150 watt hps grow


right now i have a 150w sunsytem with a built in ballast i have a few strains that has gathered alot of talk in my town over the past few years; strawberry cough, snow white, la confidential, t3, razzle berry, and pepper jack purple. sorry no pics yet my lights are off:sleep:

i will post a picture tomorrow of my snow white it is showing the first sign of sex and i am slightly confused about its sex. do males earliest pre flower look like clubs? if so i think i am in the clear


I have been growing under my 150 watt floralux system for a while now and I am happy you have embarked on the small, stealthly path like I had.

I hate to tell you tho that even with extra cfl side lighting, it is not going to be enough my friend. Trust me from experience. One plant is the maximum for a 150 watt hps set up.

At the beginning of my first grow, I started with two plants hoping I could fit them both for flowering. Even after I had added 4 surrounding 42 watt cfls, I realized I had a choice to makde at about week 4 of flowering. I could either have two mediocre plants with decent buds or one badass plant with big, sticky buds. I chose the latter and killed one of my girls to make room for more light and I am glad I did. I got 70.3 g.s cured off my one plant and that is certainly more than I woulda gotten with two plants.

I promise you that you are going to run into problems later on if you try and keep them all. Not only is the not going to be able to reach/penetrate far/deep enough to flower all of your plants, but they are going to fight each other over light space. This competition will end in stretching and will hurt all of your plants. I'd say pick you favorite one now and maximize her potential instead of getting a bunch of scrubby plants/buds.

Here are some pics from my grow for perspective.

Good Luck



thanks for the info i was planning on using it on the underside so i can make some cones off the lower part of the stalk. although i am planning on growing these a little bit bigger i do so with intent to cloning it so i can do a sea of green later off the clones from these plants and hopefully set up a constant cycle. i am only choosing six out of this one due to having a limited amount of soil. if this does not work out at least i got myself a very decent veg lamp.


well my snow whit turned out male so i am at 6 seeds and 6 females.......... i think i need to build a veg closet within the next week or two


Well-Known Member
Good thread, I'm subbed :eyesmoke:

I am looking to build a box within a few months. Currently in the research mode, but I was wondering if ronpaulio's post was correct? From everything I have read, a 150 should be able to cover a 4sq foot canopy quite well, which in theory should be able to cover 4/6 plants *if small on latter*. I am not trying to discredit ronpaulio's post, just a newbie wondering if I should be rethinking my future set up. I was going to try to pull off a 3'x3'x2d 'mini box' with two chambers (one for a mother 1x3x2 and the other for flower 2x3x2). I guess, overall what I am asking, 'are the denser, longer buds better than a SoG of small plants?

Anyways, excited to see what comes of the grow. Good luck mate.



thats cool xander, you have a right to question

You might be able to flower 4 BABIES under a 150 watt hps. I am talking like 2 week old, 6 inch high baby plants. Once you start the flowering that 6 immediatley turns to 18-20 inches and they will begin to fight for light. Even then I PROMISE you, you would get better/more buds by focusing all of you light on one plant. You are going to run into a slew of problems with light competition and light penetration if you do more than one.

Rememever. Look at the direct center of you hps bulb...exactly 12 inches away is the maximum distance that you light can flower a plant. Take away 4 inches for buffer and you down to 8 inches of actual flowering plant. TRUST me, no more that one...