1st timer basement grow, 2 sprouts!


Active Member
I germinated 3 Arjans ultra haze, 1 Purp lady, and 2 Violator Kush seeds. So far only the VKs have sprouted after about 36 hours. Some of the haze seeds werent showing tap root but i just put it in the soil and under the 600w MH. I heard it can just be grown the natural way with
no germination.

Anyways, Only 2 of my plants have sprouted from the same amount of time, did i plant the seeds to deep? How long should i give it to sprout before calling it a failure.

Soil - MG seed starting mix
MG perlite

Could adding too much perlite stop the sprouting process? On some of the buckets i might have added too much, prob not over 40% though.

I plan on just doing 24/0 to try and get some life out of them. Should i just check the soil and if its dry water it?


Well-Known Member
Man, that's only a day and a half. That's nothing. Be patient. I know it's hard, esp on your first one. Give it at least 1 week before calling it a failure. And remember, keep it moist, not soaked.


Active Member
true yea i think it being my first time im very anxious i find myself going down there and just looking at them every 4 hours. I saw this green bulb thing coming up to the soil on my purple lady and i was hoping it was going to be a flower about to bloom bur it went away! :[ The 2nd VK had a green bublish thing too when i got back from class then i took a nap and 4 hrs later i had leaves.

Note: My tiny little pedals already have spots on them, should i worry about it?