1st grow....Should I stick with molasses or upgrade to Bud Candy or something like it


Well-Known Member
it's all the same thing

what your plant needs is carbs. molasses is a carb plants like, and those products are likely not much more than that


Active Member
I haven't used either one of those and I don't know if "Big Bud" is the same thing but I do have to say this, those ladies are looking lovely and I can't wait to see them in full bloom! Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
LOL, if those were mine I'd be scared to death to give them ANYTHING except what I'd been giving them. Great looking grow !!!!!!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
your plants DONT NEED CARBS!!!! they need water light and nutrients for plants. molasses contains a large number of trace elements that your plants crave (it's a concentrated extract of sugarcane after all) the carbohydrates in molasses can feed the little freindlyt bacterium and fungi that help your plant's roots get nutrients from the soil and keep rroots healthy, but carbs do NOTHING AT ALL FOR A PLANT!

bud candy, sweet, and all those other potions are plain ordinary sugar water with none of the molasses nutrients that your plant could actually use. if you want to feed your microbe colonies on your roots, use plain old ordinary supermarket molasses (its tasty too) at $1.99 a quart. mix a tablespoon or so into your water and feed it to the plant and her bugs. all that other shit is just fucking sugar water. sugar is $.75 a pound, and water is free. a few tablespoons of plain white sugar in a quart of water is what youre buying for $8 or more.

none of the shit claimed by those products works on ANY PLANT! plants roots and tissues are a highly effective filter to block contaminants from reaching the reporductive tissues (the buds) the only carbs your buds will get come from photosynthesis, not the soil. sugars in your soil is a dangerous game. too much and youll poison your dirt and invite all manner of pests, too little and you did nothing at all.

2 tablespoons of Brer Rabbit molasses mixed in a gallon of water every motnh or so is all you want in your soil and you dont usually even need that.