1st closet grow Diesel ryder in AG


Well-Known Member
Weird. Good call SICC. I actually just got back from my hydro store and they were out of the 80 dollar digi's so I paid 10 bucks for this.

Found out my PH WAS way too low so I leveled it out. Hopefully thats the reason for the yellowing cause the middle one's first leaves are yellowing a bit too. We shall see.:peace:
yes that should deff. solve ur prob!Lookin great BTW!


Active Member
Day 10

So when I checked on them this morning they looked pretty yellow. I cleaned out the res and refilled with fresh PHed water. I also raised the AG hood a bit cause it seems like they are lacking vertically. I took some pics a little while ago and they seem to be better/greener. Except the one on the right. I think one of its leaves shrunk so we'll see how that pans out. I also got a mystery plant from my gf's brother. He doesn't know what it is or when it was planted. I'm thinkin I'll leave it in veg till the ryders are done. Would love to know everyone's take on how far along it is. Also I wasn't gonna start nutes until week 2 but I feel like they need them. Opinions appreciated. Onto the pics.



Well-Known Member
have you added any nutes? wait until there two weeks old, that plant in the soil looks ok, needs some more light but give her some time under the those proper CFL's and she should improve, keep the pH in checc and you should ne fine


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2359452]have you added any nutes? wait until there two weeks old, that plant in the soil looks ok, needs some more light but give her some time under the those proper CFL's and she should improve, keep the pH in checc and you should ne fine[/quote]

Haven't added any nutes yet SICC. I just thought that since they are ryders they might need nutes a tad earlier. I'm not even sure what the lighting situation was for the new plant.


Well-Known Member
You using an AG deluxe? I dig the white (that's what I've got on order too). I'm thinking just hold out on the nutes till week 2. I've read several different threads tonight about grow set-ups very similar to yours and it seems like a little yellowing of some of the leaves very early on in the Aerogarden is quite common and is soon replaced by robust and healthy growth. I imagine that once you get those FF nutes in there everythings going to turn green and start growing like hell. I'm looking forward to watching everything develop. Your whole setup (AG model, seed strain, additional CFL lighting) is nearly identical to what I have in the works, so we'll have to compare grows once I've got everything up and running here in a couple weeks. Good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
I always start off with 1/4 strength nutes,when a baby is born,does it come out hungry or well feed enough to not eat for a couple days or weeks???HELL NO! So the plants need food too,just like a baby,weak food,weak nutes and as it gets older it can handle stronger nutes!Always start off with 1/4 strength.Not telling what to do because there are multiple ways of doing this,but that always worked for me!PeaCe


Active Member
You using an AG deluxe? I dig the white (that's what I've got on order too). I'm thinking just hold out on the nutes till week 2. I've read several different threads tonight about grow set-ups very similar to yours and it seems like a little yellowing of some of the leaves very early on in the Aerogarden is quite common and is soon replaced by robust and healthy growth. I imagine that once you get those FF nutes in there everythings going to turn green and start growing like hell. I'm looking forward to watching everything develop. Your whole setup (AG model, seed strain, additional CFL lighting) is nearly identical to what I have in the works, so we'll have to compare grows once I've got everything up and running here in a couple weeks. Good luck dude!
Hey Kraken. Ya it is the AG deluxe. I was pretty stoked when they had the white one at my hydro shop too. Glad to hear your input on the yellowing. It seems to be passing. I think I will wait till they are 2 weeks in. Can't wait to see how your grow cooks up. Make sure you post it up.

I always start off with 1/4 strength nutes,when a baby is born,does it come out hungry or well feed enough to not eat for a couple days or weeks???HELL NO! So the plants need food too,just like a baby,weak food,weak nutes and as it gets older it can handle stronger nutes!Always start off with 1/4 strength.Not telling what to do because there are multiple ways of doing this,but that always worked for me!PeaCe
Ya I was gonna start a little early purp but I'm kinda confused about how often to add the 1/4. Also I assume when reading the back of my FF Grow Big that I'm doing 1/4 of 1 teaspoon. Is this correct?


Active Member
Day 18

Well I'm sad to say I lost my right plant. I don't know if it was nute, wind burn or PH fluctuation in the beginning but it basically dried out stopped growing and had one very small light green leaf.
A little bummed but hey this is a personal/learning grow so no real pressure to produce. SO I'm throwing another DR seed in its place. Gonna try to germ straight in AG this time. The upside is the other two look pretty good. On the 11th I started 1/4 teaspoon of FF Grow Big daily. I plan on cleaning out my res and giving them fresh water weekly. I've been adding nutes straight to the res. Not sure how the Grow Big will effect my seedling but I figure by the time I'm ready to up the dose it will be big enough to take it. The plant I was given is doing horrible. I think it might have to do with size of medium and water restraints. Seems to dry up super fast. Not really a biggie cause I plan on doing 20/4 the whole grow so whatevers happens to it happens. Was more so using it as a peek of whats to come. Also there seems to be some white mold around the inside of the base of both plants. There is no trace of it on the pods or roots in res though. Let me know what you guys think.:peace:



Active Member
That bigger plant needs a bigger pot, more water, light, and nutrients. and the new pot shouldnt be a peat pot, use those if youre throwing it in the ground or a bigger pot


Well-Known Member
You should keep your lights as low as possible, you don't want them to stretch, stretching doesn't make more bud, it just stretches the plant out. They will grow at their natural rate if you leave the light close enough.


Active Member
You should keep your lights as low as possible, you don't want them to stretch, stretching doesn't make more bud, it just stretches the plant out. They will grow at their natural rate if you leave the light close enough.
Good point. I backed off on the fan and real close light cause they were drying and burning. They are getting bigger and bigger by the day so I could prolly have the light about an inch or inch and a half closer and I'm throwin the fan on. I had it off but I need these things nice and strong.

I need to start finishing up my exhaust system. The inline fans work great and I'm gonna need the flow when I get my HPS but they are too loud for the stealth level of my grow. Now I bought the cheap little $10 lamp dimmers from Home Depot and they are worth what I paid for them. They make my 4 inch inlines hum like crazy. So I found this four fan controller for PCs at Radioshack and before I grab it. I'm just wondering if I'm gonna be able to wire the inlines to it. As of the moment they are wired to PC plugs btw. To wire my humidifier and muffin fan to that also would be great too. Here are the hookups.

1x 4 pin male to female
2x 3pin extension
2x 4pin to 3 pin adapter cable

Any help on this is mucho appreciated.:joint:


Well-Known Member
stretching is useful when needed but you wanna keep em short and bushy growin inside by keeping the lamps lower.


Active Member
Day 21

Everything seems to be going well. Growing alot faster now. There is new visible growth daily. I found that the lamp dimmers I bought actually work fine for low voltage stuff like my muffin fan and humidifier. I've been able to get it to a perfect cool breeze with the humidifier blowing right up into the fan. Been upping the humidity too. They seem to be liking it. What would you all say is the optimum % humidity for vegging? I've read anything from 40-60% for vegg then closer to 60% for flowering.
I'm also heavily considering the 250w Floralux MH/HPS from HTGsupply but I'm a little concerned about stealth. Any positive feedback on my paranoid thoughts are helpful. Onto the pics.



Active Member
looks like you got a ph prob with a nute defficiency.
and/or heat stress with a salt buildup coupled with lack of Zn,Fe,Mn
That sounds horrible.Which problems for which plants? I'm not concerned at all with the soil plant. I've been using the GH PH kit adjusting to yellowish/orange for 5.8. Is this correct. I really need to invest in a digital ph/ppm meter. I am changing out the res weekly. I've been adding 1/4 a teaspoon of FF Grow Big every day. Should I back off the nutes and go every other day? I use Culligan spring water. What do you think could be causing the salt buildup? Thanks for the heads up purp.