1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
6 oz might be a bit optimistic.....it's my first grow an all...whatever i yield i will be happy with it...it will be weed that i have grown myself :)


Well-Known Member
£20 for 2.5 grms.....i pay £160 per oz for quality weed which will last me 2weeks(depending on who comes round and stuff)....alot of that sprayed cack knockin about for£140


Well-Known Member
omg thats alot of money..
an yes that sprayed weed i know what you mean...its round here also.. its like white...sprayed with sugar water or summin to make it heavier


Well-Known Member
Yea,that's why i buy an ounce at a time.It makes good economical sense :bigjoint:

Happy Birthday Girls......


7 days old from seed.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
If you flower at 18 inches then 6 oz should be no problem. Since you have fem seeds you'll have six girls and flowering at 18 inches they should end up at 3-4 ft tall. They will be packed in there tight at that point but still, 1 oz off a 3 foot plant would be real low. Just to give you an idea, I've pulled over 18 oz DRY off of one 400 watt HPS in a single harvest before.... and it was with only 6 plants. A couple plants reached over 5 feet tall though. So yea, I don't want to set you up for disappointment but my goal for a first grow would be at least 2 oz per plant if you get them between 3-4 ft tall.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Girls are looking good BTW

And while we're talking about maximizing yield and grow efficiency, do you have any plans for cloning or setting up a separate veg area? I couldn't imagine paying for genetics and then just flowering them out and that be it. Cloning is really how you get your money's worth.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info mared,your input is apreciated and valued.i wish i could set a cloning room up but its a question of space and money.i doubt i could justify spending more money as my initial setup cost me a small fortune...i could have done it cheaper but i just dont have the time or space to build anything.....were hoping to move soon and when i do im gunna build myself a nice little setup in the loft,for now this is the best i can do.im hoping the yields i get will see me through till my next harvest is ready.thats why i was saying to cyrus that 6oz isnt really alot when i have to make it last 3-4 months....i dont have a continual harvest.At least theres an upside to having a single chamber,i can clean it all down wih ease after every harvest....gotta look on the upside :(


Well-Known Member
actually i might try to grab a couple of cfls and turn a kitchen cupboard into a little cloning room.....problem is that they would have to sit in there till my plants go through flowering....hmmm i will read up on that and see if its feasable.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK, here's what I would do. All you need for one clone is two 26watt cfls. That's what I use - 2 bulbs per plant is plenty. You can go to a hardware store and get a cord/socket ($4), two-pack of bulbs ($6), and a y-splitter for the socket ($2). The only other cost would be what you use to clone. I use a "float and grow" thing with peat plugs. Just a styrofoam slab with holes for peat plugs to sit in. The slab fits in a standard prop tray and floats on top. I think it was $12 at the hydro store. So for about $25 you could get it done. Oh, you'll want cloning gel which is another $10. Might be tough in the beginning because you will be short on space but in the future you might want to stagger the age of the plants. It will take a cutting 10-14 days to pop out roots. Then when you transplant it will take another week to spread the roots through the pot and start growing again. Then you want to veg it for another two weeks so you want to plan for moving a set of plants into flower (and also harvesting a set to make space) about once a month or so.


Well-Known Member
Yea i see what you mean,timed right i could get a continual harvest.I have 4 ww fem and 5 afgan x mazar seeds left so i will get this sorted out for my next grow and give it a try...it will give me time to source the right kit i need...cheers mared....whats the shortest size i could get away with for a mother?...i have a 40mm x 30mm x 60mmm cupboard on the wall and i was thinking to just hang some cfls in there and keeping a mother plant back to take the clones from...i could just leave it on an 18-6 lighting and take clones a month before my harvest is due couldn't i?...that way my clones will be ready to be put into flower.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea dude, a mother plant is another way to go but is a slightly different situation and one I don't have experience with. First, you have to make sure that the mother is one of your best plants. Thing is, you can't do that until you have its clones all the way through harvest. So really you would want to grow three or four potential mothers and flower clones from each. Once you find which mother provides the best clones you eliminate the others. Thing is though you would then need veg space for the mother and it's clones. My method of cloning clones eliminates the space needed to keep mothers. I have seven different strains so that would require a lot of space for me. In all honesty, keeping a mother would be the better way to go if you have the space but I don't.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,i just wanna check something with you guys.
Checking on my plants when i got home today and ive noticed the roots have hit the bottom of my cups(see pics).....should i be looking to put them into bigger pots(11ltr) or are they still ok in the cups?...they are 8 days old from seed today.tnx in advance :)



Well-Known Member
i would let the roots get abit bigger so they have more of a grip on the soil
but i think letting your plants roots get light is bad..
cover up the cups with tape mate


Well-Known Member
they are covered with tape mate,i specifically got clear cups and taped round them.i didnt do the bottoms cause i wanted to check up on the roots but thanks anyway cyrus :)


Well-Known Member
they are covered with tape mate,i specifically got clear cups and taped round them.i didnt do the bottoms cause i wanted to check up on the roots but thanks anyway cyrus :)
o that second pic looks like they clear lol thats some niffty tape work m8:lol:


Well-Known Member
lol,cheers for recognising my leet taping skillz :clap:.....the reason i ask about repotting is i dont want the roots to be growing out the bottom of my cups,i slit them 4 times per cup for drainage.


Well-Known Member
you should be ok mate just keep looking everyday and make sure they dont..
if they start to then just transplant them over