2 week old plant leaves turning brown...

Curious newbie

Active Member
2 week old plant and one of the leaves(the first two that open) turning brown and got real small and dead looking. What should I do? I have been watering it and it has been in Miracle grow.



Active Member
If you're not overwatering the miracle grow is probably too strong (nutes) for seedlings.
Lots of people are burning their seedlings with the miracle grow slow release.


New Member
you dont need nutes for the first two weeks (ish)... depending on how much soil you are growing in too
Man i got a simular problem, i they are 2 weeks old, the first of leaves are turning brown and drying up, the stem is purple. but the newest set of leaves are fine but its like its not growing,
im using garden safe organic potting mix.
did u ever get this problem fixed, i really cant let em die cus i paid 80 bucks for these seeds i got 5 females.
is there anyone out there that can help me keep my babies alive?
is it cus im using tap water?


Well-Known Member
i dont use miracle grow , is it one of those soils that come pre fertilized? how often are u watering ?is MG the soil or nutes?