2 weeks too young to top??

you want to top when the node at the cut has well grown foliage. i personally dont top as it reduces bud size and slows the vegetive process....you dont want to flower for atleast a 1week after toping to let recover and resume growth


Well-Known Member
WELL my first outdoor grow (my avatar) i had topped @ about the 5th node and grew 2 main stems instead of one so basically double bud sites... but direwolf71 seems right


Well-Known Member
as long as you dont top the first serrated leaves you can top, it will shock the plant for a while but you will have two main stems as low as possible


New Member
Nice Lady you got there Wiimb!

It look like you have already fimmed it or i cant make it out propley lol, upload a picture were you can see the plant straight on, not over view please m8

White Widow X Big Bud Cutting, Mothers are ready for harvest soon!!:)
