1st time..Can I VEG again, after sex is determined???


Active Member
I have a couple white widow plants, and they have been in the flowering stage for 2 weeks now.. At this point I've been able to determine the sex of all the plants, and have already removed the males.

My question is - Is it okay to return to the VEG cycle, and let them grow some more? They have plenty of room to get bigger, and I wanted to determine sex before I let them get too big. Will this mess them up somehow? I was figuring I could veg them for another month or so?

Plus I wanted to cut some clones, now that I know their all girls!

Any advice would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I doubt it because it has been two weeks now and I will assume you are in 12/12 now rather than 18/6 in Veg, I would say leave it alone and let it flower and still do 12/12 because I heard that screwing up a life cycle could either give you a hermie or a male.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple white widow plants, and they have been in the flowering stage for 2 weeks now.. At this point I've been able to determine the sex of all the plants, and have already removed the males.

My question is - Is it okay to return to the VEG cycle, and let them grow some more? They have plenty of room to get bigger, and I wanted to determine sex before I let them get too big. Will this mess them up somehow? I was figuring I could veg them for another month or so?

Plus I wanted to cut some clones, now that I know their all girls!

Any advice would be appreciated!
The best way to sex seeds is the following. You veg them until there are some viable clones to take. I would recommend taking two per set of plant you want to determine sex justin case one dies. Place those clones in the dark for three days to induce flowering quicker. Flower those clones until sex is determined. If they are females bud them out. If they are males then annihlate them. The way you did that now you have to revert a flowering plant back to the vegetative state which could cause stunting of growth and possible hermaphroditism. Also reversion takes weeks to occur. Now if you did it the way I explained while you were waiting to determine sex those plants in question would have been already vegging then if a male occurs then you extinguish.


Active Member
I've heard that the only time you can veg again on the same plant, is ONLY after you harvest it. Just let you plants mature and harvest them when ready, but only cut the buds off, but make sure to try not to cut too close to the stem.
Once you've cut all the buds off, just put the remaining plant back into 24/0 or 18/6, or whichever you do, and this is when you can "re-veg" as you wish. And you can re-do this to the plant as many times as you want!!

I've also heard that the crops get even better each time!! :mrgreen:

Hope this helps & GOOD LUCK!! :blsmoke:

EvErYtHiNg I sAy, I rEaLlY dOn'T kNoW!!


Well-Known Member
You can put a flowering plant back into veg right after they sex. It's not optimal but it can be done without harm to the plant.

The better bet is to just let it show sex in veg. From what I've read some strains won't show sex in veg but in my very limited experience every plant I've let sit in veg for a long time has shown sex.


Active Member
I have just done what u have just asked. i sexed my plants, removed the guys ( only took 10 day ). and now im back on 18/6 and there doing fine..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's not un heard of, doing that. you may stress them out a little, which'll slw the growth down for a few days maybe.