potassium or potash. I am having this problem myself due to a low PH. Adding lime to my soil mix before transplanting is the best solution. Top dressing your pots with some lime is also effective. This will only help to balance the PH. Its also hard to over do the lime so be fairly generous. If it is a lack of nutes then flushing will only further hurt the plant. I flushed my plants and they got worse, a lot worse. I strongly recommend adding more lime to your mix. If you keep having the same problems at the same time, JUST LIKE ME, then it is most likely that your premixed soil was pretty hot. Your plants got used to the heat and you are giving them enough of what they need.

Even though everyone is quick to say Nitrogen, people are also quick to say "nute burn." While burning the plants is more common than under fertilizing, there are tons of cases where people are just not feeding their potted plants enough.
i have a product 0-0-3, made from derived potash, called snow storm ultra, should ihit them with that, or would you recommend something else. if i gotta get ANOTHER product i won't be happy but i am willing considering I've NEVER had a harvest that didnt had the leaves yellow out on me... thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
i just top dressed with dolomite lime, to help if there is any cal/mag issues, not to mention low ph. as well as foliar fed, very lightly the 0-0-3, i feel this won't do me any good though.


Well-Known Member
i just top dressed with dolomite lime, to help if there is any cal/mag issues, not to mention low ph. as well as foliar fed, very lightly the 0-0-3, i feel this won't do me any good though.
IDK about yours, but with my dolomite I've noticed that the mag is slower to release than the Ca and I needed to give a shot of epsom salt.

BTW, this was also using Jack's and I've used Jack's for well over 30 years.

With your *blend*, you should be fine for the N-P-K and I wouldn't really change anything.

A shot of epsom till the lime you top dressed with kicks in and that should do ya.

How much lime did you use? *I* use 2tbl/gallon of mix, or 1cup/cf of mix. It's the second ingredient in my mix when I make it. Jack's is designed to work with a well limed mix and adding it really makes a difference.
