150w HPS / DWC - Small-Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just checked out your journal - hope things start coming together for you once you deal with the ventilation issue! I'm not expecting much as far as yield goes this time, but yeah I can't wait to see what I get (with some continued luck hopefully).

For journal notes: I added 1/4 strength PBP:Grow to the last 10 liters used to refill the reservoir for a little more nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Quick update with pictures:

They seem to have bounced back well. New growth looks good and healthy but they seem behind in flowering (look like maybe third week)... they took their time going into flower as well though so maybe just a slower flowering strain or some sativa influence? In any case, vertical growth is definitely slowing. Ran out of bloom nutrients - ordered more online that I should get this week.

I did a quick count and there are about 30 bud sites total in there now. Crowded, but didn't expect so many females...

Feedback and advice wanted mangs!



Well-Known Member
Going to be taking a break from updating the journal here - the grow is continuing though. Will post up the final results for any that might be interested in a month or two.


Plants look really good man. Will be checking back in a couple months to see how they finished.:weed:

Any plans for your next one?


Well-Known Member
yo sable,

lookin real green and healthy. congrats so far. i havent had time to really check ou on riu lol i miss not having a job...kinda lol. good luck with the rest of the grow.

peace bro