12 days into 12/12 flower- Bubba Kush pictures


Well-Known Member
Hey - here's a progress update on my Bubba Kush started 12/12 on April 11th. 12 days later. How does it look?

20130423_124455.jpg 20130423_124533.jpg 20130423_124551.jpg 20130423_124643.jpg 20130423_124709.jpg


They look fine. Start watching for sex signs. Mine showed at 14 days flowering. I was lucky only 2 males out of 9.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Do you have any pictures. I'm thinking of adding side CFL lighting to assist with the lower branches, since I'm told that CFL lighting won't penetrate. This my first grow so I will fine tune and my some adjustments. I started out using MG moisture control soil then moved to FFOF after repotting and now I'm using Root Organics. Think I may stick with RO. Still thinking about lighting for the future.


They are Blackberry. One is almost 6ft tall. With the HPS light you can't see the buds that well. They are filling in nicely. Should I be concerned that they are so tall?


Well-Known Member
Those are looking waaay better. Keep your lights lower, and top them to keep them bushy. That's maaad stretch on the other pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think I'm getting the hang of this. But right now I'm just trying to get thru my first grow. Think I'm going to stop adding plants for now and just keep working these ladies. Think I will try cloning a few.